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sellouteater 03.25.2006 06:19 PM

no more arguments!!!

Lethrneck4 03.25.2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by sellouteater
no more arguments!!!

YES< i agree.....!@#$% is always lookin to argue....his small brain thinks that shows hes a "man"....hes silly and so is this argument


sellouteater 03.25.2006 06:24 PM

You know saying things like that could cause more arguements.

Lethrneck4 03.25.2006 06:25 PM


sellouteater 03.25.2006 06:37 PM

but i'm glad you dont want argue

Lethrneck4 03.25.2006 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
meh, some people have a beef with atari; in the case of porkmarras as i recall it all stemmed from a fateful misunderstanding, however...

people trying to gang up on atari while he doesn't respond is low and cowardly. worst of all is leatherneck, who can only have a chance to score any kind of points when his opponent is absent.

man, this may be the worst case of hypocrisy ever!!

!@#$% posted the above quote about me im wondering the old board tonite, what do i come upon....THIS!!

registered: 11/1/2001 00:00
posts: 5288
hey man i propose to "move on" in this sense:
stay around, but
ignore the bullshit, take it lightly
blight upon us if leatherbrains would have the last word

hah! my last post here (i hope).posted: 3/22/2006 18:47

HAHAHAH!!! this guy posted on this topic to specifically call me on "attacking" atari while hes not here, BUT LOOK!!! he did the exact same thing...and not only that, he did it 3 DAYS before he told me i was a mouse and chickenshit for doing it!!

!@#$% - are you retarded or what?? i dont mean to sound insensitive towards retarded people, but how can you call me on something you did, and not only did, did 3 DAYS before i did?!?!?!

!@#$%.......all i can do now is laugh..ahhhahaah!:)

RIPfrey05 03.25.2006 08:19 PM

:( k

!@#$%! 03.25.2006 08:26 PM


were you aware that you are a known shithead?

please, go ahead & stimulate yourself w/ your fucktard posts if it makes you happy. i'm not going to bother to reply.

but since i'm being quoted, i'll explain myself for the benefit of everyone else.

i consider atari a friend and will stick my neck out for him. i posted that while you had already started with your dumbfuck attempts at mocking him here. i actually like him being a board member and i find it repugnant that you would think you're a better person than him (you aren't). i'm aware of how sick you can make him-- i mean what you stand for-- ignorance and antiintellectualism, racism & fascist politics-- and i wish he was immune to the nausea that you cause him.

but to answer you, alone, if you want to attack me? i really have no time.. you're just a waste of space! really... i'm not like atari, i'm not going to waste a lot of energy on you. i consider you dumb, ignorant, and irrelevant-- perhaps more than a fly, but less than a fart. a joke.

so babble away all you want, i don't give 2 shits about it. seeya. :D

Lethrneck4 03.25.2006 08:27 PM


sellouteater 03.26.2006 01:30 AM

come on you guys where is the love

h8kurdt 03.26.2006 07:18 AM

Pretty please don't let this place turn back to it's former ways. Everyone hating eachother, trolls bumming the place up etc.

jheii 03.26.2006 08:15 AM

Stop that. Stop that. Now this is just silly, I aplogize to the viewers of this forum for the silliness of this thread. I will do everything in my power to prevent a thread this silly from ever being started again. ...and now for something completely different... studies show that whiney children grow up to be conservatives. (seriously, I read it in the news.)

sellouteater 03.26.2006 02:20 PM

wow this thread has realy become stupid

sellouteater 03.27.2006 12:11 AM

But i do love stupid threads

soniknirve 03.29.2006 09:00 AM

bump for you atari fans. he just did his 1st post on the SY Live Recordings thread in the Sonic Sharing forum...

Gulasch Noir 03.30.2006 06:27 AM

Atari 2600 is doubtless one of the most contributive (music, videos, general information) members here, and therefore I'm glad, he joined the new forum.

Lethrneck4 03.30.2006 02:49 PM

let get guys thought atari could stay away????

havent you learned from the 10 other times he "quit" the old forum, only to be back in a day or so

he duped you all.....again

!@#$%! 03.30.2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
let get guys thought atari could stay away????

havent you learned from the 10 other times he "quit" the old forum, only to be back in a day or so

he duped you all.....again

nah, we convinced him to come back every time.

now go & try the experiment for yourself-- fuck off & see who calls you back :D

sellouteater 03.31.2006 12:00 AM

Yeah atari is the best

Lethrneck4 03.31.2006 12:33 AM

with all the free shows ive given to everyone.... id be summoned back in a heartbeat!


sellouteater 03.31.2006 12:35 AM

So are you leaving?

