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_tunic_ 11.06.2020 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_ on 10:08AM GMT
Difference in gaps overnight :
Made a screengrab of the gaps last night, 0:30 my timezone, which is 6:30PM ET. Compared to the scores now, at 10AM my timezone :

Georgia was 9,426 fot Trump, it's now 463
Nevada unchanged at 11,438 for Biden
Pennsylvania was 75,427 for Trump, it's now 18,229
Arizona was 65,179 for Biden, it's now 47,052

It's 30 Minutes later, and ......

Georgia has flipped, according to CNN!!!!!!
It now is colored blue with 917 for Biden!!!!!!

choc e-Claire 11.06.2020 04:48 AM


h8kurdt 11.06.2020 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
listen to yourself man. you're sounding like a tin foil hat wearin' dude.


You new here?

Bytor Peltor 11.06.2020 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Look at it this way:

Who is claiming that the elections are rigged? Trump, his family and his followers
Who is claiming that the elections are not rigged? Every body else, all over this planet (except for the Slovakian PM)

Even several Republicans tell him to "stop spreading debunked information". That link comes from Foxnews.
(My browser is flawy and not allowing me to select more than one word, otherwise I would have copy pasted the entire article here)

Speaking about Russians:
From NBC
The Russians have no need to spread misinformation. Trump and his allies are doing it for them

YES - the same Party that misused their positions in government to spy on the Trump campaign, created a false Russian conspiracy and spent over $30’MILLION trying to prove it IS THE SAME PARTY now claiming everything is legitimate???

Someone At CNN had PornHub Open

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
YES - the same Party that misused their positions in government to spy on the Trump campaign, created a false Russian conspiracy and spent over $30’MILLION trying to prove it IS THE SAME PARTY now claiming everything is legitimate???

Someone At CNN had PornHub Open

I am quoting your national news agencies. You are quoting some blonde photo model on twitter.
Even blondie's can photoshop these days

30 million: how much will Trump be spending on his lawsuits?

The Democratic party is not claiming anything yet, they are waiting until the votes are counted. Yes the press is claiming, based on real facts and statistics.

Number in Georgia has increased to 1096

h8kurdt 11.06.2020 06:30 AM

Evidence Bytor. Throw one shred of evidence. Cos at the moment all you have is the ramblings of a mad man/soon to be one-term bitch.

Lol at that PornHub clip though.

choc e-Claire 11.06.2020 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Lol at that PornHub clip though.

What, the fake one?

2020 has at least given us this. Joe Biden fucking sucks, and the next four years aren't going to be as dramatic of a change as many will hope. But watching the 'empire' fall apart in real time is glorious.

Antagon 11.06.2020 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire

So is Pepe officialy reclaimed now? I heard whispers and murmors of some people on the progressive left trying to de-nazify him by using him in their memes. But I haven't really seen that in action up until now. I mostly watch progressive shows on YT and don't hang out much in boards (this one here being an exception).

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 06:47 AM

From CNN
Fact check: Trump delivers the most dishonest speech of his presidency as Biden closes in on victory

These are F A C T S

not photoshopping Twitter blondie's

Tom Ridge was just live on CNN, former governor of Pennsylvania and Republican. He was appalled by what Trump is doing and saying. I'll post a link if they post it on their site.

In the meantime, here is Santorum

choc e-Claire 11.06.2020 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
So is Pepe officialy reclaimed now?

I wouldn't know about being reclaimed, per se, but he definitely has uses in a variety of contexts now. This one is just fun for the irony, 4chan is very unhappy with the results.

!@#$%! 11.06.2020 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
But watching the 'empire' fall apart in real time is glorious.

jeezus kid, nobody here enjoys it when you suffer, we’re not things made for your amusement, wtf.

Savage Clone 11.06.2020 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
YES - the same Party that misused their positions in government to spy on the Trump campaign, created a false Russian conspiracy and spent over $30’MILLION trying to prove it IS THE SAME PARTY now claiming everything is legitimate???

