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nicfit 01.18.2008 10:17 AM

ha ha I thought it was funny how Moshe was kinda "unconsciously" added to the list (p.s. there's still a "moshe" in post #40 ;)).

Rob Instigator 01.18.2008 10:30 AM

t'was a freudian slip

tesla69 01.18.2008 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
nearly every single album being sold in the old USSR and Eastern Block back in the day was pirated like this. they wopudl make a high quality cassette/reel to reel copy, then make their records a nd 8 tracks off of that..

yeah I knew that that's why I specified the West, because it usually doesn't happen here.

Savage Clone 01.18.2008 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
well nodatta went today and lost in tyme which is a prog gem of deleted shit! thats just 2 many were crappy bedsit blogs with too much shite on em.....

I liked Lost In Tyme, but the album of ours they uploaded was/is totally still in print.
I was flattered to be included though.

Rob Instigator 01.18.2008 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
yeah I knew that that's why I specified the West, because it usually doesn't happen here.

central and south amerca are also THE WEST, and it happens there all the fucking time.

sarramkrop 01.18.2008 11:50 AM

Thanks for that comment, Rob. Much appreciated coming from you.

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Well, besides that "scuzzyanalbroom" and related stuff...

I say he's right. he=chabib, not the requester.
If anything, coz the rules of the forum are clearly stated..
The question is: how many times did we, as a collective, share more or less "explicit" link to copyrighted stuff?
Stick to pms.
Behave guys.

meh, i thought that was when he gave truncated 1,000,000,000 neg-rep points. i wonder what she did...

nicfit 01.18.2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
meh, i thought that was when he gave truncated 1,000,000,000 neg-rep points. i wonder what she did...

Suffice to say she's still in jail. ha ha.

floatingslowly 01.18.2008 12:41 PM

I'm putting a hex on anyone that badmouths truncy.

just sayin'.

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm putting a hex on anyone that badmouths truncy.

just sayin'.

oh, i tremble in fear, sumiso cornudo

nicfit 01.18.2008 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm putting a hex on anyone that badmouths truncy.

just sayin'.

well well, we used to hang out way before you came on here, Roboto! She will take my words as a compliment.

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 12:49 PM

yeh he thinks he "discovered" her or something


just sayin

anyway, where were we?

oh yes. i wonder what she did.

floatingslowly 01.18.2008 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeh he thinks he "discovered" her or something

I've made no such claims, however, I won't stand for yr malignant hostility toward her!!


PS: can you send me a hair sample? this doll I made is ready for the pins, but it's looking rather sparse.

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I've made no such claims, however, I won't stand for yr malignant hostility toward her!!


PS: can you send me a hair sample? this doll I made is ready for the pins, but it's looking rather sparse.

what malignant hostility and where? this habit of living in constant fear makes you see threats everywhere.

now go back to the kitchen & let the men talk.

nicfit? you still there?

nicfit 01.18.2008 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I've made no such claims, however, I won't stand for yr malignant hostility toward her!!


PS: can you send me a hair sample? this doll I made is ready for the pins, but it's looking rather sparse.

Damn, she loves to be deemed as evil! There's no hostility at all.


floatingslowly 01.18.2008 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what malignant hostility and where? this habit of living in constant fear makes you see threats everywhere.

now go back to the kitchen & let the men talk.

nicfit? you still there?

  1. snort
  2. gaffah
  3. teehee

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 01:12 PM

shush, flotz, or im getting girlgun.

o yeah. dont wet yourself now.

floatingslowly 01.18.2008 01:54 PM

I suspect that you do not possess the necessary skills to hold a demonic pressence in sway.

translation: go on with yr bad self! when she eats yr soul, don't come crying to me. oh, yeah. I went there alright.

!@#$%! 01.18.2008 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I suspect that you do not possess the necessary skills to hold a demonic pressence in sway.

translation: go on with yr bad self! when she eats yr soul, don't come crying to me. oh, yeah. I went there alright.


nicfit 01.18.2008 02:14 PM

You two brats are messing around again in one of my threads???
Get out of here and go fighting in the garden, in the (quick)sandbox, preferably!!!

floatingslowly 01.18.2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
You two brats are messing around again in one of my threads???
Get out of here and go fighting in the garden, in the (quick)sandbox, preferably!!!


I blame !@#!$!!%!@!@#!.


!@#$%! 01.18.2008 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

I blame !@#!$!!%!@!@#!.


typical behavior of a sumiso cornudo


sonicl 01.18.2008 03:15 PM

I've just gone onto delected scenes forgotten dreams, and there is stuff on there that was released on Archive about a week ago. I love that blog for the out-of-print and rare stuff it posts, but to put something up when it's barely been on sale five miniutes is just... well, crap. It's like standing outside a corner shop handing out leaflets on how to shoplift stuff from inside. How someone can run a blog that suggests they are a music lover, and then show such contempt for artists and labels just beats me. If that guy gets shut down, he deserves it.

PAULYBEE2656 01.19.2008 06:38 AM

ok, talk about getting shot down in flames for opening my mouth...

i download shit... i buy same shit... i support music but i want to advance my knowledge...

its the fucking 21st century, its not 1970 anymore..... mp3s and the like are just todays form of the copied cassette. it has always happened. all of this "death of the record shop" to me is all bullshit, its all media hype. its all knee jerk response to something that governments dont quite understand but are not willing to admit that they dont understand. im sorry if porky and rob missed my points.... i download, in support the artists i download by going out and buying their stuff!!! its all about responsibility and at the end of the day thats up to the consumer so if you dont like downloading then dont do it, plain and simple.........

also, its your consumer right to make one copy of any cd, dvd, video, for yourself...... thats is legal! its a right to make back ups!

PAULYBEE2656 01.19.2008 06:42 AM

i also think people coming out and saying I DONT BUY MUSIC ANYMORE, I JUST DOWNLOAD, WHATS THE POINT IN PAYING WHEN I CAN GET IT FOR FREE are missing the point entirely. thats abusing the situation. yeah, its their choice but thats leeching off the people. i mean everyone had someoone in their school who (im talking to the +25 year olds) had every album ever on copied tape and yet knew more about music than anyone else, it didnt sit right with you when you saved for weeks to go out and buy albums with yr pocket money.

yknow, soon we will have a ban on discos/ niteclubs because the music can be recorded on to portable digital recorders and immetiatly transmitted to another niteclub 1000s of miles away to a guy who just stands there and calls himself a dj! the bootleg disco..... man thats an idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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