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girlgun 08.04.2009 05:32 PM

i can't believe i'm doing this.

this is my first house


this is the love shack i built in the back. i don't have to go as far to woohoo.


here's my sim freaking out... she's "neurotic" as well as evil...


oh and here are just some of the rocks i found... surrounding the pool...


girlgun 08.04.2009 05:33 PM

here's my new house at the ocean


i turned the beach "community lot" into a residential lot and built a pool on the beach so that i didn't have to waste space in my yard with a pool. now they can just run down the hill and swim (even though i don't technically own it).


girlgun 08.04.2009 05:40 PM

i don't own a car, btw... since i'm supplied with a limo.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 06:47 PM

Awesome house. That's a good idea, turning the beach into your own personal pool place. I don't know why I have cars either... I just needed something to spend my money on I guess.

Anngella 08.04.2009 07:00 PM

My computer isn't good enough for Sims 3 so I have a bunch of EP's and custom content for my Sims 2.
I've been building a lot lately. I think right after I post this I'm going to make some houses.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 07:02 PM

My computer is very underqualified to run sims 3 but it does anyway. It lags a lot but I can't really complain.

Anngella 08.04.2009 07:07 PM

Hm... I may just have to torrent it, then....


terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 07:09 PM

What's your:
hard drive size/space left

floatingslowly 08.04.2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
this is da fox gang yo :mad:


gg: this is the kind of spooky house I was talking about. you need fencing on the roof imo. yr new house looks like "the brady bunch goes to hawaii" and you know what happens in hawaii.

girlgun 08.04.2009 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
gg: this is the kind of spooky house I was talking about. you need fencing on the roof imo. yr new house looks like "the brady bunch goes to hawaii" and you know what happens in hawaii.

wow. you're a dick!

tbannach 08.04.2009 09:49 PM

my guy was the biggest dick in the face of the world.... well when he was alive he was ok...but then he died and became a ghost and started haunting my children... i was like what the fuck? then my wife died and she started haunting them too! and it was like two teenage kids literally pissing themselves from being scared by the ghosts of their parents. I felt ashamed for weeks. lol

girlgun 08.04.2009 09:53 PM

haha tbannach! hilarious.

i just hooked up with cycl0n3 sw0rd. no really.. that's his name.

i just grew 3 money trees. wtf? and some flame fruit. what's that do? i'm going to make my husband eat it. what the hell are death flowers for?

Sonic Youth 37 08.04.2009 09:54 PM

Man...I'm going to have to get the Sims 3....but I'll probably wait until I get all the expansions/stuff packs for Sims 2.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
haha tbannach! hilarious.

i just hooked up with cycl0n3 sw0rd. no really.. that's his name.

i just grew 3 money trees. wtf? and some flame fruit. what's that do? i'm going to make my husband eat it. what the hell are death flowers for?

If you eat the life fruit, it makes you live longer. Where did you find the flame fruit? I've been trying to find it so I can make some angel food cake. I've got two money trees myself. I went fishing the other day and found a gnome, a laptop, two guitars, and a cake.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 09:59 PM


This is my favorite song on the whole game. I sing to it all the time.

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
If you eat the life fruit, it makes you live longer. Where did you find the flame fruit? I've been trying to find it so I can make some angel food cake. I've got two money trees myself. I went fishing the other day and found a gnome, a laptop, two guitars, and a cake.

i just found a pretty cool site.

can you harvest the money? how much do you get?

i have only found 2 guitars and a cake while fishing. the cake went bad in my inventory and i couldn't figure out why my sim was disgusted for 3 days. i thought the game was fucking broken.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
i just found a pretty cool site.

can you harvest the money? how much do you get?

i have only found 2 guitars and a cake while fishing. the cake went bad in my inventory and i couldn't figure out why my sim was disgusted for 3 days. i thought the game was fucking broken.

You can harvest the money - when you pick the money bags from the tree they go in your inventory, all you have to do is click "cash in" on them. They're usually about 400 simoleons a tree per harvest.

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:10 PM

that's good money! i only get a little bit more than that when i do a "side job" at work.

i make around 13,000 every time i go to work. i wish i made that in real life. :(

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 10:10 PM

God, I know! My world-renowned surgeon makes almost 2 grand an hour! WTF

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:16 PM

do you look at real houses differently now? i wish i could click shit in my house and move it around... or just change the wall color. sigh

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 10:18 PM

I seriously do. I also wish I could skip college and go straight to doing whatever the hell I want. I want to be a sim.