Oh, you mean the party that has gotten millions of more raw votes than the Republicans multiple times and been denied the presidency multiple times recently (including the orange baby gaslighter man) because of the slave state preservation system known as the electoral college?

Republicans aren’t about the “will of the people.” And misuse of power Is trumps entire lifestyle.

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Tom Ridge was just live on CNN, former governor of Pennsylvania and Republican. He was appalled by what Trump is doing and saying. I'll post a link if they post it on their site.

Nothing is posted on CNN's site but there is a quote on CBS:

“With his remarks from the White House tonight, the President disrespected every single American who figured out a way to safely vote amid a pandemic that has taken 235,000 lives. Not to mention those who are dutifully counting that vote. Absolutely shameful. Yet so predictable,” Ridge tweeted.

Anyway, new votes for Pennsylvania will be announced very soon!

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by _tunic_

Anyway, new votes for Pennsylvania will be announced very soon!

Biden is leading in Pennsylvania with 5,587 votes ahead!!! From that batch of about 30,000 that just came in he got 87% of the votes

Still 5% (130,000) of all votes need to be counted, so nothing is final yet

Robert Schunk 11.06.2020 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Evidence Bytor. Throw one shred of evidence. Cos at the moment all you have is the ramblings of a mad man/soon to be one-term bitch.

Lol at that PornHub clip though.

The American people deserve explanations for these “election anomalies”
November 4, 2020 by Michael Snyder

The last-minute Biden-unanimous ballot dumps in Michigan and Wisconsin remind me of an election for state representative in a neighboring city where an old-time Democratic hack was opposed only by a last-minute write-in candidate, but the write-in candidate was leading the race until, at the last minute, a "missing" bag of ballots was found which proved to be the only bag of ballots in the city that had only votes for the Democrat, and none for the write-in candidate. Without those votes, the Democrat would have lost.

Beyond that, there were also several precincts in Milwaukee where more votes were cast than there were registered voters. So, there's plenty of work for lawyers to go around.

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

I have already explained this, read it back on the previous pages. Nothing was dumped, in those states first the physical votes were counted which Trump won, then the mail-in ballots were/are still counted which Biden wins. And why is Biden winning the mail-in ballots? Because Trump told his followers not to vote by mail!


h8kurdt 11.06.2020 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
The American people deserve explanations for these “election anomalies”
November 4, 2020 by Michael Snyder

The last-minute Biden-unanimous ballot dumps in Michigan and Wisconsin remind me of an election for state representative in a neighboring city where an old-time Democratic hack was opposed only by a last-minute write-in candidate, but the write-in candidate was leading the race until, at the last minute, a "missing" bag of ballots was found which proved to be the only bag of ballots in the city that had only votes for the Democrat, and none for the write-in candidate. Without those votes, the Democrat would have lost.

Beyond that, there were also several precincts in Milwaukee where more votes were cast than there were registered voters. So, there's plenty of work for lawyers to go around.

Follow the links that tunic has posted showing all those are more false than Trump's tan. We'll try again, show us the evidence that shows something dodgy has gone on.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Antagon
So is Pepe officialy reclaimed now? I heard whispers and murmors of some people on the progressive left trying to de-nazify him by using him in their memes. But I haven't really seen that in action up until now. I mostly watch progressive shows on YT and don't hang out much in boards (this one here being an exception).

It even features a new song by Sharon Van Etten.


The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Oh, you mean the party that has gotten millions of more raw votes than the Republicans multiple times and been denied the presidency multiple times recently (including the orange baby gaslighter man) because of the slave state preservation system known as the electoral college?

Republicans aren’t about the “will of the people.” And misuse of power Is trumps entire lifestyle.

Indeed. From Vox:


America’s anti-democratic Senate, by the numbers

If the United States chose its leaders in free and fair elections, Republicans would be firmly out of power.

By Ian Millhiser Nov 6, 2020, 8:00am EST

Democrats defeated Republican senators in Arizona and Colorado this year, while Republicans gained a Senate seat in Alabama.

