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Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.09.2019 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha. great!

so my guess is your mobo is up and running now huh?

I dont think it was the mobo or the psu.

Still not getting video signal.
Likely the GPU but it lights up and the fans spin so wtffff

!@#$%! 01.09.2019 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I dont think it was the mobo or the psu.

Still not getting video signal.
Likely the GPU but it lights up and the fans spin so wtffff

o man

wish i could help but have not done this for years

meanwhile, the basic ipad is selling for only $280 (plus tax) at pest buy

just saying :D

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.09.2019 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
o man

wish i could help but have not done this for years

meanwhile, the basic ipad is selling for only $280 (plus tax) at pest buy

just saying :D

currently using my Acer laptop hooked up to my tv via hdmi w/ wireless mouse and mechanical keyboard

i just miss my badass editing/gaming rig breh

i was planning on upgrading my gpu later thi syear any way

so whatevs. if i slowly replace every part eventually it'll work again/ill have a brand new pc

!@#$%! 01.09.2019 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
currently using my Acer laptop hooked up to my tv via hdmi w/ wireless mouse and mechanical keyboard

i just miss my badass editing/gaming rig breh

i was planning on upgrading my gpu later thi syear any way

so whatevs. if i slowly replace every part eventually it'll work again/ill have a brand new pc

counterpoint for the sake of theeery (like sickbok in trainspotting, “theery”)

i get the notion of a hotrod for games and editing

but for editing really you want a stable videocard that’s compatible with your software. video editing is not all about framerates but stability and color accuracy and an architecture that allows effects to do their thing without assploding. right? different gpu species.

i remember when my fucking avid would crash and i couldn’t get support cuz my self-built full tower behemoth wasnt an “avid certified machine” lololol

premier used to be a pain too.

anyway switched to mac and final cut (x, of all things!) and fuckit, it runs. sometimes slow but no more fucking headaches. edited a 4k video on a 2009 mac mini (lmao) and it stuttered like hell but exported fine. ok i upgraded the hd in that one. ssd ftw.

i am now looking forward to do all short things on ipad pro honestly. i mean. hardware needs are becoming moot just like sound did once upon a time. tldr do you really need a beast to edit anymore? i think stability and reliability are more important now.

as for games—wouldnt a console be more ad hoc and efficient and economical at this point? or do you have pc specific needs that need megapower?

im not fighting with you, just pointing out possibilities for your decision tree looking forward from here. clarifying gaming needs vs editing needs.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.09.2019 01:20 PM

consoles dont have the games i like to play, or the ability to use mouse and keyboard over a gamepad

i also am super huge on emulating old games, which i cant do for free on a console

AVID can suck my fuckmaker. i'm a sony vegas man untl i die breh.

my pc is like a one-stop shop of eveything i enjoy in life, and has replaced nearly everything i own which is why it sucks that it randomly decided to start giving me shit

Also i just like computers. i enjoy fine tuning the system to my liking and being able to adjust components, add additional storage (i have over 5 terabytes rn), etc. the versatility of a pc is what appeals to me most. a custom built pc is like the freeform jazz of the tech world. i went three years w/o issue

!@#$%! 01.09.2019 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
consoles dont have the games i like to play, or the ability to use mouse and keyboard over a gamepad

i also am super huge on emulating old games, which i cant do for free on a console

AVID can suck my fuckmaker. i'm a sony vegas man untl i die breh.

my pc is like a one-stop shop of eveything i enjoy in life, and has replaced nearly everything i own which is why it sucks that it randomly decided to start giving me shit

Also i just like computers. i enjoy fine tuning the system to my liking and being able to adjust components, add additional storage (i have over 5 terabytes rn), etc. the versatility of a pc is what appeals to me most. a custom built pc is like the freeform jazz of the tech world. i went three years w/o issue

avid used to be glorious. super methodical. i loved it, but it was too demanding on hardware and updates and ufff... long story

anyway yeah what you say is right... it’s the freeform jazz etc. yes.

and if i had the time and could afford the downtimes i would. but oh, not really, cuz a hackintosh is a pain in the ass and can’t self-build no more.

i guess i wrote myself out of that free jazz path for the foreseeable future.

i’ve switched to appliances and the cloud, basically... which is a bit like when computers started. i used to have a VAX account lololo!

anyway—fix your shit man! :D

end this suffering and fix it already. wtf is going on?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.13.2019 06:04 PM

I love that disorientation feeling like right when u wake up and u cant make sense of shit

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.15.2019 05:46 PM

Hey nonny ding dong, alang, alang, alang
Boom ba-doh, ba-doo, ba-doodle-ay...

