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MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 02:46 AM

I've had 1 hours sleep and am still sad as fuck about this.

floatingslowly 02.06.2014 03:48 AM

I'm feeling pretty down about it too, friend. it almost feels worse because it's not shocking. for the first few hours we debated about whether or not it was even true; he had a penchant for faking his own demise. obit and all, I can only commit my mind to a 97% probability....

I just can't get past thinking that the world is missing something brilliant.

disturbance in the force, etc etc etc.

seriously next thought keeps falling back to Lilly. I miss her and worry about her terribly.

floatingslowly 02.06.2014 03:50 AM

it's been at least 3 years since we've spoken to Adam. Jess used to always call him "astonic-park", like, he was astonishing, and it would make me laugh. he gave us a rather long and inspiring list of anime to watch, many of which we still watch today.


SuperCreep 02.06.2014 03:53 AM

i never talked to him outside of the forum, but he always made me feel welcome straight from the getgo. his presence was one of the main highlights of my time here. he was brilliant and insightful about, well, just about everything. just about the best ambassador this forum could ask for. very saddened by this. RIP.

Nefeli 02.06.2014 04:02 AM

i really cant stand this shit..

he changed, at least it seemed so, at some point, when he was doing his long posts about his life and thoughts and feelings. so honest and high iq in all fields. sensitive.
this is a major loss to his people and to all of us as well.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Seriously next thought keeps falling back to Lilly. I miss her and worry about her terribly.

I've also found Lilly on AIM chat - she doesn't accept messages sent out of chat, so will keep checking today to see if she logs online to AIM.

static-harmony 02.06.2014 04:16 AM

Every time I think of Adam this thread always comes to mind. He will be missed by us, and especially his family and friends who knew him in real life.

Nefeli 02.06.2014 04:17 AM

for me its this one

floatingslowly 02.06.2014 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
I've also found Lilly on AIM chat - she doesn't accept messages sent out of chat, so will keep checking today to see if she logs online to AIM.

I don't need to speak to her, but if you do, please tell her that she's in my thoughts.

Nefeli 02.06.2014 04:19 AM

and when he was saying about living in the woods
i dont know how the scenery really was
but i was picturing him, i had certain images in my head
and thats how i will remember him.

ALIEN ANAL 02.06.2014 04:29 AM

This is horrible news.
Rest in peace Atsonicpark :(

static-harmony 02.06.2014 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
and when he was saying about living in the woods
i dont know how the scenery really was
but i was picturing him, i had certain images in my head
and thats how i will remember him.

I just want to picture him right now wandering the woods without the insects being there to bug him.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I don't need to speak to her, but if you do, please tell her that she's in my thoughts.

Of course mate, will certainly do that for you.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 04:35 AM

Here's a tune from one of Adam's favourite groups:

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 05:01 AM

You can sign an online book of condolence at the people arranging Adam's funeral service here:

Genteel Death 02.06.2014 05:07 AM

I have last night.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 05:08 AM

Nice one Genteel D - have just done so myself now as well.

Bytor Peltor 02.06.2014 05:25 AM

Very Nice - thanks for sharing!


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic

This is the artwork for The Mars Travolta / You're All Slime he made me a while back. In the back it says "Hi Marcos, thanks for the support! If you ever need anything, just ask! <3 AC".

Listening to it as I type.

floatingslowly 02.06.2014 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
You can sign an online book of condolence at the people arranging Adam's funeral service here:

I was going to, but then felt weird about it.

I reckon the Adam we knew was a far cry different than the one his mother remembers.

when I die, I'd shudder to think of someone named floatingslowly saying their goodbyes.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I was going to, but then felt weird about it.

I reckon the Adam we knew was a far cry different than the one his mother remembers.
when I die, I'd shudder to think of someone named floatingslowly saying their goodbyes.

You should sign it, I reckon - I think it's important that as many people as possible who knew him both offline and online share their feelings and thoughts of him.

Nefeli 02.06.2014 05:44 AM

^ i agree.
i felt that mine was too vague and poor and it felt bad cuz i didnt address to his people -- but all that dont matter. what matters is what melly said.

Bytor Peltor 02.06.2014 05:48 AM

^^^wish this would have been posted ten hours ago before I filled out the comment box and clicked send. It hasn't posted yet and there is a chance they may not allow it.

