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truncated 08.13.2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I know, and my credit card was rejected so she left without so much as a goodbye!

For what it's worth, your tag is hott, insofar as that's possible.

But then again, I have a thing for feet, so I'm not sure my opinion is worth much.

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
the girlfriend wins, my demonrail man

ha ha. but of course. the girls always win.

atsonicpark 08.13.2007 08:06 PM

i need to find me an asian!!!

!@#$%! 08.13.2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i need to find me an asian!!!

send over your girlfriend then, i can add her to my harem. you much you're asking?

Everyneurotic 08.13.2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i need to find me an asian!!!

you and me both man.

actually, i hear/see that many asians frequent the mall across the street from my home. i should hang out there.

Danny Himself 08.13.2007 08:14 PM

I went to chinatown today. But not to pick up chicks.

Cardinal Rob 08.13.2007 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
south park is by far the worst of them all.

This makes you win.

atsonicpark 08.13.2007 08:42 PM

haha south park is terrible. talk about one good concept being beaten to death for 30 minutes every episode. jesus.

yeah.. ALL ASIANS are hot until they're a certain age, then they either are insane milf lookin hotness or they look like old women..

that reminds me.. this should be for the hot chicks thread, but fuck it..the hottest chick alive:

she is an asian with marilyn monroe's measurements!

demonrail666 08.13.2007 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

she is an asian with marilyn monroe's measurements!

Dear Santa,

Please can I have one of those for Christmas.



SynthethicalY 08.13.2007 10:11 PM

Me, because mine is ten years my senior. Youth prevails.

phoenix 08.14.2007 03:04 AM

how old is your girlfriend? she looks about 13..

racehorse 08.14.2007 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I went to chinatown today. But not to pick up chicks.

"When I go to Chinatown I get drunk and never get laid..."

atsonicpark 08.14.2007 04:24 AM

she's 20 and 8 months and i'm 21 and 3 months. she doesn't look 13 if you see her whole body. she's got the c cups bustin out.

i look pretty young, luckily my baldness keeps me in check.

Derek 08.12.2009 04:49 PM

hello old thread!

Ole Derek:


- Favorite Bands: Jandek, Sonic Youth, Thinking Fellers, Kayo Dot, King Crimson, Wu-Tang

- Favorite Movies: Taxi Driver, Hana-bi, Videodrome, Mulholland Drive. Tons of Kitano, Cronenberg, Lynch, Fulci etc. etc.

- Favorite Video Games: Legend of Zelda series, various SNES and n64 games

- Favorite TV Shows: Only one I watch is The Simpsons...

- Talents: Droneeeeeeeeee, decent writing ability

- Hobbies: Jerking off, reciting hip hop rhymes, sleeping, wasting time when I should be doing something productive etc.

- Current place of employment: Student...

- Afflctions: Paranoia


- Favorite Bands: Utada Hikaru, Nobuo Uematsu, Akira Yamaoka and a lot of stuff I listen to.

- Favorite Movies: Park Chan-Wook movies, The Machine Girl, Visitor Q, Battle Royale, Marebito etc.

- Favorite Video Games: Final Fantasy series, Silent Hill series, Resident Evil series...

- Favorite TV Shows: Ermmm... random anime she tells me about.

- Talents: Great artist, expert in photoshop...

- Hobbies: Sleeping till 3 in the afternoon, spending hours playing videogames, editing photos, drawing etc.

- Current place of employment: Student ALSO.

- Afflctions: Mood swings, paranoia ALSO

Yeah uhhh she's probably cooler than me.

atsonicpark 08.12.2009 04:54 PM

Damn, your girlfriend! Your girlfriend!

Derek, I have this odd feeling we have a similiar taste in women.

Since I made this thread 2 years ago.. almost everything you described describes me and her now.

atsonicpark 08.12.2009 04:55 PM

Well, not the student part.

Your girlfriend likes Marebito? I love that movie. Totally wasn't what I was expecting.

Derek 08.12.2009 05:04 PM

Yeah, she was telling me about Marebito and I only knew about it because Shinya Tsukamoto acts in it I think. I've got to watch it again myself sometime.

atsonicpark 08.12.2009 05:05 PM

It's amazing. I dunno what it is... something about it.

Tsukamoto rules in so many ways. Tetsuo III!

Derek 08.12.2009 05:08 PM

There's a Tetsuo III?

Oh, it's being made. Will be sweet.

noisereductions 08.12.2009 05:59 PM

I used to be wicked into circuit bending some years ago!

westernquinoxrox 08.12.2009 05:59 PM

now youre wicked into rap shitty

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by westernquinoxcantrap
now youre wicked into rap shitty

nah, man. that's Rob.

he couldn't rhyme if it motherfucking saved a kitten.
"sumpin' sumpin' sumpin' butts". maaaan, he's just bullshittin'.


Derek 08.12.2009 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
yr girlfriend looks cooler.

Oh I know, I'm a fucking nerd.

pbradley 08.12.2009 06:31 PM

Your girlfriend is cute, but you've got the better favorites.

floatingslowly 08.12.2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Oh I know, I'm a fucking nerd.

the right answer is [the girlfriend is ALWAYS cooler] (unless yr pbradley, of course).


pbradley 08.12.2009 06:32 PM

Also ASP and his girlfriend look like a great couple, both cool. Too bad asp said they've had issues.

viewtiful_alan 08.12.2009 06:34 PM

Where is sonic park?

Derek 08.12.2009 06:37 PM

Sonic Youth + Shellac's At Action Park

That's it yeah?

atsonicpark 08.12.2009 06:43 PM


atsonicpark 08.12.2009 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Also ASP and his girlfriend look like a great couple, both cool. Too bad asp said they've had issues.

yeah, she just is moving away to find out who she is. we'll probably be back together. we've been together on and off for 10 years, so i don't think we'll be apart long.

noisereductions 08.12.2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I used to be wicked into circuit bending some years ago!


Originally Posted by westernquinoxrox
now youre wicked into rap shitty

hahaha this is the best thing ever! He fucking repped me! haha! westernqinox repped me! That is hilarious to me.

Lamont Cranston 08.13.2009 03:40 AM

I dont have one :(
gee this is a fun thread

SONIC GAIL 08.13.2009 09:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Me & my man?
We are both the coolest
We are the same
We think the same things at the same time...we like the same things...we finish each others sentences and talk to each other with our eyes.
We luv music...Sy, Nirvana,Cash,Mudhoney, Jesus Lizard,Steve earl,Misfits,GnR,Stones,Beatles,Zepplin,Iggy,Dylan ,there are to many to mention

We are very spiritual yet very rebellious and angry for some reason
We are poor white trash living in a mobile home/house (I call it a trouse) in the middle of the woods
We are born losers scratching our way through the muck

we are INSANE
Mood swings up & down luckily one of us is usually up when the other is down

We love mood altering medications way too much
When we get wasted together we get kinda out of hand
We think the best movies ever made are by the Cohen Brothers and have watched them all multiple times

we love our kids more than anything in the world and live for thier happiness
Sometimes we want to die
we like to make music together he plays the guitar and I sing
We rewind songs until we know every note..every lyric..every last chord
He creates the foundation and I add the icing on the cake

SONIC GAIL 08.13.2009 10:05 AM

@sonicpark gonna give it to yr giirl cause she can sew..I luv sewing

atsonicpark 08.13.2009 10:08 AM


she's a sewing queen

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