Oh, life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above
If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart

Oh, life could be a dream
If only all my precious plans would come true
If you would let me spend my whole life lovin' you
Life could be a dream, sweetheart

Now every time I look at you
Something is on my mind
If you do what I want you to
Baby, we'd be so fine
Oh, life could be a dream
If I could take you up in paradise up above
If you would tell me I'm the only one that you love
Life could be a dream, sweetheart

Sh-boom sh-boom, ya-da-da da-da-da da-da-da da
Sh-boom sh-boom, ya-da-da da-da-da da-da-da da
Sh-boom sh-boom…


EVOLghost 01.15.2019 10:39 PM

But life was like a dream.
A series of meaningless movement

Savage Clone 01.15.2019 10:40 PM

Life is a nightmare. I can't wait to wake up.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.20.2019 03:09 AM

Had a nightmare where I lost my house and had to live in the sewers w these horse sized transluscent scorpions. I just woke up and noped the fuck right outta that one

Something tells me I swallowed a spider

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.20.2019 03:20 AM

Fell back asleep, just awoke from a very brief dream im a shawarma shop where some cute Muslim girls in garb offered to urinate on my sandwich before serving it to me. I accepted

EVOLghost 01.20.2019 12:01 PM

I haven't really dreamt much....but in my last dream. My hairline was receding more and more....pretty terrifying.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2019 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I haven't really dreamt much....but in my last dream. My hairline was receding more and more....pretty terrifying.

Being bald is great, honestly.

It's never held me back from anything in life afaik.

Haircuts are no longer a thing, just shave your head in the sink and be done.
No need for combs, and you use so little shampoo.
I wouldn't go back to having hair, given the option.

Honestly, I look better w/o it.

Women have never taken issue w/ it either. It's how you wear it, not what it is - etc.

h8kurdt 01.26.2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I haven't really dreamt much....but in my last dream. My hairline was receding more and more....pretty terrifying.

Urgh I feel you. Just depressing. I know I should be like "evs" but it ain't like that. Swear I'm like Samson. Lose this hair and I lose my power *quietly sobs*

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2019 05:44 PM

Shave it off, and grow a beard. Hit the gym. No problemo.

h8kurdt 01.27.2019 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Shave it off, and grow a beard. Hit the gym. No problemo.

Haha the gym and climbing have sorted one of those out. The other is I'm one of those that can't grow a beard if I could bit would have gone a long time ago. Suspect I'd end up looking more like Harry Hill then Yul Brynner.

I'll do it one day soon.

choc e-Claire 01.27.2019 03:23 AM

I had a dream where I was being picked up and carried around by a cute boy.

ugh I wanna be a soft small hoodie bitch so much

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.27.2019 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Haha the gym and climbing have sorted one of those out. The other is I'm one of those that can't grow a beard if I could bit would have gone a long time ago. Suspect I'd end up looking more like Harry Hill then Yul Brynner.

I'll do it one day soon.

Tell me more about climbing, kurdt.

Where do you go? How did you start off? How high you get breh?

h8kurdt 01.27.2019 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Tell me more about climbing, kurdt.

Where do you go? How did you start off? How high you get breh?

Ah, climbing is something I've done for the last 3/4 years with carrying degrees of enthusiasm. I'm lucky that there's an indoor climbing wall just down the road from me. Tbh, the only reason I started going was the gym was starting to bore me so I figured climbing would sort out my fear of heights, keep me fit and give me something to do in the evenings.

This year is the year where I've got some very clear targets of what grade I want to be climbing and getting out more often. I've been outside a few times but never as much as I should do. Then next year I wanna go climbing in Spain for a bit. That's gonna take some serious training on my part though.

I dunno, it's taken a while to shake off the mental shackles (lame I know) that was stopping me climbing as good as I can do. I'm by no means a very good climber, but I'm doing this for the fun of it not to have a career. However things are always getting better and here's hoping it stays like that!

So there you go. A ramble by me. I will say this though, if anyone here can do it then I'd totally recommend it. The pros from doing it are so numerous.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.27.2019 01:35 PM

It's an interesting hobby to have, for sure.

I'm always looking for something physical to do. Truly believe humans are animals and aren't meant to be cooped up inside staring at screens all day: 17 degree Detroit weather or not

h8kurdt 01.28.2019 07:19 AM

I agree with you. I'm (sort of) lucky in that I have a physical job and I'm not on a computer all day. Some people enjoy an office job and that's fine. However, I'd be suicidal after a week I reckon.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.02.2019 10:14 PM

My entire past feels like a figment of my imagination sometimes, and I find physical reminders of it to feel foreign. Like "Oh yea, that's a thing which used to matter a lot to me." Sometimes it feels like my entire life was lived by someone else. Even dating that girl recently, I can't say that I remember much. I dreamt about her last night. She was giving me oral, and we snuggled, then I woke up alone in my bed. I hadn't thought of her in days prior, almost completely forgot. We've been broken up for a week (?) and dated for three months, shit doesn't even seem like it actually happened.

Was I always this spaced out or did I take one too many strolls down the information super highway?

Wonder how I'll meet a new woman. I don't like going out, tired of being some 'trendy art punk guy', and social media bores me.

Time to be creative? Keep my house clean, keep my hygiene and fitness up.

