![]() |
Not sure what sounds brightly means. I am sure it is complete nonsense. I typed it. I could still probably make a case for it, though. |
Oh, I loves me some prostitutes. especially the expensive ones at the old people bar. |
you can actually face the expensive ones. |
Horni Mecholupy? Co je tohle za diru, kamo? :p |
welcome hubre, and wow interesting pic, I was trying to figure out if you've been using your guitar as a palette or if it is some sort of green-blotched design, or I'm seeing things, all are quite possible I guess |
Hi Tina, Confusion Is Sex is awesome, if you like that one you should get some more albums though, they wont disappoint :) |
hi there, yay you're an aussie! :) I'm looking forward to the concert soon too! |
Mornin Kina.
10 points for avoiding Tina's porn question. I wasn't so lucky. she has pics of women pooping on dogs. :( |
Hehe thankyou, it's a skill I have been perfecting for many years from hanging out at some decidedly dodgy places cause I liked the music there but not wanting to hear about the very off-putting topics that some people had on their minds. |
Mornin/arvo/night guitar7080, hows things? |
I realized I've never really introduced myself here. I'm not actually a vulva, though I can act like quite the cunt at times. I'm musically ignorant, but dying to learn. My favourite musicians are Megadeth, Kreator, Sonic Youth, Ghostface Killah, Tori Amos, Phil Ochs, Melt Banana and boris. Lately I've been obsessing over japanese music, such as Ai Aso, Ike Reiko, Shonen Knife, Merzbow and so on.
Other than that, I'm known to play video games far too much, but really I know nothing about them. I own a Dreamcast, Wii, XBox 360, XBox, SNES, NES, Genesis, Master System, PS1, PS2, Nintendo DS, Game Boy and Sega Saturn. That said, I don't think I've beaten more than 10 games in my life :| First year Uni student and Canadian. Now you all know me all too well. |
Yes I know you now Vulva. And a mighty fine hello to Kina. I am Jeff and at work I am. Yoda am I not.
I don't know what kinda jive talkin' you're peddlin', but I like sound of your words funny man!
hi to you too quite a large number of aussies on this site, considering i only know one other person who likes sy... post the tracks played at the concert when you see it! EDIT:actually... dont Quote:
then stop advertising yourself as one! (giving false hopes.. damn) |
Jive talkin is where it's at. Play some music make some beats. Catch fish, eat them if you want. Just pay mind to the mercury level. Watch the stars go for a hike, stay away from snake country.
Hi I'm Erik. I've been into Sonic Youth since Dirty was a new release. I listen to lots of other stuff. I play guitar. I've seen Sonic Youth in concert 5 times. I used to be on the old email list, the echo canyon one that was run by a fan of the band. That was like ten years ago now I guess. I was on the yahoo one for a while but only for a little while.
welcome erkvh. Ontario, Cali. I wonder if you go fishing there. We ice fish here in MN. happy blue sky today.
as I am quickly approaching the solar anniversary of my inception date (and this unit's ultimate demise), I just wanted to take the time to say "fuck off" to each and every one of you. :) <!-- Begin var Temp2; var timerID = null; var timerRunning = false; function arry() { this.length = 12; this[0] = 31; this[1] = 28; this[2] = 31; this[3] = 30; this[4] = 31; this[5] = 30; this[6] = 31; this[7] = 31; this[8] = 30; this[9] = 31; this[10] = 30; this[11] = 31; } var date = new arry(); function stopclock() { if(timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID); timerRunning = false; } function startclock() { stopclock(); showtime(); } function showtime() { now = new Date(); var CurMonth = now.getMonth(); var CurDate = now.getDate(); var CurYear = now.getFullYear(); now = null; if (19 < CurDate) { CurDate -= date[CurMonth]; CurMonth++; } if (1 < CurMonth) { CurMonth -= 12; CurYear++; } var Yearleft = 2008 - CurYear; var Monthleft = 1 - CurMonth; var Dateleft = 19 - CurDate; document.dateform.a.value = Yearleft; document.dateform.b.value = Monthleft; document.dateform.c.value = Dateleft; timerID = setTimeout("showtime()",1000); timerRunning = true; } // End --> |
Is your birthday seriously one day after mine? |
several variables must be considered for this particular logic path.
We ice fish here in Ontario, Canada. But, you weren't talking to me. |
i'm jonathan, jonty or j.
hi. |
hi there and welcome, jonathan.
Are you European Jonathan? Because we need more. |
hi j :) |
yup, i'm british. |
I am the king of all that I see
ola rrow-bear-toe.
you know what roberto means?
spicey with a side of excitement?
are you trying to get me to sex you?
if so, it's working. |
this is the post where I inform you that you are trying to hold most of yr conversations in the "omg hi I'm new here" thread. nobody has anything to say in this thread except "hi, new guy". Quote:
kk c u 4 sechs l8tr. |
oh shit. I just got floatingslowly'ed. :( |
Hello, I'm Jochem and I'm from Belgium
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