I'm trying to figure out how to buy the Goth's lot because it's empty, but I can't buy it in the game. RAGE. Do you know how to do that stuff?

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:19 PM

yeah i do. go to edit town... guess you don't have to evict them... you can either move in or bulldoze it and build on it. does that make sense?

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 10:20 PM

Do I have to move my lot there? I can't find the move in option.

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:27 PM

no. i think in the bottom left... there's an option to change household.

but first... go to edit town and click your lot. save belongings (not belongings and house.. unless you want to bulldoze and try to put your house in the lot, but check the sizes first) and then you should be able to click your family out of the library and move it in. try that. i'm not in the game and i can't remember exact wording.

terriblecanyons 08.04.2009 10:28 PM

I'll try that in a few minutes. I hate how the only big lots on this part of the game are only 60x60. I want to build like fucking crazy.

girlgun 08.04.2009 10:32 PM

my lot on riverside was 64 x 64 and it was the biggest lot i could find. that's why i had to leave my house behind. i was bummed.

static-harmony 08.04.2009 11:52 PM

I miss this game a lot.

ZEROpumpkins 08.05.2009 02:44 AM

The sims is fun for a bit yeah
then you wanna take it back

girlgun 08.05.2009 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by ZEROpumpkins
The sims is fun for a bit yeah
then you wanna take it back


hey terrible canyons... did you get it figured out?

static-harmony 08.05.2009 12:50 PM

I remember I would have them go swimming and would take out the ladder so they couldn't get out.

terriblecanyons 08.05.2009 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
I remember I would have them go swimming and would take out the ladder so they couldn't get out.

Unfortunately they fixed that one. Now they can just climb out. :(

Girlgun - about to give it a try. Ah jus' woke up.

static-harmony 08.05.2009 02:43 PM

OH that sucks ass.

noisereductions 08.05.2009 02:49 PM

Alright, which port should I get for either Gamecube or GBA?

Trasher02 08.05.2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Something I've noticed about people IN REAL LIFE who like the Sims. They buy every new Sims game and expansion pack, play it hardcore for a week, and then never touch it again. My girlfriend's Sims 3 copy already has dust on it. Not kidding.

This is exactly what my brother does, he buys all the expansions n shit, plays it for a solid month and then he just picks up another game.
Anyways I usually play it for one generation, I get bored after that.

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
Anyways I usually play it for one generation, I get bored after that.

I didn't even get that far. my burgeoning rockstar electrocuted himself while trying to make the TV better.

my heart left me after that.


terriblecanyons 08.05.2009 03:02 PM

I'm on the uhh... third generation now. I had death option off for about two weeks so I could catch up on some shit.

girlgun 08.11.2009 10:05 PM

okay terrible canyons. let me explain this.....

when i tried to change towns... i couldn't figure out how to do it and moved an old version of myself, but i didn't delete her from the town when i did it right. so there were 2 of me. i went over to her house and hit on her. we hit it off.



then i wanted to start killing people so i tried testing shit on the maid... she managed to escape... i have no idea how. maybe you can't have windows?


girlgun 08.11.2009 10:05 PM

so then i made a death pool and killed one of my lovers... cycl0n3 sw0rd. after he died, she danced on his grave with her husband even though she was sad? you can see the death pool to the side.


ultimately wendybird wanted to kill the other wendybird. at first she came over pregnant and my kid (in real life) wouldn't let me kill her because she was pregnant... so next time she came over she wasn't and wendybird #2 went swimming and drown... then the real wendybird flirted with death and he became a romantic interest. he's also a kleptomaniac. sadly, his little thing that tells his traits doesn't show up on the screen shot.


anyway... was pretty pleased i made out with myself and then killed myself and now i haunt my own house both living and dead.

floatingslowly 08.11.2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
my kid (in real life) wouldn't let me kill her because she was pregnant...

it's the "..." at the end that gets me. sometimes, I just have to shake my head.

dirty bunny 08.11.2009 10:23 PM

I can't begin to tell you how insane this Sims talk seems to me. And yes, I used to play WoW.

I did play the first Sims though, but I never got around to actually killing any of them on purpose. If one of them died in a housefire I invariably didn't save it and started over. Curse you death!

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