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choc e-Claire 04.17.2019 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Peterpuff
Well, it is his choice, but the more entertaining option would be to share it here, obviously!!


But yeah, let's see what you think Symbols

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 07:29 PM


ok, it's kinda easy actually

you are you, your "ego". what you think you are

the city is also you, but *everything* you are. "i contain multitudes" iike walt whitman. in jungian parlance, the unconscious.

and guess what surprise, teenager. there is a new part of the city that's being built. no shit! you're growing up.

so i don't know where this bus is going, and maybe you don't either, but dream logic has to assume: from the old city to the new part.

and so here comes the bus which has-- guess what?-- a bunch of people, your age, also going to the same place.

now please understand these people are not "those people" really. they are parts of you. also moving, from childhood into new jack city.

also, remember, teenage grownup is all about developing personal autonomy and the social. so it's only logical (dream logic) that you'll be with "friends" your age. ¿sí?

so there you go, on the bus, and they're all smoking. you already identified here growing up with smoking, yes? we all told you "just say no" but fact is, marketers have always sold smoking as "the grownup thing to do"/

but let's not obsess with smokes.

basically you see embarking on this journey as getting soiled/contaminated in some way. and true enough, growing up is a filthy business haa haaa haaa.

so your pals are smoking, feeling grownup. but you don't want that! you wanna stay pure. or puer. or puella.

so, no matter how much you try to avoid growing up, you still get touched by the pollution, yes? but oh surprise, it doesn't really burn-burn, it just feels warm. it wasn't as horrible as you were thinking.

but instead of saying "ok, this wasn't so terrible" you decide to protest! which is to say: i do not want to go to new jack city! (it's a 90s movie title, word play on my part.)

and what happens when we don't wanna grow up?

we end up at our parents house. ooops! where it's safe. back to the womb.

but guess what? surprise! all those people show up with you. you can run, but you can't hide. the tide is rising from within. this is not something that your ego can choose.

you have to make friends, move out of the parents house psychologically, and build the new part of the city. yes?

except, maybe find a different grownup thing to do than smoking haa ha haaaaa. i say this from the awake logical part of it outside the dream. but yeah, growing up is a bit of pollution from the purity of childhood.

making money for example. filthy lucre. and mmmm, feels warm to have those $122 in your hand, doesn't it? it doesn't burn lol :D

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 07:41 PM

ps my name is not symbols

but yeah it uses symbols lol

(read the word not the "phonemes" lol)

i'm only saying this so people don't think i'm overattached to "symbolism" or some such shit

eta: i just edited the previous post a little bit, added some detail/clarification.

choc e-Claire 04.18.2019 01:38 AM

That was a really interesting theory, thanks.

I still find dream analysis bullshit, but amusing bullshit.

!@#$%! 04.18.2019 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
That was a really interesting theory, thanks.

I still find dream analysis bullshit, but amusing bullshit.

haha yes it’s bullshit.... but ... not exactly. well it depends.

these things like you see in magazines, with “this represents that,” right along numerology and daily horoscopes, predicting your future, is utter bullshit.

for me reading a dream it’s more like literary or film criticism: it’s unscientific, highly subjective, in need of good context, and often based on outmoded theories. but in spite of this... it’s sometimes apt/accurate, hahaha.

eta: one thing i like about the jungians is “everything in the dream is you”.

choc e-Claire 05.19.2019 05:55 PM

Slept in later than usual today having a dream about a girl.

Not even the one I'm crushing on.

Spare me your dream analysis, I'm sure it'll just come down to 'you wanna bone her'. (Which, I mean...I kinda do, but?)

!@#$%! 05.19.2019 06:11 PM


choc e-Claire 05.19.2019 07:13 PM

Nevermind what I said, I have a theory: yesterday at work I saw a friend of mine who I haven't seen in ages, and he looks kinda like the girl I dreamed about - who I also haven't talked to in ages.

So maybe my subconscious just kinda...merged the two?

