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Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:10 AM


girlgun 01.19.2008 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Kloriel


haha. do not want.

Alex's Trip 01.19.2008 03:34 AM

Fuck yes, finals ended on Thursday. I went out to lunch with my dad and sister (Jack in the Box - Ritzy). Kidnapped by my friend, after some Rock Band (bought the David Bowie pack - Heroes, Moonage Daydream, Queen Bitch) hung around downtown coffee shops and shit. Got an awesome sweet potato, bought 6 Barnes and Noble Classics books for $17 (buy one get one - Dracula, Frankenstein, The Jungle, Robinson Crusoe, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, and The Heart of Darkness). Went home, power napped, went out to see Cloverfield at midnight - Awesome.

Friday: No school. Woke up, went to shakey's with my little sister, won a fortune telling macerole, went downtown again with another friend, and explored some neighborhoods that we haven't been to. Came home for some family friend guests that we had over.

Good stuff, and it isn't even saturday yet.

Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:40 AM

not done yet

Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:51 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:55 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:56 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 03:59 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 04:02 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 04:14 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 04:31 AM


Kloriel 01.19.2008 04:33 AM

uyjghi am still a thousand

Trasher02 01.19.2008 09:14 AM

I got pretty smashed yesterday.
That's it

screamingskull 01.19.2008 11:22 AM

Today i went into the city to take some CV's to some places in an attempt to get a part time job.

Now i am going to sit and edit some photographs.

Tomorrow i am going to do nothing all day.

Cantankerous 01.19.2008 01:09 PM

just got back from the flea market with some pretty rings and necklaces and a lamp and stuff

!@#$%! 01.19.2008 01:59 PM

what the fuck is that guy mumbling about?

anyway i invented a new cocktail last night-- the chocolate stinger. it was an accident when i poured the wrong bottle.

it's like the basic stinger but with chocolate. it works this way:

1 part white creme de menthe
1 part creme de cacao
2 parts brandy

shake with ice & pour in cocktail glasses

fucking awesome. great way to get plastered after a heavy dinner. oh yeah. good morning.

Cantankerous 01.19.2008 02:51 PM

i'm not really into cocktails. i do like vodka, sprite, & cranberry juice though but mostly i just drink beer or do shots if i go out.

Phlegmscope 01.19.2008 05:01 PM

My weekend started with vomiting violently throughout the last night. yay!
And that didn't have anything to do with alcohol, for once.

!@#$%! 01.19.2008 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i'm not really into cocktails. i do like vodka, sprite, & cranberry juice though but mostly i just drink beer or do shots if i go out.

don't worry. in time, you'll learn.

the vodka/sprite/cranberry sounds great to drink by a pool, though i prefer screwdrivers (vodka & orange) or actually, hm vodka + grapefruit, which is called, cat power style, a salty dog.

anyway, how do you do shots when you go out? fake ID?

✌➬ 01.19.2008 05:32 PM

You alcoholics are a bad influence on me.

!@#$%! 01.19.2008 05:33 PM

im not an alcoholic. and if you can be influenced over the internet you have more problems than our presence on this board. :p

nicfit 01.19.2008 05:36 PM

wrong choice=home alone.

✌➬ 01.19.2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im not an alcoholic. and if you can be influenced over the internet you have more problems than our presence on this board. :p

Oh that would suck if you guys would have any influence over me.

Green_mind 01.19.2008 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
know what you mean because xmas undecorating depresses me. i think that now that so much time has passed by, it will only be boring.
do you play poker online or in real life? i play often with some friends but stay away from internetpoker.

the january blues, I didn't bother getting a tree
yeah, I play texas holdem with some friends for the little money we can afford, internet poker doesn't interest me too much either

!@#$%! 01.19.2008 05:37 PM


✌➬ 01.19.2008 05:42 PM


✌➬ 01.19.2008 05:45 PM

I have been trying for a fucking hour to hear the new BYOP songs on their myspace. UGH!!!

Kina 01.19.2008 05:52 PM

So far i managed to spend most of saturday in the car, then had dinner and watched sci fi movies. It was bucketing down so it was one of those days when I just wanted to be at home, don't know about today yet

✌➬ 01.19.2008 06:01 PM

That's it I give up.

gmku 01.19.2008 08:19 PM

I spent 30 minutes waiting in line at the deli counter in the grocery store. They had one person working, and I was fifth in line when I got there.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.19.2008 08:22 PM

You must have been desperate for that bagel. Thicker eyeliner might have scared away the other four people in the line.

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 01.19.2008 08:23 PM

I've spent the weekend alphabetizing my wardrobe.

gmku 01.19.2008 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights
You must have been desperate for that bagel. Thicker eyeliner might have scared away the other four people in the line.

No, actually I was doing our weekly shopping, so I needed, you know, a week's supply of sandwich meat and cheese. If you must know. And I didn't wear any liner. If you must know.

And I would ask that you keep the liner remarks to the liner thread, please.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.19.2008 10:10 PM

St. Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Timket


On January 19 &20, 2008, St. Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, in collaboration with other Ethiopian Orthodox Churches celebrates the annual "Timket" (an annual commemoration of Jesus Christ's baptism by John the Baptist). On this occasion over 20,000Ethiopians from all over the United States, Canada, Africa and Europe will gather in Los Angeles. His Holiness Abune Merkorios, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, Several Bishops and Archbishops, priests, and clergies of Ethiopian and other churches as well as dignitaries are expected to attend the event. On behalf of St. Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Los Angeles and the Ethiopian community in the greater Los Angeles area, we invite all interested to attend this religious event. It will take place in the Forum parking lot. For more information please call: 310-338-0021

pantophobia 01.19.2008 10:13 PM

from today



pantophobia 01.19.2008 10:14 PM

and later in the day




Cantankerous 01.19.2008 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
don't worry. in time, you'll learn.

the vodka/sprite/cranberry sounds great to drink by a pool, though i prefer screwdrivers (vodka & orange) or actually, hm vodka + grapefruit, which is called, cat power style, a salty dog.

yes yes i am familiar with the array of cocktails available
i like screwdrivers
i hate grapefruit though...ick
the occasional white russian is good
but i can't stand flavored liquors except kahlua. which ONLY goes in a white russian if you ask me.

anyway, how do you do shots when you go out? fake ID?

right now i am sitting on my ass and being very angry

barnaclelapse 01.19.2008 11:48 PM

I have nothing beyond writing, watching some films, and working on issue five of the zine.

I do plan to get drunk, but I'm pretty sure I'm doing that on my own.

davenotdead 01.20.2008 03:11 AM

Dark Meat was really awesome. much noisier than their album indicates. i enjoyed it, and i cant hear out of my right ear right now

sonicl 01.20.2008 06:03 AM

Dalek was cool, but got a bit same-y after a while. Guapo, who supported, were fucking horrible prog rock shite.

I didn't get to SecondLayer, as I ended up having to do tons of stuff around the house, but I did go to Music and Video Exchange in Notting Hill and got a couple of nice CDs and a Loop 7".

Today I have to go and do the week's grocery shopping, and I have some work to do. But first I'm going to have a bath. Ciao.

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