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truncated 04.13.2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
there's something here that needs to be addressed immeadiatly, which is the english definition of an english word, is always going to be correct over whatever (horrendous) meanings have been attached to said word in the americas.

and cherryade, lemonade etc.. aren't brands it's like a generic term. we have cherry coke, although not cherry pepsi.

Don't get me started on that. I've got beefs with a lot of your pronunciations.

And who the hell thought "orangeade" qualified for the OED? We might as well throw Kool-Aid in there.

noumenal 04.13.2006 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
there's something here that needs to be addressed immeadiatly, which is the english definition of an english word, is always going to be correct over whatever (horrendous) meanings have been attached to said word in the americas.

I don't think that either meaning is correct, they're just different. And in the case of "lemonade", the English are the ones that attached a new meaning to the word.

Toilet & Bowels 04.13.2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
the English are the ones that attached a new meaning to the word.

newer and better. Anyway what's the deal with you lot calling apple juice, cider?

Anyway I think for the OED, a word only needs to appear in print twice for it to be eligable for the dictionary.

noumenal 04.13.2006 08:55 PM

I think I took your bait again T&B....ha

About cider, cider is usually only fresh, un-pastuerized apple juice. And it's unflitered too, so it's darker and has more body and flavor. This is what most Americans mean when they say cider. Or the alcoholic fermented beverage. But then they often say "hard cider."

Toilet & Bowels 04.14.2006 06:18 AM

ok, cider here is just the boozey kind

truncated 04.14.2006 08:53 AM

I repeat - you people drink Irn Bru. You are in no way permitted to have an opinion regarding matters beverage-related.

Glice 04.14.2006 08:59 AM

The Scottish drink 'Irn Bru'. The English drink good old fashioned tea (weaker than the paddies), decent stouts, whiskeys and beers, smoke pipes and EVERYONE wears a top-hat.

Please don't confuse us with those heathen idiots who couldn't figure out how to cross a 1ft wall.

truncated 04.14.2006 09:04 AM


I just wanted to say that.

Glice 04.14.2006 09:06 AM

Naah, blud, you aints getsme right? Iss s'all baht fhe enz, yknaarmean?

truncated 04.14.2006 09:10 AM

Those people use too much hair gel. In fact, any hair gel is too much hair gel.

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