!@#$%! 05.19.2019 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Nevermind what I said, I have a theory: yesterday at work I saw a friend of mine who I haven't seen in ages, and he looks kinda like the girl I dreamed about - who I also haven't talked to in ages.

So maybe my subconscious just kinda...merged the two?

lol i am not ready to read this one, but sure-- why can't your dreams be non-binary as well?

choc e-Claire 05.19.2019 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lol i am not ready to read this one, but sure-- why can't your dreams be non-binary as well?

I mean, the friend I did see is a trans guy IIRC, so I guess the whole gender boundaries are really blurred with my friendship group?

And I did notice he was cute and I liked his style, so of course it'd show up in some affectionate way in a dream. IDK, my conscious life is messy so surely my unconscious one should be too.

d.sound 05.20.2019 03:28 PM

Do dreams ever stop feeling like life? My dreams are loooong and intense and I confuse them with reality.

ilduclo 05.20.2019 04:13 PM

I dreamed about a train wreck the other night. It wasn’t scary, like I was on it or anything....


!@#$%! 05.20.2019 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
I mean, the friend I did see is a trans guy IIRC, so I guess the whole gender boundaries are really blurred with my friendship group?

And I did notice he was cute and I liked his style, so of course it'd show up in some affectionate way in a dream. IDK, my conscious life is messy so surely my unconscious one should be too.

everybody’s unconscious is a cauldron of mess. nobody has that “organized.” ever. it’s also trans-everything.

im not saying what any of your dream “means” though. i’m only saying how that whole theatre operates.

choc e-Claire 05.21.2019 01:06 PM

Had a terrible dream about my grandfather, to the extent that I'm crying in bed at 4am.

Not going to share the details, but I think there's a few things with it: I don't like thinking about the past and what I was like in it, because I was way more obviously autistic and it embarrasses me - but I was also way more 'innocent' and careless, and I look at what I'm like now. And then at the same time I'm scared of the future - and of losing things / people I care about.

!@#$%! 05.21.2019 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Had a terrible dream about my grandfather, to the extent that I'm crying in bed at 4am.

Not going to share the details, but I think there's a few things with it: I don't like thinking about the past and what I was like in it, because I was way more obviously autistic and it embarrasses me - but I was also way more 'innocent' and careless, and I look at what I'm like now. And then at the same time I'm scared of the future - and of losing things / people I care about.

im not a very good shoulder to cry on. fuck, i suck at it in fact.

but because i’m very analytical i’m good at problem-solving.

so let me skip the drying of tears (but i’m sorry, really, otherwise i would not be doing this) and get to what i do best

this is not a cure-all but a start obviously. i once listened to a long interview with this guy and found it fascinating:

go and read his books, etc. i haven’t, but he had some very good analysis/advice in his interview and i think even that small bit i heard could be helpful to you. so, if i were you i’d go for the whole enchilada and read it all up, watch the videos, hear the podcasts, etc., and see what i can use.

ok! best wishes. hang in there.

EVOLghost 05.21.2019 06:38 PM

I might be moving back to Chicago single? I'm not going to get married?

Man...lots of things have been revealed! Turns out my girl n I love to spend time with each other and do it a lot...but that's about it! Ultimately...our end goals are different...

!@#$%! 05.21.2019 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I might be moving back to Chicago single? I'm not going to get married?

Man...lots of things have been revealed! Turns out my girl n I love to spend time with each other and do it a lot...but that's about it! Ultimately...our end goals are different...

holy shit!

damn dude... so sorry... but better to find out now than later


you okay?

EVOLghost 05.21.2019 07:12 PM

Yeah....I'm alright. We just want different things...we thought we wanted the same things??? I dunno, it's complicated at the moment. Just got so busy with finishing our last two months here and's been wild.

to quote the talking heads, 'things fall apart, it's scientific'.

!@#$%! 05.21.2019 07:23 PM

ah shit man

so sorry

hit me up on pm if you need

choc e-Claire 05.26.2019 08:06 PM

Had two dreams last night: one about the girl I'm crushing on and one about the end of the world.

