Originally Posted by gualbert
Please tell us about the dog walk ( to entertain the forum ).
Did he bark?
Or shit on a lawn?
Does he have bugs?
No, my dog (a girl) doesn't have bugs.
Well, I left my house wearing a jacket because it's kind of cold today. A few houses down I light my joint, so my dad doesn't see me (not that he even cares)
We're walking along, enjoying ourselves but hoping I don't run into this girl I used to be friends with. She wants me to bring something into school for her tomorrow and I don't feel like being that helpful.
Seeing as I don't feel like seeing her, I chose not to walk past her house and head to the beach instead. We're almost at the beach, when I have to wait to cross the road because a car is coming. This kid I know from elementary school is in the car. I used to call him Cheese Nose because his nose reminded me of cheese. I can't explain it.
We got the beach and I saw a bunch of geese lingering in the water, doing geese things. I hoped my dog wouldn't start pulling, trying to bite their bird heads off. Didn't happen.
There was no one on the beach at all, so I strolled along and though about
Quitting smoking
My mom buying groceries tonight
How long I'll be sick for?
My rats
Would my dog shit on the beach?
Literally two seconds after the shit though, my dog starts to shit on the beach! I pull her hoping maybe she can hold it a bit, until we get to the path the connects the beach and the road. Noooppppeee, she's gotta do it then. So, I let her, and speed walk away before some fucker yells at me to clean up my dogs shit haha. What a bad citizen I am :rolleyes: Haha.
By now I'm having a smoke, thinking about how I don't really need it. I cuff it (or put it out halfway, for you people who don't know what cuffing is)
We go out to the road and walk up this hill. There's a kid on a skate board at the top, and he sees me and turns around, going away from the hill. The whole time looking back at me every three seconds. I don't know if I scared him or what?
My house is like three seconds from there, so we're soon him. We come in the door, I take off my dogs nose harness thing, and give her a bone.