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stu666 06.27.2012 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by ink.

TRANSLATION FOR THE NON-GEEK: the toolbar is as much (if not more of) an issue as IE might be. I'd say worse because at least IE gets updated.

Stu, you don't need it for whatever program that installed it. often, programs will ask you if you'd like RANDOM SHIT installed when they are installing. you have to always be on the watch for that shit...

uninstalL jeeves. if you need help doing that, please let me know.

REALITY: who cares. I mean, what can 'they' do? delete the board? o, god no....I mean, I've never done that....three times.
the worst that could come would be the addition of every poster's email to spam lists.

I know how to unistall it but I'm sure I tried before and I lost the record features. When I re-download it I couldn't see any box to uncheck for Ask....

stu666 06.27.2012 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by ink.
so it IS glice.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.27.2012 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by stu666
This is the sort of thing I'm faced with when I get back from work.... it's all since this morning. The spam goes on past this screencap


sonic youth should be so happy that spam bots give em the time of day ;)


thanks for keeping this place clean. we're trying to keep it alive in some way, its always been one of the better band related forums, as a silly as most of us are. really, who is left anyways? I say we bring back Jim.

EVOLghost 06.27.2012 06:02 AM

Nah, nah that Jim.

This Jim.

floatingslowly 06.27.2012 06:10 AM

That bear will piss in your mouth and give you the clap.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.27.2012 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
That bear will piss in your mouth and give you the clap.

Stu666, where the fuck did floating go to high school to learn such ignorant sex ed, West Virginia?

stu666 06.29.2012 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
hey stu, how do you make the best boiled eggs and how long do you cook them.

and when will i get a fine ass hoe?

oh, and whats the best Washing Machine era live bootleg. particularly including the ones with the best versions of Starfield road.

and is my computer safe from this message board?

Make sure the egg is at room temperature first then fill a small saucepan with another water to cover the egg(s) and add a bit of salt but don't add the egg yet, pierce the egg with a pin to stop the shell cracking. Once the water is gently boiling carefully add the egg and simmer for 4-5 minutes (depending on the size of egg) then take out the egg and put in cold water to stop them cooking further. For Hard boiled double the cooking time....

One of the best Washing Machine bootlegs is from the 7th of April 1996, Dusseldorf, Germany. There's at least 4 different versions available: - Easter - Hallucinogenic Preserve - Intellectual Drama - Junkie's Promise

Download here:

No yr computer is not safe, Ask Jeeves....

stu666 06.29.2012 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Stu666, where the fuck did floating go to high school to learn such ignorant sex ed, West Virginia?

I can't divulge such personal information...

space 06.29.2012 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Stu666, where the fuck did floating go to high school to learn such ignorant sex ed, West Virginia?

Zeta 1 Reticuli

EVOLghost 06.29.2012 07:19 AM

^ Looks like I have to tell my niece to stay away from One Direction.

space 06.29.2012 09:25 AM

Hey, stu,.have I ever told you how much I love and respect you?

It's true. I do.

Oh yeah,.almost forgot, please delete louder. He's not being nice to Genteel Death, who really doesn't deserve this repeated abuse. I've ask him (nicely) to chillax, but he won't.

We BOTH know what needs to be done now.

See ya, louder! Don't say I didn't warn you.

louder 06.29.2012 09:35 AM

yes, please delete me.

louder 06.29.2012 09:40 AM


space 06.29.2012 09:40 AM

I like little girls.

I mean really little.

Like, less than 110 pounds kind of little.

The kind you can fit inside yr pants.

Stu, how does sonic youth feel about this?

louder 06.29.2012 09:41 AM

sonic youth is dead

space 06.29.2012 09:43 AM

Die in a fire.

louder 06.29.2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
yes babe :)

:o :) :o

louder 06.29.2012 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by space
Die in a fire.

i guess there's just two kinds of people, miss floatspace: my kind of people, and assholes. it's rather obvious which category you fit into. have a nice day.

!@#$%! 06.29.2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by louder
i guess there's just two kinds of people, miss floatspace: my kind of people, and assholes. it's rather obvious which category you fit into. have a nice day.


space 06.29.2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by louder
i guess there's just two kinds of people, miss floatspace: my kind of people, and assholes. it's rather obvious which category you fit into. have a nice day.

I will make you regret this day.

I never forget.

louder 06.29.2012 10:21 AM

that's good, fantastic.

space 06.29.2012 10:28 AM

You are mad now.

louder 06.29.2012 10:32 AM

i adore this thing


louder 06.29.2012 10:32 AM

all hail the new indisputable king of SYG


louder 06.29.2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake


louder 06.29.2012 10:38 AM


space 06.29.2012 10:39 AM

Who else here would like to make love to that majestic beast?? :o

Answer that for me, stu.

louder 06.29.2012 12:16 PM

stu, can you please delete Derek? he doesn't like me.

EVOLghost 06.29.2012 12:23 PM

Stu, can you please delete Floslo now that the degenerate is gone? I feel like his posts may scare future boardies who wish to engage in thoughtful conversation.

stu666 06.29.2012 12:41 PM

what's it worth?

space 06.29.2012 12:55 PM

Pls delete EBOLAghost.

louder 06.29.2012 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by halfeatencake
frist you're not nice to genteel death and now you want stu to delete derek? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU

stu, please don't delete derek. thanks :)

well, Genteel shits on Radiohead.

and Derek is mean, he makes me cry. :(

space 06.29.2012 01:14 PM

Please make halfeatencake SUPERRRR-NODERATORRR

louder 06.29.2012 01:20 PM

kiss my a$$

louder 06.29.2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by louder

space 06.29.2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by louder
Originally Posted by louder

I packed your lunch.

It's a bag of dicks


louder 06.29.2012 01:46 PM

yo, where does all that negativity come from today?

louder 06.29.2012 01:48 PM

floats was way cooler than space

we used to mock Dreke together

louder 06.29.2012 01:51 PM

you obviously don't know my mama

louder 06.29.2012 01:56 PM

no, i'm saying she's uncool.

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