Some of you may think this silly, but I thought of it while laying in bed thinking about Adam. Not sure if just the people who have posted in this thread so far will be enough, but I was thinking we should all leave one of Adam's post positive feedback and get him back to the Top Spot of our "reputation" as a final SYG tribute.

Derek 02.06.2014 05:48 AM

As long as you don't share any crude stuff he shared on this board, I think it should be alright. I signed it too.

I've still not slept either. I spoke to my mother when she woke up about it and was a crying mess the whole time. I don't think she quite understood what Adam meant to me but I just needed her support anyhow.

By the way, I messaged an admin on the super popular movie torrent tracker karagarga about his passing and asked that one of his movies get featured. Thankfully, they fulfilled my wish and over 50 people have downloaded Adam's movie Me Myself and My Third Eye in the past hour or so. Go Adam <3 I've also been asked to write something about him for it but I'll need to take my time and make sure my words are right.

Genteel Death 02.06.2014 05:57 AM

Yeah, a simple ''condolences to his family and friends'' with your real name will do.

greedrex 02.06.2014 06:00 AM

This is terrible, absolutely fucked-up news.
He was indeed the hyperactive, superIQ, dude. I felt overwhelmed by his knowledge in all kinds of stuff.
His long posts scared me sometimes.
He was such a kind person, with a seriously twisted mind, and pretty serious health issues and family background. Dude had it all..
Rest in peace Adam. You are being missed already.

Derek 02.06.2014 06:41 AM

Hey, I tried to do my write up of him for his featured torrent on karagarga. Please tell me what you think and if there's anything else you feel should be added to remember his legacy:


Adam Cooley was my best friend. If I had to pick one person who influenced me the most in life it would be him. He was a person of great intelligence, great generosity and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of everything in the arts. He influenced not only me, but countless others to be themselves, make the type of art they want to make and not care if someone disregards it or doesn’t care for it. He was all about pushing boundaries, taking artistic risks and showcasing his unique outlook on the world through his work.

His passion for movies, music, comics, literature and everything in between was one of his biggest joys in life. He consumed everything with a ravenous appetite and was ecstatic to discuss them with anyone who would listen. He could fall asleep during a movie and still somehow tell you everything that happened and his interpretation of it. It didn’t matter if it was Freddy Got Fingered or Funeral Procession of Roses, nor did it matter if it was Mean Girls or In a Year of 13 Moons -- he saw the value and purpose of it all.

Adam was a hardworking, prolific artist. He produced more work than some artists do in twenty lifetimes, and yet his body of work still feels unfulfilled, like he still had so much more to say. He came into music not really knowing what to do but it didn’t matter, he went and picked up a $100 guitar and a dollar bin Casio keyboard and did it anyway. He made films without really knowing what to do either but still; he went and did it anyway. He used a cheap digicam and Windows Movie Maker on an old PC to put together his initial films. It didn’t matter what tools he used, his unbridled creativity took the wheel and produced works of great complexity and originality. He took cues from some of his favourite film makers; a bare emotional shot from Takeshi Kitano, a stylistic shot from Godard, and a general aesthetic not unlike his favourite director Giuseppe Andrews. But he was not a sum of his influences, he was a true original and there will never be someone like him ever again.

I hope that someone out there becomes inspired by his work through his death, much like he has inspired me and many others while he was alive and breathing. He will never be forgotten. I’ll miss you buddy.

Peace broseph,
Derek McArthur

demonrail666 02.06.2014 06:41 AM

Such terribly sad news to wake up to. Never knew him as well as some here did but I loved our occasional PM exchanges about Anger, Brakhage and his own movies. Inspirational in the way he approached life but above all he seemed a really good guy. Other members have said the rest much better than I could.

RIP Adam. :(

SYRFox 02.06.2014 06:47 AM

Had to come back on here after learning the news. What a terrible thing.
Though I never had any kind of regular contact with Adam, he's had this kind of presence - we clashed quite a few times on here (always in good fun though), but we always got on afterwards and then ended sharing a lot of music on, he would randomly come up and ask me for some electronic music and i'd ask him some other stuff, last he sent me some hip hop in april 2013.

anyways. bit weird to fil so saddened/affected by the passing of someone whom you've never even met, isn't it? but i do, i really do. he was definitely one of the most interesting, and most intelligent above all, persons i've ever met in my life. his outlook on music, art, things and life was, is absolutely original and unique, so incredibly determined. that's something death can't take off him.
may he find peace

i love you all so much and i hope you're all good - take care of yourselves, cause you are all a bunch of fantastic people

PAULYBEE2656 02.06.2014 07:04 AM

Ok... this is my first post on here for well over 3 years! I wish it was in better circumstances..
I only emailed him relativly recently regarding a possible meet up next year if I get over to the indy 500..... im quite sure he read it and knowing his lengthy delays in replying he wouldve done so eventually!
Such a good guy, such an honest guy, trumans water the fall tful282 is what we bonded over a long long time ago..

