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_slavo_ 02.12.2008 05:43 PM

It's funny.

'hrob' actually means 'grave' in my language.

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 07:20 PM

I have consulted a psychic detective, and here are some arbitrary conspiracies for you to chew on:
  • Rob was busted having a meaningful relationship with several pay-to-view porn sites. Alone, the website accounted for over $5,984.35 worth of download fees. ranked number 6 among Rob's "most viewed" sites.
  • After staying up for an entire week smoking hydroponic parsley, Rob's hallucinations finally caught up to him. He absolved himself of atheism, found Allah and Sharia law, then promptly moved to the UK.
  • Rob was also known on this board as Diesel. Diesel was recently arrested after attempting to mule a kilo of Turkish dope using nothing more than a tube of KY, a slightly used boombox and sheer force-of-will.
  • Failing to sucessfully develop another battle-rhyme, Rob Instigator was forced to concede to floatingslowly. DELETION_MODE: SEPPUKU.

!@#$%! 02.12.2008 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I have consulted a psychic detective, and here are some arbitrary conspiracies for you to chew on:
  • Rob was busted having a meaningful relationship with several pay-to-view porn sites. Alone, the website accounted for over $5,984.35 worth of download fees. ranked number 6 among Rob's "most viewed" sites.
  • After staying up for an entire week smoking hydroponic parsley, Rob's hallucinations finally caught up to him. He absolved himself of atheism, found Allah and Sharia law, then promptly moved to the UK.
  • Rob was also known on this board as Diesel. Diesel was recently arrested after attempting to mule a kilo of Turkish dope using nothing more than a tube of KY, a slightly used boombox and sheer force-of-will.
  • Failing to sucessfully develop another battle-rhyme, Rob Instigator was forced to concede to floatingslowly. DELETION_MODE: SEPPUKU.

hey flotz, what are you doing in this thread?

i hear you're no substitute for rob. :(

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 07:29 PM

I read what you wrote and then looked at it a few more minutes.

what's the question?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.12.2008 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun

I miss you and Rob flirting with eachother

!@#$%! 02.12.2008 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I read what you wrote and then looked at it a few more minutes.

what's the question?

sorry man, i didn't mean to rub salt in your wounds...


ok, ok, i confess. YES, I DID. :D

the temptation was too great, and my will was no match for it!

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 10:04 PM

ha ha?

what WOUNDS?

you've been into the peyote again, haven't you?

Inhuman 02.12.2008 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
rob? inhuman??????

he's alive as far as i know.

Glad somebody could make the relation! I always get confused when people just say "Rob" on the board, but it's usually instigator since not everyone know's my real name.
Maybe the dictionary definition can help us find him:

1. Law To take property from (a person) illegally by using or threatening to use violence or force; commit robbery upon.
2. To take valuable or desired articles unlawfully from: rob a bank.
3. a. To deprive unjustly of something belonging to, desired by, or legally due (someone): robbed her of her professional standing.
b. To deprive of something injuriously: a parasite that robs a tree of its sap.
4. To take as booty; steal.
v.intr. To engage in or commit robbery.
5. A poster on the Sonic Youth Gossip forum on the internet. Often loves sex, beards, turntables, and facial piercings

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 11:14 PM

so what yr trying to say is, you like beards?


PS: where the fuck is Val-holla-ing?

Inhuman 02.12.2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
so what yr trying to say is, you like beards?


that's what it's all about

floatingslowly 02.12.2008 11:17 PM

is that man dancing the hokie-pokie?

Rob Instigator 02.13.2008 11:30 AM


I missed you all.

I was on a Looooong trip, road trip, driving out to el paso.


I missed so much. I did not read a newspaper for a week. It fucked me up. I did not know Shaq got traded! what the hey????

floatingslowly 02.13.2008 11:36 AM

this does not explain yr apparent myspace deletion, you fucking emo.

sarramkrop 02.13.2008 11:37 AM

Hi Rob.


floatingslowly 02.13.2008 11:48 AM

you know, Rob, yr returned presence here is bound to reopen the deep (and now salted) wounds that I apparently possess.

I wouldn't even know that these wounds existed if crazy symbol guy hadn't learned all about them by watching 12" cock porn.

gawd bless that crazy symbol guy. gawd bless us, one and all.

sarramkrop 02.13.2008 11:53 AM

I wonder if any of you would have enough space inside for my 12" arm. It makes you feel all warm inside, just like eating freshly baked bread.

█████████ 02.13.2008 12:03 PM

i've seen that stuff.
a girl putting her arm until the elbow into a guy's ass.

!@#$%! 02.13.2008 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
you know, Rob, yr returned presence here is bound to reopen the deep (and now salted) wounds that I apparently possess.

I wouldn't even know that these wounds existed if crazy symbol guy hadn't learned all about them by watching 12" cock porn.

gawd bless that crazy symbol guy. gawd bless us, one and all.

crazy simbol guy sez:


let your stitches heal! don't get a nasty infection! jeebus bless!

█████████ 02.13.2008 12:07 PM

wait, i rechecked and it's not just until the elbow.

Inhuman 02.13.2008 12:18 PM

Can you please link any "explicit" images instead of posting them directly? I find that these forums are plagued with them now, and find it difficult to browse at school

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