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MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 03:04 PM

Ah, my bad. Good stuff :)

I think my Mum has a picture of me pissed when I was 13...:o

girlgun 08.23.2008 03:55 PM

here's another of the robot in the happenin' 70s

and here's a couple of me... i really look just the same.


i'm in the middle:


Cantankerous 08.23.2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
here's another of the robot in the happenin' 70s


girlgun 08.23.2008 04:01 PM

hahaha. his mom was a hair dresser no less!

it's blurry... took a pic with my iphone because the scanner cord is missing, but it's my fave picture... me and my dad. i'm 3.


MellySingsDoom 08.23.2008 04:02 PM

^^^girlgun - you and The Robotdude (TM) are so cute there!

Sonic Youth 37 08.23.2008 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous


I have one of me as I Ninja Turtle, the same in fact, Raphael. I'll have to find it when I go home.

floatingslowly 08.23.2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous


drrrtyboots 08.23.2008 07:34 PM

Halloween pictures are winning.

schizophrenicroom 08.23.2008 07:38 PM

i can't find ANY halloween pictures from when i was a kid. argh.

Sonic Youth 37 08.23.2008 07:42 PM

I've got several. One as a pumpkin, one as a ninja turtle, two as power rangers, none of them with me at the moment.

drrrtyboots 08.23.2008 08:22 PM


Found this one too. With my sister.

schizophrenicroom 08.23.2008 08:28 PM

that could be an awesome noise rock album cover.

drrrtyboots 08.23.2008 08:32 PM

I'm hoping for Sonic Youth to take it as the SYR 9 cover but we'll see, they're picky sons of bitches.

Sonic Youth 37 08.23.2008 08:34 PM

It could be a Witch album cover, J might like it.

shentov 08.24.2008 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by jimbrim

so SY!!!


I need that one for EP cover!

al shabbray 08.24.2008 06:14 AM

yeah thats really cool

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

robots don't have hair.

ploesj 08.24.2008 11:31 AM

we don't do halloween here.

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 11:32 AM

here meaning where?

i didn't know they did it anywhere but america and canada with the whole trick-or-treating thing and all..

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 11:35 AM

Oh, it's big in the UK as well. My oldest niece likes to dress up witchy-style and get loads of free sweets on the Halloween.

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 11:37 AM

i would still go trick or treating
i could probably pass for like 13 if i didn't wear too much makeup and flat shoes and covered up my boobs. i still look pretty much the same.

or if i went as a ghost with a sheet over my head so no one can see that i'm a geezer

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 11:39 AM

Yeah, the ghost one would be ace:

"Whoooo! Trick or treat!"
"Ooh, how nice! Have some candy!"
"Cantankerghost no want candy - she want Malboro Reds and Jack Daniels. Whoooo!"

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 11:39 AM

adult halloween would be awesome

like people just throwing drugs and booze and fags in your pillow case
and condoms and adult diapers and other adulty things

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 11:44 AM

"Adult diapers"? Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'd demand Pringles, Malboro Lights, bottles of beer, condoms (nicking one of your ideas), gay lube and.....a cigarette lighter that actually works. (You wouldn;t believe how many lighters I break - it's frankly embarrasing).

ploesj 08.24.2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
here meaning where?

i didn't know they did it anywhere but america and canada with the whole trick-or-treating thing and all..


actually the origin of halloween is european, people would put food outside for the dead and such, then it went to america and got big there, while the tradition just died here. now the shops have started taking over the american halloween, with decorations and stuff, and there are some halloween parties every year, but kids dressing up is pretty rare.

we dress up and collect candy on another day, somewhere in january. we go in groups of three, dressed up as the three kings who went to see baby jesus, and go from door to door to sing a song and get some money or candy. we also eat a cake with a bean hidden in it, the one who gets the bean is king for a day.

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
"Adult diapers"? Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'd demand Pringles, Malboro Lights, bottles of beer, condoms (nicking one of your ideas), gay lube and.....a cigarette lighter that actually works. (You wouldn;t believe how many lighters I break - it's frankly embarrasing).

i have 975o475o54 broken lighters because i buy the shit ones that are like $0.99

halloween doesn't seem as huge as it used to be, even how it was when i was a kid
i think parents are getting too paranoid about like, child molesters and people putting anthrax in the candy and stuff. shit, we used to go out alone and not come back until 11:00 at night with a shit load of candy.
and sometimes old ladies would give us holy cards or dimes instead.

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 01:00 PM

^^^ Lovely pics, our 'Mama! I can see the resemblance between you and your Mum.

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 02:04 PM

omg. nice hair.

ah the 80s....

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 02:55 PM

my eyes have been three colours in my whole life: blue, gray, and now green
also i was cool enough to have a harley-davidson shirt (and it SPARKLED too!)

worst. school. picture. ever.:


aforementioned halloween picture:




al shabbray 08.24.2008 02:58 PM

the last pic is the über-chiller!

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
my eyes have been three colours in my whole life: blue, gray, and now green
also i was cool enough to have a harley-davidson shirt (and it SPARKLED too!)


worst. school. picture. ever.:


aforementioned halloween picture:




Photo #1 - Word!
Photo #2 - I have a FAR worse skool pic of me - that fugly gold currently resides with Mum Melly.
Photo #3 - Awwww.
Photo #4 - Ditto. I take it that Cantankermom holding you?

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Photo #4 - Ditto. I take it that Cantankermom holding you?

no, it's cantankergrandma

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 03:17 PM

As I've waffled on to you before, you grandmother isn't that much older than Mum Melly (she's 58)...You must have been a few months old then, eh?

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 03:18 PM

about 5 or 6 months old

cantankergrandma was 44 or 45

she is now 63

MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 03:24 PM

Once again - awwwww!

I've got a piccy somewhere round here of Dad Melly when he was a babe in arms - he looks sooo lovely. Dad Melly's have pics of him in New Addington (the biggest shithole in London - I know, I lived there for a bit) when he was 17, and he looks way cool in a pissed-off way (he was well into the Stones then in 1965). My Mum was a mod then too, when she was, what 14? Ah, them were the days... :)

girlgun 08.24.2008 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
^^^ Lovely pics, our 'Mama! I can see the resemblance between you and your Mum.

yeah. seriously. that's amazing. i don't look like my mother, but i do look like my dad.

EMMAh 08.24.2008 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I think we've already seen I was up to date with the Thurston/indieboy haircut from an early age.

Haha, everything in that picture is CANADIAN!

Why? Cause of the Wilderness calender?

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 03:46 PM

and a much better school picture if you ask me. if not a little creepy.

i'll find one when i was 11 or 12 if i can, that will certainly bring the lulz.



MellySingsDoom 08.24.2008 03:56 PM

Photo #2 - pure Win!
Photo #1 -whouda thunk that this sweet lil girl would discover the ROCK that is The Runaways and thee AC/DC? ;)

Cantankerous 08.24.2008 03:57 PM

my favourite at the time of that picture was the spice girls
britney and all them hadn't come along yet
wow that's weird to think about

and that second picture was taken 15 or 16 years ago!

wow i feel old but i'm totally not

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