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tesla69 04.07.2010 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
in China is also abhorrent: over a fire or hotplate with a grill placed over it the circuit boards are held so the solder melts and the parts shaken lose. This is done by hand and workers are directly inhaling the toxic fumes.

maybe that evens out all the poisonous shit they keep selling the rest of the world,

Toilet & Bowels 04.07.2010 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
It's primarily for the use of digital literature etc, which is a bit advanced for these times anyways. Well that's the adverts I've seen of it anyway. Instead of buying a book in hardcopy, you'll buy a digital book and read it on an iPad, aswell as general browsing of the net. There's much more use than just this, but I think that's been the main spin.

They keep being compared to laptops but they're meant for different purposes, even though you can do everything on a laptop as you can on an iPad, but they're also only a quarter of the price than a Macbook.

so in other words they are for people with more money than sense becasue anyone who buys an ipad just so they can read a book is a fucking idiot! books are more portable, don't need to be plugged in or charged and above all you could buy a hundred books for the price of an ipad.

pbradley 04.07.2010 08:53 AM

Like I said before elsewhere on SYG, I would like some kind of DRM-free e-book reader so that I can scan, store, and read at my leisure from the box full of photocopies of articles and chapters in my other room.

I don't know if that is possible with any readers on the market but goddamn I want it.

Toilet & Bowels 04.07.2010 10:14 AM

also, does no flash mean no youtube?

Phlegmscope 04.07.2010 04:19 PM


I can't really grasp the concept behind this. Old fashioned books and newspapers have pretty much the ultimate user interface, having been developed several centuries.
I think digital paper, as in an intelligent and interactive material with paper -like feel and characteristics, does have potential. if the technology will ever be developed up to that point. I remember reading an article about super thin printed electronics that had something do with that stuff.

tw2113 04.07.2010 05:09 PM

unless you go with the html5 version of youtube.

Pookie 04.07.2010 06:31 PM


Glice 04.07.2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
so in other words they are for people with more money than sense becasue anyone who buys an ipad just so they can read a book is a fucking idiot! books are more portable, don't need to be plugged in or charged and above all you could buy a hundred books for the price of an ipad.

I have no intention of buying an electronic reader thing at the moment - they're too pricey for me, and I'm not convinced that the literature is out there. I would say, however, as a very low-level academic, the idea of being able to download a cuntload of .pdfs/ sections from books and whatnot and have an interface that is designed for that (in-screen notepads and so on) is more appealing than continuing to use my laptop, flipping between windows, still copy-typing passages. Just since yesterday I've made two trips to and from the library with a shitload of books that I only need to read bits from. I haven't looked at what the ipad does, and I've no doubt that it's still inadequate for my actual needs, but I hope it's paradigmatic of more practical ways for me to exist without having to put my back out cunting books halfway across town in the shitting rain.

EDIT: HOWEVER, the first person I see with one of these will be mentally labelled a 'poncey cunt'

Glice 04.07.2010 06:49 PM

Incidentally, has anyone noticed that shit versions of Cure songs are EVERYWHERE in advertising at the moment?

automatic bzooty 04.08.2010 12:09 AM

there is an ipad advert on in this very fucking room

atsonicpark 04.08.2010 01:17 AM

Just read about this thing. Seems like annoying bullshit. Never owned a cell phone either.. pointless.

Norma J 04.08.2010 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Just read about this thing. Seems like annoying bullshit. Never owned a cell phone either.. pointless.


!@#$%! 04.08.2010 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I have no intention of buying an electronic reader thing at the moment - they're too pricey for me, and I'm not convinced that the literature is out there. I would say, however, as a very low-level academic, the idea of being able to download a cuntload of .pdfs/ sections from books and whatnot and have an interface that is designed for that (in-screen notepads and so on) is more appealing than continuing to use my laptop, flipping between windows, still copy-typing passages. Just since yesterday I've made two trips to and from the library with a shitload of books that I only need to read bits from. I haven't looked at what the ipad does, and I've no doubt that it's still inadequate for my actual needs, but I hope it's paradigmatic of more practical ways for me to exist without having to put my back out cunting books halfway across town in the shitting rain.

EDIT: HOWEVER, the first person I see with one of these will be mentally labelled a 'poncey cunt'

you dont need a Steve Pad. sony makes a reader-- way cheaper than the Steve pad-- sold at barnes & noble here in the u.s.-- i'm sure there's a limey equivalent, if k-mart or whoever owns b&n hasn't invaded yet. amazon has had the kindle for what, a couple of years now-- (with whatever partner that actually handles the electronix). but if you're willing to wait a little, i think either samsung or LG are testing out some kind of electronic paper-- yes-- a sheet of fucking paper that will display whatever text you wanna.

the real object of the ipad is to attach you to the noose of the itunes store. it's nice andit could be a great device if it was-- freer. a sort of "laptop light". but fuck them and their monopolistic ways-- really.

re: flash support (for those who complained about it)-- i think it has more to do with battery life as it eats up resources (or so they say). video is going html5 anyway and many people are making stevePad apps-- they KNOW people are going to buy this in troves just based on hype alone, regardless of the merits of the thing itself. hence, "apps". isn't there a youtube app on the fucking iphone already? more is coming. 1 steve to rule them all. fuck that shit.

but that shit is peanuts compared to the death of net neutrality--here in 'merica anyway-- looks like we're going to a system of feudal tollroads on the internet-- i hope the rest of the world doesn't follow-- DIE FUCKING COMCAST DIE. bitthrottled!

!@#$%! 04.08.2010 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Just read about this thing. Seems like annoying bullshit. Never owned a cell phone either.. pointless.

ha ha ha. i own an old battered prepay. i use it maybe 3 times a month. why do i need to be checking email every 15 seconds? why do i need to be reachable *everywhere*? leave me the fuck alone. seriously.

FreshChops 04.08.2010 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Just read about this thing. Seems like annoying bullshit. Never owned a cell phone either.. pointless.

ha ha ha. i own an old battered prepay. i use it maybe 3 times a month. why do i need to be checking email every 15 seconds? why do i need to be reachable *everywhere*? leave me the fuck alone. seriously.

It's interesting that ya'll don't do the cell phone's but are as connected and active in a forum as a mutha'fuck. maybe the Forum is ya'lls "cell phone"? to each his own, maybe?

!@#$%! 04.08.2010 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by FreshChops
It's interesting that ya'll don't do the cell phone's but are as connected and active in a forum as a mutha'fuck. maybe the Forum is ya'lls "cell phone"? to each his own, maybe?

wow, someone took our personal choice to un-phone personally!

"y'all" must be in need of validation from the herd.

and this is my vomitorium.

inhale deeply-- you'll feel.

atsonicpark 04.08.2010 02:50 AM

Yeah, I don't think checking a message board 3 times a day is the same as being glued to a phone 24/7.

Genteel Death 04.08.2010 02:53 AM

Mobile phones are not entirely useless, it's people who use them when there is no need for them who are. Also, you can connet to the internet via a mobile phone. Duh.

!@#$%! 04.08.2010 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Also, you can connet to the internet via a mobile phone. Duh.

i like a full keyboard so i can type the crap you read here. tons & tons of it.

just looking-- isn't fun. gotta fling that poo-- which requires full keyboard-- for HEFT, you know? and speed--


a good splat.

Genteel Death 04.08.2010 03:13 AM

I can post, read, listen to music, watch videos, pictures and download from my phone.

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