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gast30 11.17.2011 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by knox
i read

'i saw a piece of methadone fall nearby'

to which the answer would have been:


i'm glad i never fall in that herion/meth/crck trap

no thanks
i like to live

floatingslowly 11.17.2011 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
so childlike, so naive, :p

hush little baby
don't say a word
gast is going to find you
an asteroid turd

gast30 11.17.2011 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by stu666
what's the cow doing there, in space?!

hmm, two options
1. humour
2. maybe without knowing when i made the magnetic fields around the earth
that my brain links this in a subcontious way with the cows that are aligend with earth magnetic fields

a bit psycho analysis, ofcourse i can't do this everyhour of the day
to go deep into my animal brain to chek what and how this all is linked

i try to keep it playfull as animals always practice things in a playfull way

here the proof
if you might think i have no brains or that i'm a psychiatric patient


and here the scientific explantion

i have talk here about turtles that navigate with magnetic fields
because they have magnetic sensitive minerals in their brain
what the wonders of the evolution have created

so stu did this answerd your question?

gast30 11.17.2011 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
hush little baby
don't say a word
gast is going to find you
an asteroid turd

the choosen one wil be born after 2200

i'm sorry
my universe is closed

or as chineese people speak about the grand masters
'that they have closed their doors'

i'm just a residue of sapian, that is programmed to keep only the basics going till end

you might not understands my words
you can praise yourself lucky

gast30 11.17.2011 07:23 PM

this one is funny ( even if i say it myself )
c'mon i thougt cave people liked some fun
am i rite or wrong?


knox 11.17.2011 08:05 PM

because they have magnetic sensitive minerals in their brain


gast30 11.18.2011 05:34 AM

don't know about that
have to chek evolution of pre-land animal
maybe in the time our pre-specie navigated with magneticfields

and that is a heavy brainwork research
what also is that what evolution don't need
it trouws it out of their system

if sapian early landanimal shape did use earths magnetic fields to find food and locate terretory???
can be possible
all theories for now

have to do some brainwork on that
evolution is not a super easy world to look into
from the vieuw of these days, work/ brainwash by school / tv / internet/political shit/ ect

two different world
1. the never ending halucination of sapian world
2. the real evolution lifeform wich sez that all animals are only designed to find water and food so it can survive for some time and then die

floatingslowly 11.18.2011 03:15 PM

I plan to use my penis - vagina to make
alphabetic apespecies which I will
named gast3.5 and gast4.0

this pleases you, nein?

gast30 11.18.2011 05:40 PM

nein, touts mich lite
the choosen one will be born after 2200
there the satellite kings empire will take off to unsean modern hights
now in these times even unimaginable

gast30 11.18.2011 05:49 PM

that's why i hate these times soo much
that the modern information is here now
and no one seems to be interested in

anyway can cry about it as much as i want
it's not that there is a mission for sapians

over 3 billion years maybe when the earth will slowly biol by the sun that is getting bigger and bigger
then the sapians have a mission to leave earth and search for another planet to live

that reality formula is
NOW + 3 billion years = sun getting bigger = earth oceans slowly boil > sapian leave to another planet > end of earth

floatingslowly 11.18.2011 07:58 PM

modern information is a commodity just like fried twinkles or purple Nike trainers.

this year, CERN collected 5 femtobarns of data. that's 350 million million particle collisions and the reams of data that go along with them.

how much do you reckon 1 femtobarn costs to produce (measurably speaking)?

protip: it's a lot of grated Parmesan.

so, it's not a lack of thirst for knowledge. it's the monumental cost of worthwhile information gathering. all the cheap stuff's been done already.

also, what if I were to tell you that the satellite king is here NOW? what if I were to tell you that was me?? would you kiss my ring or attempt to assassinate me prior to my global ascension?????

gast30 11.19.2011 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by hypertonic

sidenote: my buddy operates a femto-second pulsed laser system, so if yr in the market..?

sorry, that is over, i don't live in the world of late
it's more then a year old :p

it's interesting i think if your buddy analyses all kinds of elements
earth like and non- earth like

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