That means that Republicans will control at least 50 seats in the incoming Senate, out of 100 total, assuming Republican incumbent Sens. Thom Tillis (NC) and Dan Sullivan (AK) keep their seats, as seems likely. Both of Georgia’s Senate seats are likely to be decided in runoff elections in January.

Wins in North Carolina and Georgia would give Republicans the Senate majority — something they would hold only because Congress’s upper house is malapportioned to give small states like Wyoming exactly as many senators as large states like California, even though California has more than 68 times as many people as Wyoming.

In the incoming Senate, Democratic senators will represent at least 20,314,962 more people than their Republican counterparts — and that’s if we assume that Republicans win both runoff elections in Georgia. If the two Georgia seats go to the Democrats, the Senate will be split 50-50, but the Democratic half will represent 41,549,808 more people than the Republican half.

I derived these numbers using 2019 population estimates by the United States Census Bureau. In states where both senators caucus with the same party, I allocated the state’s entire population to that party. In states where the Senate delegation is split, I allocated half of the state’s population to each party. Although Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Angus King (I-ME) identify as independent, both Sanders and King caucus with Democrats. So I coded them as Democratic senators.

You can check my work using this spreadsheet.

One other fact is worth noting. In the current Senate, Democrats control a majority of the seats from the most populous half of the states (26-24). Republicans owe their current majority to a crushing 29-21 lead in the least populous half of the states. In the new Senate, Democrats will control between 27 and 29 seats from the most populous half, depending on who prevails in the Georgia runoffs.

Republicans, in other words, would not be in the majority now — and they certainly would not be in the majority next year — if not for malapportionment.

The implications of this malapportionment are breathtaking. Among other things, Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were all nominated by a president who lost the popular vote and confirmed by a bloc of senators who represent less than half of the country. If the United States chose its leaders in free and fair elections, none of these individuals would serve on the Supreme Court — and it is likely that Democratic appointees would have a majority on the Court.

Similarly, if Republicans control the Senate in 2021, the GOP will have the power to prevent Joe Biden from confirming a Cabinet, to block everyone Biden nominates to the federal bench, to prevent Biden from signing any legislation, and even to shut down the government.

This is not what the American people voted for in November. But it is what a deeply broken Constitution, which effectively gives extra Senate seats to white conservatives in small states, has given us.

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 10:36 AM

Perhaps you'll listen to this guy

Bombastic statements" won't help Trump in possible recount and contest proceedings, GOP election lawyer says
From CNN's Aditi Sangal

President Trump's series of lawsuits in multiple states and baseless claims of widespread electoral fraud are not enough to throw the election result in doubt, Republican election lawyer Ben Ginsberg says.

“The credible path is to actually be able to produce evidence in the individual states to show fraud to throw the results in doubt,” Ginsberg said Friday. “Bombastic statements do not work in the recount and contest proceedings in states."
More on evidence, he said:

“If you haven't developed the evidence on Election Day in real time, you're not going to be able to mount it and collect it afterwards,” he added. “There will be all sorts of legal conspiracy theories, but the President doesn't have many options absent real evidence.”


Scroll down on this page to watch him speak these words

And Chris Christie, from the same page:


Chris Christie: Trump's White House remarks "inflame without informing"
From CNN's Betsy Klein

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called on President Trump to provide evidence for his claims in the White House briefing room, which, he said, “inflame without informing.”

“So if this stuff is going on that the President's talking about, all of us want it ferreted out, because it would undercut everything that we believe in in our system. But as a prosecutor, that's like asking me to indict someone without showing me any evidence. If you're gonna say those things from behind the podium at the White House – it's his right to do it, it's his right to pursue legal action, but show us the evidence,” Christie said on ABC News Thursday.
Christie is an ABC contributor.

Trump has not shown evidence to back up his claims of election fraud, which have so far been completely unsubstantiated.

“We heard nothing today about any evidence. I want to know what backs up what he said, so that I can analyze it. And let me tell you, if he's right I'll be outraged, I'm sure you would be, too,” Christie said.