Adam buddy... you will be missed mate!
love from ireland

fugazifan 02.06.2014 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Hey, I tried to do my write up of him for his featured torrent on karagarga. Please tell me what you think and if there's anything else you feel should be added to remember his legacy:

I think that it's perfect.


Antagon 02.06.2014 07:46 AM

This is sad beyond words. I didn't know him as well as some of you guys did but he always struck me as a very nice guy who was seeking consesus rather than confrontation. A lot of users didn't get along on this forum but I could hardly imagine anyone not getting along with him.

A few years ago I posted a disturbing drawing of mine, which I made when I was still a child (I think it was called "Post Yr Childhood Drawings" or something like that). I originally intended it to have a self-deprecating comedic effect but Adam seemed to be really into it and baffled me by wanting to use it as an album cover. I was both flattered and confused. I granted him my permission but for some reason I didn't take the offer all too seriously, why would anyone use this piece of shit drawing as an album cover?

So it came to be that only last year I noticed that he actually stuck with the idea. The album in question was "Psychic Existentialism". This baffled me even more but at the same time I was intrigued.

I just had to listen to some of his stuff. His music was unconventional to say the least. He just did his own thing and reached a new level of unique by doing so. Both his music and his presentation had an air of the surreal and I applauded him for that. Not many people dare to be weird. Adam did, wholeheartedly! And from the things I've read he was very modest about it. He seemed like a guy that did amazing things but wouldn't shy away from laying back and having a beer with you.

Rest In Peace Adam!

noisereductions 02.06.2014 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I've had a hell of a time on this board with you crazy fucks and I really do love and care about each of you


noisereductions 02.06.2014 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions

or to elaborate...

it's been a lot of years, guys. A lot of us started on the old board even. So a lot of us go pretty back in years. And it's just. Ugh. Some of us go months/years without posting. Or there's different crowds posting often at different times. Or in different threads or subforums.

But I just want to say that all these years. It is crazy. This sort of loose crowd of folks whom I consider my buddies. A lot of you guys y'know have been around through so much during my life.

(Thinking back to the OG forum and I was in college and running around crazy/young. And then the years go by. Got married. Bought a house. Different interests. So on.)

I know it's super rambly and even slightly OT. Guess I'm just saying that in a weird way this board has always been a sort of fam. Extended fam that maybe I don't see as often as I used to. But still.

Nefeli 02.06.2014 08:43 AM

internet is just so fucking painful today.

MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
internet is just so fucking painful today.



MellySingsDoom 02.06.2014 09:20 AM

All the comments are now coming online at Adam's funeral organisers site - some very moving words for atsonicpark there. You've all done yourselves really, really proud.


nicfit 02.06.2014 09:48 AM

Not much to add to what other people already expressed with better words than mines..

Sad news, but good memories too.

It's hard to pinpoint something specific about him, both for his prolific output and for the fact that, at least for me, it wasn't always something about that output itself that intrigued me, but mostly his passion/attitude and the thoughts that (willingly or not) some of his posts here and his multifaceted creativity provoked in me.

Here's a link to the Skip Tracer cover he recorded (as Scissor Shock) for the first SYG tribute, not sure if it's already available somewhere else (didn't check on, and most "new" board members won't even know what I'm talking about, but hey...

Rob Instigator 02.06.2014 09:57 AM

Fitful sleep last night.

Life is short, people.

I consider all of you my "pen-pals" in the old sense of the word. I share of myself, and I enjoy when you all share of yourselves.

Adam's creativity and his willingness to be open about most things is RARE.

I want all of you to know that, even though you may be words on a screen, behind a funny picture, and with an odd user name, you are REAL to me in a way that is most valuable.

I interact with dozens of people each day who mean less to me than the small interactions I share with you guys.

atsonicpark and I would get into heated exchanges about film, art, how to view things, how to judge things, intellectual things. I am the better person for it.

PAULYBEE2656 02.06.2014 10:14 AM

Amen rob

Rob Instigator 02.06.2014 10:18 AM

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