Hard to decide which one's more important.

!@#$%! 05.26.2019 08:08 PM

the girl, obviously! by sheer force of logic

choc e-Claire 05.26.2019 08:12 PM

Yeah, true. It was mostly just about going to hang out with her and getting really femmed-up and trying to pass.

!@#$%! 05.27.2019 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Yeah, true. It was mostly just about going to hang out with her and getting really femmed-up and trying to pass.

maybe this old-ass song applies

haha looks almost like an almodóvar video


choc e-Claire 05.28.2019 02:34 PM

God I hate my stupid fucking subconscious

!@#$%! 05.28.2019 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
God I hate my stupid fucking subconscious

why?? it’s the most fun!

eta: you two should learn to get along

ps: “your” subconscious is more you than “you” ;)

The Gazpacho Gestapo 05.29.2019 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
God I hate my stupid fucking subconscious

I prefer Spam and Sauerkraut sammiches, myself. :p:p:p|


!@#$%! 05.29.2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by The Gazpacho Gestapo
I prefer Spam and Sauerkraut sammiches, myself. :p:p:p|


salty but good (fried)

yellow mustard?

The Gazpacho Gestapo 05.29.2019 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
salty but good


mama's secret sauce, i think its muster

choc e-Claire 06.14.2019 11:02 AM

I have just woken up from a dream where a significant plot point was the days of the week - the names and/or the numbers of them - were being changed. This should tell you something about my personality.

(Also, McDonald's were introducing a thing called an Olestor, which basically was like an ice cream cigarette? And I worked there on the day they came out.

God my subconscious is weird.)

!@#$%! 06.14.2019 11:46 AM

haaahaaaaa olestor

reminds me of the great diarrhea pandemic of 1998



Peterpuff 06.14.2019 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
haaahaaaaa olestor

reminds me of the great diarrhea pandemic of 1998



Hahahahahaha. I totally remember that. "Anal leakage" FTW.

The Gazpacho Gestapo 06.24.2019 10:19 PM

sometimes my dreams feel like real life and my real life feels like a dream

maybe that's the reality of things

needless to say, i'm happier than ever be4 - working for the man, in a cubicles urrounded by loved ones and my favorite things

i talk for a living

i love you all

choc e-Claire 06.26.2019 07:35 PM

Last night, or the night before, the girl I had a crush on and her friend had apparently gone missing - like, there was a thing out for the both of them online saying 'have you seen these people?'

I gave the friend a call (even in my dream I'm wary about talking to crush, especially after shit happened) and they said 'ugh, what?' I explained that people thought they were missing and they replied 'oh my godddd...' like it was a total drag. They probably wanted to disappear.

EVOLghost 06.26.2019 07:57 PM was that a dream? The two people missing?

choc e-Claire 06.26.2019 08:09 PM

Yeah, it's a dream - sorry to concern you :D

Saw one of them literally ten minutes ago

The Gazpacho Gestapo 06.26.2019 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Last night, or the night before, the girl I had a crush on and her friend had apparently gone missing - like, there was a thing out for the both of them online saying 'have you seen these people?'

I gave the friend a call (even in my dream I'm wary about talking to crush, especially after shit happened) and they said 'ugh, what?' I explained that people thought they were missing and they replied 'oh my godddd...' like it was a total drag. They probably wanted to disappear.

what happened between you and your crush?

PM me if u'd prefer

here to help fam

choc e-Claire 06.26.2019 10:17 PM


choc e-Claire 06.28.2019 01:46 PM

Last night's dream had a cameo appearance from Clive Palmer...

choc e-Claire 10.30.2019 05:06 PM

Two dreams in two nights (kinda weird).

The first night was a cutesy fantasy about meeting up with my gf, but I woke up before we got to actually meet :(
Last night's was longer and weirder: a family holiday, a sexual predator, femininity, cigarettes (again, lol)...

The Soup Nazi 10.31.2019 03:19 PM


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