He continued,

“This kind of thing, all it does is inflame without informing. And we cannot permit inflammation without information.”

EVOLghost 11.06.2020 11:25 AM


!@#$%! 11.06.2020 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

fuckin a right, uncle joe!


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Joe Biden fucking sucks

counterpoint: he was who we needed to beat the orange monster: one old white man to beat another old white man. anybody else might have given the trumpo another 4 years.


and the choice quote in that story: One aunt said something my mother said to me nearly a year ago. That it’s going to take a white man to straighten out the mess we’re in. “The way the system is set up now, there is so much racism that it’s going to have to be an old white person to go after an old white person,” my aunt told me. “Old-school against old-school.” She talked further about what this meant for younger candidates such as Buttigieg. “The whole world is in a crazy state, and somebody’s gotta put it back in order. And I think a lot of the young people who want to put it back in order, want to change it completely,” she continued. “But first, you’ve got to put it back in order before you can start changing it.

plus, biden is from scranton, pennsylvania, so suck on that notion for a bit.

while pa hasn’t been called yet, i can’t see anybody with better chances in that particular state. even after he said publicly that we need to phase out fossil fuels.

next we gotta watch out for mitch’s daggers. he still lurks.

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 12:34 PM

Biden is preparing a press conference tonight primetime, whatever time that is.
Probably to early to declare victory though, not all voteswill be countedby tonight. But perhaps he has enoughof a gap by then..

tw2113 11.06.2020 01:38 PM

I'm waiting for Georgia to finish up, which has an estimated less than 5k to count.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Perhaps you'll listen to this guy

The only one dimwit's gonna listen to is Trump.

Anyway, let's see who finishes first: people in the U.S. counting the votes, or me catching up with the emails Bandcamp is flooding me with. "But their emails!" :D

!@#$%! 11.06.2020 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I'm waiting for Georgia to finish up, which has an estimated less than 5k to count.

jorja apparently doing a recount regardless

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 01:56 PM

Oh this is fucking rich:

Trump campaign claims ‘election is not over’ as Biden approaches victory

UH, YEAH, that's what we've been saying, orange asshole - YOU were the one who said shit was over and one on Tuesday night. FUCK THE FUCK OFF THIS PLANET.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 02:26 PM

Reaching new lows of patheticness...


Trump has told people he has no plans to concede

From CNN's Kaitlan Collins

In conversations with allies in recent days, President Trump has said he has no intention to concede the election to Joe Biden, even if his path to a second term in office is effectively blocked by losses in places like Georgia and Pennsylvania.

Aides, including his chief of staff Mark Meadows, have not attempted to bring Trump to terms of what’s happening and have instead fed his baseless claim that the election is being stolen from him.

Trump’s allies have grown concerned that someone is going to have to reckon with the President that his time in office is potentially coming to an end, though they have not decided who should be the one to do it. There has been talk of potentially Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump doing so, sources said.

Can you imagine this shit? "Dad... Dad, we gotta go... We're fucked, dad... Da--no, dad, put down the Sharpie, you can't write your own vote count... Dad, leave the desk. Just, just leave it... OK, tell you what: I'll give you one date. We can go out on one date, dad. Jared's cool with it, right honey? Jared says yes, dad... What? No, I will not sign a NDA... DAD!"

_tunic_ 11.06.2020 02:51 PM

Sources close to the White House say some officials are beginning to quietly back away from Trump


The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 02:56 PM

At this point there's a contest going on: who's the most evil Republican to speak against Trump's bullshit. Strong contender: "Stealing hundreds of thousands of votes would require a conspiracy on the scale of a James Bond movie. That isn't going to happen. Let's repeat that: that isn't going to happen." —Karl Rove

On the other hand, Lindsey Graham, what an utter piece of shit. John McCain must be regretting not having risen from the grave on Halloween to strangle the motherfucker.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 03:40 PM

Opinion piece in The Washington Post:

The repugnant plan brewing for state legislatures to steal the election must be stopped

Graham and Donaldo Junior (of course) are on board. McConnell? His statement leaves it open, if you ask me:


Here’s how this must work in our great country: Every legal vote should be counted. Any illegally-submitted ballots must not. All sides must get to observe the process. And the courts are here to apply the laws & resolve disputes.