_slavo_ 03.31.2006 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Gulasch Noir
Atari 2600 is doubtless one of the most contributive (music, videos, general information) members here, and therefore I'm glad, he joined the new forum.

I totally agree.

Respect for atari!

Lethrneck4 03.31.2006 08:49 PM

nope, im stayin....i dont need to make threats in order to feel wanted

besides, i actually contribute here.....what do you 2 do? other than get involved in things that dont involve you?

and how the heck do you have almost 300 posts already??? this forum just started what, a week ago tops?

god, go outside!

!@#$%! 04.01.2006 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
with all the free shows ive given to everyone.... id be summoned back in a heartbeat!


is that so? cos i've heard you only recycle the shit that's been shared before by others.

but anyway, is that how you buy friends? hah hah, i wonder what you do for sex... no, please, no need to tell...

Lethrneck4 04.01.2006 03:08 PM

haha, and if it wasnt for people like me, who keep those shows goin one would have anything....haha, nice try

buy friends?? sorry man, unlike you, i dont consider anyone here a friend. i have many people here i find interesting and like talking to you...but lets get cant make friends with people on a forum.... friendship is as much a physical thing as it is verbal, no way it can happen online strictly

why are you interested in what i do for sex??

man, you are a creep

!@#$%, let me have a myspace


!@#$%! 04.01.2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
why are you interested in what i do for sex??

man, you are a creep

!@#$%, let me have a myspace


ah hah hah, what a retard! you can't even read what's written. if you at least came up with a clever comeback, i'd have some respect for you. but no-- more than a fly, less than a fart, etc. you're a waste of time. :)

Lethrneck4 04.02.2006 01:50 PM

dude....haha....keep tryin


oh yeah, try to be original too, you used the more than afly line already.....check my sig!

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 04.02.2006 02:09 PM

I guess A has a lot of friends...

Lethrneck4 04.02.2006 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hah hah, i wonder what you do for sex... no, please, no need to tell...

ok, what did i misread?

sellouteater 08.25.2007 02:32 PM


atari 2600 08.25.2007 02:43 PM

What I did is merely offer my take concerning the types of threads rhys chatham (before he appointed himself "Sheriff") was starting over and over. This was at the old board and he displayed a repeated penchant for starting hot-button threads. Stuff like (for lack of going into greater detail) "black people (this)/black people (that)"-type threads.
Well, his topics became fairly popular and then he went into further Springer-esque sensationalism for a time. Hell, he probably was lifting topics from another (even more fucked-up) message board.

Anyway, the point is that selloutshiteater was not even around to understand the context of my slam or whatever, so you see, he's acting quite the fool.

pbradley 08.25.2007 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i know atari sometimes has lashed out at the wrong people for the wrong reasons (and it's pained me to see that)

Hahaha, if I remember correctly, the only time he lashed out at me was because I didn't thank him for his compliment on a thread of mine or something. Ha ha.

pbradley 08.25.2007 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
buy friends?? sorry man, unlike you, i dont consider anyone here a friend. i have many people here i find interesting and like talking to you...but lets get cant make friends with people on a forum.... friendship is as much a physical thing as it is verbal, no way it can happen online strictly

Is this what you tell yourself when you realize that nobody actually likes you apart from being another source for shows? Reminds me of the little kid by himself on the play ground telling himself that he doesn't need friends.

floatingslowly 08.25.2007 03:12 PM

The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.


Dave, will I dream?

Lethrneck4 08.27.2007 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Is this what you tell yourself when you realize that nobody actually likes you apart from being another source for shows? Reminds me of the little kid by himself on the play ground telling himself that he doesn't need friends.

haha, the best part of all this is pb is now using old posts to attack me....HOOK, LINE AND SINKER!!


oh by the way....were you that kid? :eek:


pbradley 08.27.2007 03:45 PM

Actually I didn't check the date on your post when I replied to it. Did I mention before that all your "lmao's" and "lol's" that you put in your posts make you look like an idiot (or maybe speak truth to the fact)?

Lethrneck4 08.27.2007 04:47 PM

another really is amazing


pbradley 08.27.2007 07:02 PM

And Another One!! You sure are proving your point, redneck. Wait, what was your point?

Lethrneck4 08.27.2007 08:15 PM

and another!!! will the dope stop ever??? we shall see!


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