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knox 02.09.2011 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by afonso
I'm one of the twats who doesn't have milk in their tea.
I also happen to be the kind of twat who introduced tea to the British in the first place. You know, the kind of twat who taught the British court how to prepare and serve it and instituted the habit that eventually spread throughout the Kingdom and therefore created the whole reason why you somewhat feel entitled to be witty about it.

now there's something to be proud about

knox 02.09.2011 01:09 PM

I wasn't being serious either.
'who controls the tea controls the future'
especially if it's twinings.

knox 02.09.2011 02:34 PM

i think skipping breakfast is very unhealthy.

knox 02.09.2011 02:46 PM

I have a bowl of granola every morning, it's great. You should try a cereal bar on your way to work.

keep poppin pimples 02.09.2011 03:16 PM

i just can't figure out what's good about milk in tea, i think if a guest in my home were to request it i would say no

knox 02.09.2011 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
i just can't figure out what's good about milk in tea, i think if a guest in my home were to request it i would say no

I tried having english breakfast tea without (soy) milk and it just wasn't possible.

keep poppin pimples 02.09.2011 04:15 PM

i remember in england the hotels have typhoo tea, and i like the name, i don't go to england expecting to like how words sound so typhoo was a pleasant surprise

SonicBebs 02.09.2011 04:29 PM

i have my tea raw. pop that bag straight in my mouth and chew. wash it down with a glass of juice. up and go!

knox 02.09.2011 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
i remember in england the hotels have typhoo tea, and i like the name, i don't go to england expecting to like how words sound so typhoo was a pleasant surprise

I like most words. But my fav is "beak".

Pookie 02.09.2011 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
ah ok, didnt know back bacon anyway. and of course you can tell that i have been fooling around as almost always.


i m the kind of twat, who dislikes waking up in the morning, especially, in order to go to work and wants to stay in bed until last moment. that makes me the twat, who doesnt have breakfast. also i m the twat, who loves food and keeps it as last thing to do, because i love the anticipation aswell and well, i dont come home early to eat early anyway.

You are the antithesis of twat.

jon boy 02.09.2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I'm surprised no-one noticed Jon's deliberate mistake - no black pudding, mushrooms, scrambled egg or hash browns.


black pudding, not for me. i used to eat it raw as a kid.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.09.2011 11:20 PM

I generally don't put milk in tea, but I was told that the right way to do it was to put the milk in first.

keep poppin pimples 02.10.2011 01:20 AM

i haven't had a real tea in weeks, when rooibos,coffee and yerba are so much better it doesn't have much appeal

ann ashtray 02.10.2011 02:12 AM

W/ coffee (when I'm not drinking it black, which is the norm) I tend to fill 1/3rd of my cup w/ POWDERED creamer before adding the actual coffee.

I wouldn't dare mix any milk product w/ my tea.

Pookie 02.10.2011 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by afonso
I'm one of the twats who doesn't have milk in their tea.
I also happen to be the kind of twat who introduced tea to the British in the first place. You know, the kind of twat who taught the British court how to prepare and serve it and instituted the habit that eventually spread throughout the Kingdom and therefore created the whole reason why you somewhat feel entitled to be witty about it.

Dutch tea, unlike English tea ("breakfast" tea) is weak as piss. English tea is pretty much undrinkable without milk.

Glice 02.10.2011 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
black pudding, not for me. i used to eat it raw as a kid.

A ripple of gasps from ferrets the breadth of Northland was just heard. Fake northerner!

pokkeherrie 02.10.2011 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Dutch tea, unlike English tea ("breakfast" tea) is weak as piss. English tea is pretty much undrinkable without milk.

I'm pretty sure he's from Portugal.

Anyway, I've drank plenty of both English and Dutch tea. English tea isn't stronger at all, you're just weirdos for putting milk in.

In Holland, only little children have milk in it.

Pookie 02.10.2011 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
I'm pretty sure he's from Portugal.

Anyway, I've drank plenty of both English and Dutch tea. English tea isn't stronger at all, you're just weirdos for putting milk in.

In Holland, only little children have milk in it.

I presumed he was Dutch because it was the Dutch who introduced tea to England.

nicfit 02.10.2011 06:57 AM

Pookie, eh.

knox 02.10.2011 06:59 AM

nevermind, my fav word is dollop.