That's how Americans' votes decide the result.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 04:29 PM

The Senate: Mark Kelly won in Arizona. If you give Alaska and North Carolina to the GOP (AK is red for sure; NC, almost: Republican incumbent leading by 1.8% with 94% counted), Bitch Mitch's stormtroopers are ahead 50-48 with those two Georgia races headed for a runoff. Flipping both seats in that state looks hard as FUCK, but a 50-50 Senate with Kamala slicing the cake? I'd take it!

Bytor Peltor 11.06.2020 05:00 PM

TRUMP knew: “Bad Things Happen In Philadelphia”


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

Amistad: Pennsylvania Judge Orders Secretary of State to Segregate Ballots Statewide
(Up to 16 days allowed for the proper assessment of provisional ballots)

"Today, a Commonwealth Court Judge issued a statewide order calling into question whether thousands or tens of thousands of ballots are being handled properly and fairly. The order requires the Secretary of the Commonwealth to notify each County Boards of Election to set aside those ballots so they can be lawfully reviewed to ensure that this election was properly managed. Following Judge Brobson's wise and lawful decision, we must now allow the time it takes to ensure that the process worked and that the law was properly applied in this election."

Philadelphia Mayor Says Trump Should Accept Results Like Al Gore Did (video w/ history)

......that history being Al Gore took THIRTY DAYS to accept outcome. Not that Al Gore purposely delayed THIRTY DAYS, but recounts and inspecting of the ballots does take time. Also, if I correctly recall, Al Gore’s campaign legally fought to have ballots inspected/recounted ONLY IN THE COUNTIES where they thought we would gain votes and NOT THE COUNTIES where he thought he could lose votes, I kid you not!

h8kurdt 11.06.2020 05:09 PM

Oh man, this is it for the next god knows how long, isn't it. Constant banging on from you with a whole load of half truths and insistence that you're absolutely right that Trump is hard done by.

!@#$%! 11.06.2020 05:15 PM


The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 05:23 PM


!@#$%! 11.06.2020 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi



!@#$%! 11.06.2020 05:54 PM

trump to his supporters:


Bytor Peltor 11.06.2020 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Oh man, this is it for the next god knows how long, isn't it. Constant banging on from you with a whole load of half truths and insistence that you're absolutely right that Trump is hard done by.

Half truths?

Please do tell!

How About These FULL Truths???

If these counts are legit, why go out of your way to block access to the agreed upon observers?

Why cover up the windows so the public could no longer watch? Again, this was something agreed to before the election!!!

If you are conducting an honest count with nothing to hide, why go to such lengths to block or hide anything?

If I was Joe Biden and thought I honestly received more votes than ANY PRESIDENT in the history of voting, I would call a press conference and DEMAND the observers be allowed full access. I would have beat Rudy Giuliani to the punch and removed any appearance of secrecy from the proceedings.

I would have called out FaceBook and tell them to reinstate the Stop The Steal Group because I wouldn’t want any hints that mass media was trying to prevent such discussions. I would even point out that FaceBook sure didn’t “fact check” anyone clamoring about how the Trump campaign colluded with Russian in the years following the 2016 election.

Everything done in the dark comes to light......especially when concerning ballots dropped off in the middle of the night.

Joe Biden very well could have honestly won the election and Republicans will have to get use to uttering, “President Joe Biden,” but the Democratic Party isn’t doing the election process any favors with how they are handling it!

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2020 06:44 PM

Fox News, outraged: "Twitter marks 12 Trump tweets as 'misleading' in 60-hour span". Dude, I hate Twitter, but how is that shit Twitter's fault?! YOU fuckers tell the guy to stop lying! Maybe the ass-to-mouth loop you got going with him can be put to good use for once...

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