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Cantankerous 07.20.2008 02:00 AM

haha that's hilarious

nice marlboro lights there

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 02:15 AM

^^^That lighter flashes with multicolured lights every time I use it - well embarrassing! So, you can see I actually do smoke, just not real cigarettes like you ;)

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 02:19 AM

i smoke lights if i'm sick
i probably smoke more of them to compensate too
like when i was really, really sick and i actually thought i was going to die not too long ago

and is it just me or are the marlboro lights not as gross elsewhere in the world besides the united states? because they're not so great there.

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 02:25 AM

The ones I've smoked in Australia, Europe and Singapore have always been OK, taste-wise. I started out with Silk Cut when I was younger, but those cigs are so lame, hence my swap to M Lights.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 02:27 AM

i don't think i've ever had a silk cut
reds are reliable although they can be hell on your throat if you smoke shittons of them

Glice 07.20.2008 05:57 AM

I'd be all about the cowboys if they didn't cost £rape in the UK. Duty-free Gold Vadge for me. </sad emoticon>

Glice 07.20.2008 05:59 AM

Also: Silk Cut are the absolute pits. The fact that there's holes in it makes the rubbish taste all the more elusive. Rubbish smoke.

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 06:08 AM

Silk Cut = a blowjob from a horrible person (personality wise), who makes you come but you immediately feel disgusted and defiled

Lucky Strike = A good romp in a comfy bed

Malboro Lights = Pure sex for me

Malboro Reds = Too much sex for Melly - guaranteed to be mindblowing, but the after effects are less than desirable.

stu666 07.20.2008 06:31 AM

this was after a HEAVY weekend


Silk Cuts are like breathing through a straw, i tried them when i was younger and the only way to get a good drag from them was to rip the gum off a rizla and stick over the holes, as for Golden (moist) Vadge, i always find this to be too wet to smoke, keeps going out when you smoke it unless you roll really it loose.

my tobacco of choice is good old Samson

for the perfect roll up, i'm really want to stop smoking soon though as i have been smoking for over 15 years now and my lungs are pretty fucked allready, i have a real love/hate relationship with smoking though.


Glice 07.20.2008 06:45 AM

These scientists should really pull their fingers out and make something I don't do damaging for my health. Like Skittles (the sport or the sweet, either's good).

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 06:47 AM

^^^You have that "Someone put something in my drink......oh, it was me" look - I've been there too many times to mention. I take it that's you enjoying a beer and smoke at stu666 Mansions? (Nice S Youth T-Shirt, too).

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
These scientists should really pull their fingers out and make something I don't do damaging for my health. Like Skittles (the sport or the sweet, either's good).

I'm a Pringles man meself, they're like the smack of the corn-based snack world. In fact, I'm going to inject another tube now *drools on self, records song called "Mark Lanegan's Skaggy Arm Blues"*

demonrail666 07.20.2008 06:49 AM

Samson is indeed a fine tobacco. Cheap and effective.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I'd be all about the cowboys if they didn't cost £rape in the UK. Duty-free Gold Vadge for me. </sad emoticon>

i'll mail you a carton for your barfday
the cost of cigarettes in new york city is fucking murder

DeadDiscoDildo 07.20.2008 04:19 PM

When I can find them in my area, I smoke Dunhills. Usually I'll just smoke turkish royals.

I figured you all care.

Cantankerous 07.20.2008 04:23 PM

dunhills cost mucho dinero

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 04:43 PM

Anyone here hardocre enough to smoke filterless Gitanes? I've never got round to trying Salem menthol cigarettes. I'm not a fan of the menthol meself, but I do like the name and packaging on these ciggies:


Cantankerous 07.20.2008 04:57 PM

i have smoked a filterless gitane
it was enjoyable, if not very strong

salems are absolutely horrible, don't bother with it
if i'm going to smoke a menthol it's newport or nothing

MellySingsDoom 07.20.2008 05:01 PM

Must try Gitanes - I assumed that they were throat-wreckers...I can trust your judgment on these matters, I feel.

Someone told me once (doubtless fibbing) that menthol cigarettes can cause sterility in men. My humble response: What do I care - I'm gay!

I'll make a point of trying the Newports, if they do them over here. Quite a few of my friends smoke Benson & Hedges, but I'm not a huge fan of them, just because I don't think they taste all that great.

demonrail666 07.20.2008 05:08 PM

For some reason Marlboros always give me a headache.

Pall Malls. Floor-sweepings they might be, but at £4.16 for 20, they do the job.

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