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The Soup Nazi 11.24.2020 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Also, this article claims that Powell has not reacted yet on Twitter because her account is suspended

Good article from Paste:

With Suspension of Sidney Powell, Twitter Is Establishing Precedent to Potentially Ban Trump From its Platform

There's a very real possibility that as soon as Trump is no longer a public servant, Twitter will begin treating his account just like any other, subject to suspensions and outright bans for knowingly spreading false information.

!@#$%! 11.24.2020 10:55 PM

the mentals are moving to other news outlets (newsmax) & social platforms (parler).

The Soup Nazi 11.24.2020 11:02 PM

So is Bullshit Prick bouncing the fuck off this whip or was he too lame to take the bet?

_tunic_ 11.25.2020 01:35 AM

Trump/Pence could perhaps draw inspiration from a country like Suriname:


but instead of what is stated in that article as "the alleged destruction of and removal of state property in the waning days of the National Democratic Party (NDP) government", Trump will simply order to nuke the White House on the final day of his Presidency, while playing golf at the Mar-a-Lago

_tunic_ 11.25.2020 02:24 AM

Speaking of banana republics, this is going on in my country:

Baudet Quits as Head of Dutch Far-Right Forum for Democracy

The party has literally imploded! All the key politicians have stepped down, others have said they would step down if Baudet remains active.

I wish some Republicans made the same statement to Trump....

h8kurdt 11.25.2020 11:11 AM

Biden says the White House is cooperating fully with his transition but Trump still won't speak with him.

:D :D :D :D hahaha! What a fucking lameoid pussy loser Trump is. Bet he's talking his ball home with him too.

tw2113 11.25.2020 11:36 PM

This is Trump pretty much all month.

Bytor Peltor 11.26.2020 01:20 AM

And so it begins in Michigan and Georgia

Robert Schunk 11.26.2020 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
And so it begins in Michigan and Georgia


You forgot about PENNSYLVANIA!!!!


Pennsylvania Court Temporarily Blocks State From Certifying Votes In Response To GOP Challenge

How 'bout THAT???

Bytor Peltor 11.26.2020 08:15 AM

From Sidney Powell’s Lawsuit In Georgia

“… the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China & Iran in order to monitor & manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”


The above is the start of a 18 tweet thread (and counting) where Heshmat Alavi explains Iran’s interference in U.S. elections through U.S. based lobby groups.

Bytor Peltor 11.26.2020 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk

You forgot about PENNSYLVANIA!!!!


Pennsylvania Court Temporarily Blocks State From Certifying Votes In Response To GOP Challenge

How 'bout THAT???

Not sure how I missed it, but this morning I’m thankful for this!

Blessings to you and yours, Robert, on this glorious holiday.

!@#$%! 11.26.2020 09:51 AM


Bytor Peltor 11.26.2020 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
And so it begins in Michigan and Georgia

Twitter Now Showing “Unsafe Link” Warning Messages for Sidney Powell’s Website — Blocks Americans from Seeing MASSIVE Voter Fraud

“On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year.”


Diesel 11.26.2020 01:02 PM

So the tanning-salon-egomaniac is finally gana take the loss and fuck off eh.

The reign has not been all bad: I've enjoyed the documentaries viewed best as black humour comedies and enjoyed a good laugh at that pricks expense but the time always comes when that joke isn't funny anymore and it's time for him to dissapear for good, or at least fuck off back to reality TV bollocks where he thrives.

He's been banging on about how America is the worlds best A country where health insurance costs are through the roof and people are only an injury away from being up to their necks in debt for life. Keep your shitty little country Trump yee fucking daaaaaaaft cuuuuuunt ye! Who gives a fuck about patriotism? bellends that's who. I've seen people say they love Trump because he's the president, so, If you love your country so much then get behind Biden, No? fucking derelict roasters. Started off with a small loan of a million dollars pffffffffffff. The guy's comedy gold. How can people genuinely like that twat?

h8kurdt 11.26.2020 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
[url=]Twitter Now Showing “Unsafe Link” Warning Messages for Sidney Powell’s Website — Blocks Americans from Seeing MASSIVE Voter Fraud[url]

“On Thanksgiving eve Attorney Sidney Powell filed a 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT on massive voter fraud in the Georgia election this year.”


Sidney Powell? The one who got the boot by Trump because she was saying stuff that was too ridiculous even for him? That Sidney Powell? Ok, good luck with that one.

Diesel 11.26.2020 01:31 PM


Diesel 11.26.2020 01:34 PM


Diesel 11.26.2020 01:36 PM


h8kurdt 11.26.2020 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel

Shame that hairline can't cover that mistake up.

!@#$%! 11.26.2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel

lmfao it’s beauregard peltor


Originally Posted by Diesel

quality posting all around
must spread rep

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