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MellySingsDoom 07.23.2008 07:59 PM

If anyone would like to join my facebook thingy, and send me rude messages, then PM me....(haven't I said this already? Ah, I forget).

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 08:00 PM

my (step)sister just updated her status and it says "my name ain't bic, but i keep that flame"

haha she's so retarded
but i love her

MellySingsDoom 07.23.2008 08:05 PM

Ah, that's so sweet.

pbradley 07.23.2008 08:06 PM

Myspace blows because every fucking twat has their favorite shitty song on their profile to play automatically and ruin whatever song I was already listening to.

Facebook sucks because of all the fucking applications people want you get so they can give fucking stupid "gifts" (shitty clip art pictures) or whatever.

It all sucks.

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 08:07 PM

mine says "lilly is rolling like the stones"

why i felt compelled to put that on there i have no idea but it's really irritating when people update their fucking status 30 times a day

MellySingsDoom 07.23.2008 08:09 PM

Mine says something nice about World Domination Enterprises. I'm not changing that for a bit...excuse me, Lita Ford is in guitar solo mode *air widdles along with Ms Ford*

Derek 07.23.2008 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Huh? That has nothing to do with the design of a page. It's just text.


Everyneurotic 07.23.2008 11:08 PM

really, msn is the only thing i really use. i have a fuckbook and i never use it; "cunty mctwat sent you a drink" if you're not willing to buy me a drink at the bar then fuck off and don't send me pictures. myspace is annoying, all i check is my messages and the bulletins, every once in a blue moon i click on some band's page or something to see tour dates or listen to a new song.

my msn screename reads (translated): that batman movie sucks, i waited and i waited and adam west never appeared doing the bat-twist.

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 11:16 PM

thanks for stealing my word, fuckass.

Everyneurotic 07.23.2008 11:24 PM

when it's that good, it becomes public domain.

...if you're nice to me, i'll give you credit.

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 11:24 PM

i stole it from somewhere else

but you can give me credit for it

i also call starbucks starFucks (even though i go there every day) but i came up with that ALL BY MY SELF.

✌➬ 07.23.2008 11:26 PM

That reminds me I haven't updated my myspace.

Everyneurotic 07.23.2008 11:27 PM

starfucks...i first heard that around ten years ago.

you're still ace though; i might go to ny in a couple of weeks, can i stalk you?

uhler 07.23.2008 11:27 PM

i have myspace to keep track of friends and stuff. my background is awesome.

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 11:29 PM

mine kicks everyone's ass

probably it will take 3 days to load

myspace is so archaic, i use fuckbook to talk to my friends, and on myspace i don't give a shit who adds it.

Everyneurotic 07.23.2008 11:32 PM

i stopped caring about comments and shit, i just add pretty much everybody unless they are clearly spam.

so you didn't answer me, can i stalk you?

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 11:33 PM

uh yeah i guess

✌➬ 07.23.2008 11:33 PM

Lily that is a nice background.

Everyneurotic 07.23.2008 11:36 PM

hahahahha, not with that attitude missy.

✌➬ 07.23.2008 11:38 PM

Mine is bland.

edit- I need more people, so add me whores.

Cantankerous 07.23.2008 11:39 PM

i was hit with a wall of green day when i opened it.

never again.

✌➬ 07.23.2008 11:40 PM

HAHA. I have so much music there I need to update that.

uhler 07.23.2008 11:43 PM 462561

here's my new one. i deleted my profile 3 times in the 5 years i have had myspace. mostly just to get rid of people without deleting them.

vegans4veal 07.24.2008 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
facebook is a shitty social networking site for white students

if you ask me, social networking sites should actually DECREASE the amount of "self-expression" they allow

myspace is the worst contender, stupid awful layouts on every page

uhhh, what does the colour of my skin have to do with me using it? :confused: i know plenty of non-white people that use it? should they be kicked off?

i'm going to delete it today anyway, it's shite.

acousticrock87 07.24.2008 02:26 AM

Facebook isn't white. It started out as a college app. Is that saying only white people go to college? Racist.

Toilet & Bowels 07.24.2008 04:28 AM

what is it all about when certain white people use the word white as some kind of implied insult?

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 04:33 AM

myspace i use mainly to friend emo kids and bands but facebook i use to add people i actually like/talk to, save for ones i keep around for laughs/out of laziness. for anyone that cares, and my facebook is pretty easy to find if you know my name.

Cantankerous 07.24.2008 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
myspace i use mainly to friend emo kids and bands but facebook i use to add people i actually like/talk to, save for ones i keep around for laughs/out of laziness. for anyone that cares, and my facebook is pretty easy to find if you know my name.

haha i friend requested you and then i look in my thingy and you requested me!
i accept of course

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
haha i friend requested you and then i look in my thingy and you requested me!
i accept of course

i love your profile! i come off as a weird dork on mine.

Cantankerous 07.24.2008 04:49 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
i love your profile! i come off as a weird dork on mine.

i am a weird dork

but you'd never know because i don't have any info on it

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 04:50 AM


i'm never sure how to get that clever mix of ironic and sincere in my interests or info so i just do what comes natural and be 100% sincere.

Cantankerous 07.24.2008 04:52 AM

i wouldn't know where to begin filling any of that shit out so i just left it blank

plus it looks prettier blank

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 04:54 AM

yeah, i don't like too much stuff on myspaces. one girl i used to be friendly with had so much glittering shit on hers. i thought my browser would explode when i opened her page.

vegans4veal 07.24.2008 04:54 AM

i don't use myspace but i have this account...

because i was bored and started a noise project last christmas. i'm still pretty impressed i made that sort of thing using only household products. it needs to be listened to very loud, it's main function is to piss people off.

but facebook i use for people i know or am at least acquinted with in real life.

Cantankerous 07.24.2008 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
yeah, i don't like too much stuff on myspaces. one girl i used to be friendly with had so much glittering shit on hers. i thought my browser would explode when i opened her page.


do not want!

acousticrock87 07.24.2008 04:57 AM

I haven't used myspace for non-music stuff in probably a year. Facebook is so much less glittery.

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 05:00 AM

eh, some of the applications are annoying. i ignore every invitation i get to "mob wars" or "how sexy are you!?!!111", of which at least 10 come a day.

acousticrock87 07.24.2008 05:02 AM

True. I ignore every invitation to everything. But Facebook forces everything into columns of a set size, so it's not too bad.

Cantankerous 07.24.2008 05:02 AM

i get dope wars invitations every day

and bumper stickers sent to me

i have at least 10 notifications every time i go on there, it's not even funny

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2008 05:03 AM

myspace tries so hard to emulate facebook's columns. never ever will it catch up.

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