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No, no.. sorry, I know this. I've actually had a few really gnarly seizures in my time. Not enough to be epileptic, but enough to be on the lookout for any possible new treatments that don't completely dampen one's personality (like Dilantin, lithium) or cause a lot of unwanted side effects (Neurontin, Lyrica), or that aren't meds I'm already taking for anxiety that I "can't" take more for of for another reason. I know where things stand with the psychoactive element of cannabis (hell man, I am from Washington after all ;) ), and I am (or thought I was) up-to-date on the non-THC cannibanoids or whatever. My comment was just a response to confusing posts here in this thread. But I get it — the CBDs are being still in the testing phase, so while some results might be available, they're still not legal, because nobody knows exactly what the fuck to do with them yet. But evollove had me perking up when it seemed that he was suggesting that CBD edibles were somehow on the market and legal. I know THC edibles are on the market and legal in places. I know that the legality of THC is in a really confusing state of constant flux, where municipalities and such can choose to open dispensaries, even in non fully-recreational states, but that those decisions are always in danger of being shut down by existing federal restrictions. As for getting high in space ... (sidenote: this is why I love talking to you... we start on one topic, and end up talking about how astronauts get fucked up. You can't ask for more interesting conversation) ... I'm, like, 99.999% sure that anyone venturing into the big black goes with a fully stocked medicine cabinet. Space madness is a real thing! You can bet your motherloving arse that our pioneering helmeted-heroes head into the void with more Valium, morphine, anti-convulsants, sleep medications, muscle relaxants and, likely, high-potency smart drugs and amphetamines than they could hope to take in a lifetime. Plus, I'll bet they have a shit-ton of crazy space-drugs made just for this purpose by NASA. Probably no weed, but I'll bet there's at least some kind of superdrug that kills pain, relieves anxiety, stimulates focus, increases strength, and so on ALL AT ONCE. :eek: Basically, I'll bet they have the Limitless drug, and I'll bet it fucking rocks, and does everything you need it to. So... after writing that paragraph, I've decided to join NASA as a drug monkey. I'll write about my experience and make a best-seller out of it. These are great ideas I'm having. Who needs weed? :cool: |
Yah, I know they're both drugs too. But THC is "druggy" and CBDs are, ostensibly, not. By "druggy" I mean psychotropic. I could well be wrong, but it seems the studies I've read on non-THC cannabanoids in regard to their effectiveness as treatments for pain and epilepsy in children, point to a distinctly non-up-fucking.
And I *hate* being fucked up in the way that THC fucks a guy up. |
What the fuck? Am I that shitty a writer? Did you even click the link I provided? Fucking CBD chewables. Fucking says at the bottom "Wellspring does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the US Controlled Substances Act."
https://www.wellspringcbd.com/iris-g...-cbd-chewables Neg repped and banned. Again. --- I love being high. But at the end of the day when I have nothing else to do. Stress/anxiety reduction and other benefits would be a big help for the rest of the day. I got shit to do and can't be baked all the time. I'm still excited about this. |
Being able to find a good sativa helps me throughout the day. But that shit is hard to find on the streets....most are indica majority hybrids. A lot of dealers just throw made up names at ya or don't even really care for strains.
I simply can't be bothered with daily tasks when I'm high. I know some people like to smoke up and clean the house or whatever, but I'm very much the opposite. And leaving the house to run an errand? Forget about it.
some weed is good for "mota-vation" if you need to do repetitive or arduous tasks, such as house cleaning, fruit picking, etc. That's what people in the service indstry tell me. trhe kind of weed i smoke is no good for that. it is more for deragement...... now to go spin some new lil' boat......
[quote=Rob Instigator]"mota-vation" /QUOTE]
haaaaa aaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa took me like 10 seconds to get that, i confess |
ha ha, you said it backwards tho. read above. you said "ok, so the non-druggy stuff is illegal...?" etc but anyway how does THC fuck a guy up? too much paranoias? |
Paranoia and tiredness are main complaints I've heard.
the paranoia should go away once it's legal everywhere, i imagine
i mean all the paranoia is always about "omfg im stoned and people are gonna know" and having to do shit in hiding. but go to colorado, and blam, no, it's all good as for tiredeness--that's what happens at the end of any exertion, and a mental exertion is no exception. right? |
Ah... well... Quote:
^^^ this is not very clearly written. I didn't click your link, but Jesus man. It reads as though you're contradicting yourself. Like, immediately. But no worries. I mean, unless you're worried about clarity and making sense ;) P.s. Your ass better not have neg repped me. I've only neg repped THREE assholes in my history on this board, and boy oh boy did they deserve it. You were not one of them. Also I've never been banned. Wait, do you think I'm pepper_green? Please don't think that. That would hurt. |
Yeah. The CBDs are the "non-druggy stuff." The THC is most definitely "druggy." Evollove said only the THC was legal (then, "Who knew?") So, THC = legal(ish... in some places). CBD = not legal. I don't think I did say it backwards, but maybe...? LOTS of misunderstandings today. I think we're all perfectly stoned and don't need to worry about procuring new methods for fuckedupedness. Also, are you really asking how THC fucks someone up? Have you ever smoked pot? 'Cuz that's how. By "fucked up" I mean "stoned." ... What's happening right now? Did I just type all of that out loud? |
i read it how you meant it as something negative like-- too much rum will fuck you up in a true way. getting stoned is a true boon. unless you're in the army |
Isn't it weird all the people who used to post here? It's like in high school you think you'll know those people forever and one day you realize how many years it's been.
Gotcha. I get that. Getting stoned is NOT a boon for me though. It happened a few weeks ago... entirely by accident, actually, and holy WOW was I unprepared for that shit. I'm way too anxious for what weed does to the brain. Even when I'm completely sober I tend to idle very high, so being stoned is actually kind of a nightmare for me. Wasn't when I was younger, and I did it every day and built a tolerance, but I also (no joke) went almost an entire year without reading a book from beginning to end when I was smoking daily. I usually read constantly, and I was back to slammin' novels like shots within a week or so of having no THC in my system. Dumb stuff. |
you know what gives me anxiety, fucking insufferable anxiety?
this champions league final i can't stop watching but i have to look away but i can't stop watching etc fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... anyway will answer the rest later |
That's the beauty of football, man
what is champions league? I don't pay attention to esports. I tried to watch Heroes Of The Dorm one year and it was like they were playing a different game than the one I'd played. Wow.
EDIT: Oh soccer? Haha. Sorry. No idea. "Champions League" sounds like an esport haha. |
it's like FIFA but with real humans :D |
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