Glice 02.10.2011 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie

In Holland, only little children have milk in it.

Only the Dutch could make a matter of machismo out of tea.

Says the man who's cautious of eating vegetables in public for fear of seeming fruity.

pokkeherrie 02.10.2011 08:14 AM

^^We have big mouths to try and compensate the fact that we're a small nation. I won't hesitate to make visiting my granny a matter of machismo if the situation asks for it.

I'm drinking green tea without milk while I type this. Not a big fan of green tea, but there's no normal tea at the moment.


Originally Posted by Pookie
I presumed he was Dutch because it was the Dutch who introduced tea to England.

Didn't know about that, I only know that gin was derived from jenever.

Speaking of alcohol, I'd almost think when you said "weak as piss" you meant Dutch beer instead of Dutch tea (that's what I often hear from English people anyway).

Pookie 02.10.2011 08:18 AM

I suppose you're going to tell me you don't put milk in gin either, you freaks.

pokkeherrie 02.10.2011 08:25 AM

Only little children have milk in their gin (or jenever).

Pookie 02.10.2011 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
this starts to sound so cute.

Nothing quite as cute as the thought of little children drinking gin.

Originally Posted by Nefeli

Pookie. he doesnt talk much, but when he does..well.. he managed to use 2 wonderful words in last page. one being presume.

I presume the other was antithesis.

Originally Posted by Nefeli

"weak as piss" doesnt register as an expression, however; not pookie's fault.

Bless you.

Originally Posted by Nefeli
unless it derives from the i got scared, i pissed myself.

Exactly what I had in mind.

Originally Posted by Nefeli

can we talk about coffee too?

You could talk about shit with sugar on and I'd listen.

knox 02.10.2011 10:09 AM

no you cannot have english breakfast tea without milk, i insist: it is not possible.

floatingslowly 02.10.2011 10:20 AM

I'm drinking a loverly lemon blend with extra honey and lemon so as to soothe my burning (and highly virulent) throat, old chaps.

Glice 02.10.2011 10:30 AM

Lemon is acidic. Acid is not good for your throat. You're probably damaging it with the lemon. Honey is fine though. Lemon is good for vitamins, but you can get as much of that from other sources without exacerbating your throat. Don't you know any opera singers?

SONIC GAIL 02.10.2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
ok so are you the type that correctly puts the milk in after the tea has been poured? or are you the utter cunt type that puts the milk in first?

tea and milk disgusting...tea is nasty already i prefer coke zero

floatingslowly 02.10.2011 10:41 AM

the extra acid is to burn the creepy crawly things to cinders. in fact, all that my Hawt Todddy is missing is the whiskey. I don't need to sing opera and at this point, would be happy for a nice scabrous anti-viral crust to form between the air and my ever-flowing mucosa.

Genteel Death 02.10.2011 11:28 AM

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that the taste of milky tea improves depending on the type you use to make a cup. Not much of a tea drinker here, but when I do it must not be with whole milk in it or it ends up tasting like baby vomit. Skimmed milk can also taste different from country to country, so that's another thing that determines how much you like or dislike it.

knox 02.10.2011 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Lemon is acidic. Acid is not good for your throat. You're probably damaging it with the lemon. Honey is fine though. Lemon is good for vitamins, but you can get as much of that from other sources without exacerbating your throat. Don't you know any opera singers?

but lemon tastes good.

Glice 02.10.2011 01:13 PM

We all love lemon. That's a fact. But it's not good for your throat. That's all I'm saying. Besides which, if you're cunted up with phlegm, what you gonna taste then, eh? AIDS, that's what.

floatingslowly 02.10.2011 01:59 PM

with AIDS, the milk always goes in first.

jon boy 02.10.2011 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
We all love lemon. That's a fact. But it's not good for your throat. That's all I'm saying. Besides which, if you're cunted up with phlegm, what you gonna taste then, eh? AIDS, that's what.

aids and lemon, a new flavour from coca cola.

knox 02.23.2011 07:54 AM

cereal bars are practical.

i have berries with my granola every morning. i think its upsetting my stomach.

are blueberries bad for disgusting ulcerous stomachs?

Keeping It Simple 02.23.2011 09:22 AM


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