I'm tired of having to worry about my mom. I can barely be bothered to worry about myself, and that's what I need to focus on.



choc e-Claire 04.02.2019 10:28 PM

If life is a dream, then I want to wake up.

(EDIT: this isn't idealising suicide, don't worry about it [I realised as soon as I wrote this post that it deserved clarification]. I'm just saying I'd like to get myself out of feeling like I do now, to feeling something different and better.)

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.02.2019 10:38 PM

I feel as though I'm always tryna advise you, Choc. I enjoy pretending that I'm wise.

Live. Take risks. Strut your stuff, and give yourself a reason to smile. You shouldn't have to apologize for yr own existence. Nobody should, except for like Hitler, Ted Bundy, or tesla69.

Use your new source of income to fuel something creatively. Find a passion and stick with it. You're still young enough where you can practice something for a decade and only be in your mid-20s after you've honed your craft for that long.

Be confident in yourself by turning yourself into someone who you can confidently be.

Also learn how to torrent and watch Buffy, Angel, Arrow, and Daredevil in their entirety... and listen to more heavy metal. Let some of that teen rage out.

Sadness is only anger in disguise.

choc e-Claire 04.02.2019 10:54 PM

I was in the middle of trying to make a long and detailed response, before I realised that that would just sound like I was sulking.

Thank you Eugene

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.03.2019 01:21 AM


choc e-Claire 04.03.2019 01:48 AM

I'm scared now

EVOLghost 04.03.2019 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
My entire past feels like a figment of my imagination sometimes, and I find physical reminders of it to feel foreign. Like "Oh yea, that's a thing which used to matter a lot to me." Sometimes it feels like my entire life was lived by someone else. Even dating that girl recently, I can't say that I remember much. I dreamt about her last night. She was giving me oral, and we snuggled, then I woke up alone in my bed. I hadn't thought of her in days prior, almost completely forgot. We've been broken up for a week (?) and dated for three months, shit doesn't even seem like it actually happened.

Was I always this spaced out or did I take one too many strolls down the information super highway?

Wonder how I'll meet a new woman. I don't like going out, tired of being some 'trendy art punk guy', and social media bores me.

Time to be creative? Keep my house clean, keep my hygiene and fitness up.

I'm tired of having to worry about my mom. I can barely be bothered to worry about myself, and that's what I need to focus on.



Take care of yourself homie.

Just keep focusing on yourself and everything will fall into place. You’ll meet someone without even trying and you’ll get there man. You got a solid head on your shoulders.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.03.2019 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Take care of yourself homie.

Just keep focusing on yourself and everything will fall into place. You’ll meet someone without even trying and you’ll get there man. You got a solid head on your shoulders.

Coming from the one person on this board who has actually met me in real life.

Thank you, that means a lot.

hairs missing 04.03.2019 05:59 PM



The Gazpacho Gestapo 04.03.2019 06:12 PM


!@#$%! 04.06.2019 08:10 AM

SonicSleuth 04.06.2019 09:12 PM

You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

-from Poe's "A Dream Within a Dream"

Decent poem.

tesla69 04.08.2019 05:01 PM

As a friend, I recommend most of you posting here to not drink or use drugs. Take lots of walks and stronger physical exercise if possible - find a social hobby where drinking is not the focus like stamp collecting or bicycle touring - but it is all up to you and you have to just say fuck off to anyone who tries to keep you down, even - especially - yourself. The Buddha said (sic) desire is the source of all suffering and I take that to heart.

choc e-Claire 04.08.2019 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
As a friend

Thanks for the laugh Tesla.

That said, it is good advice. :)

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.08.2019 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
As a friend, I recommend most of you posting here to not drink or use drugs. Take lots of walks and stronger physical exercise if possible - find a social hobby where drinking is not the focus like stamp collecting or bicycle touring - but it is all up to you and you have to just say fuck off to anyone who tries to keep you down, even - especially - yourself. The Buddha said (sic) desire is the source of all suffering and I take that to heart.

I appreciate it.

I'm fairly social and sober 95% of the time. I've gone down the rabbithole one too many times in the past though.

My buddy and I actually hit the gym together now. Him to lose weight, me to gain muscle.

I just live alone and I often feel isolated. Getting a new job will help a ton.

Thanks tesla, for a smarmy conservative... that was nice of you.

I'd give ya positive rep if the system allowed me.

choc e-Claire 04.17.2019 03:42 PM

Had a weird/bad dream last night.

I was standing on the outskirts of town (near a new group of houses being built), waiting for a bus to arrive. When it did, it ended up being a platform with no walls or anything, but there were a good twenty or so people on there, a few of whom I knew (from primary school???). Once I got on the bus, almost all of them started smoking. One guy turned around and offered me one, and I said 'ew, no'. Then someone else kinda tapped me on the shoulder with one - it was warm, but it didn't burn. I didn't want to be a snitch, but that did it for me. I told the bus driver (to loud boos) and got off, fortunately right near my house (except it wasn't). I was trying to tell my parents about it, but then plenty of people from the bus came in, and soon there were dozens of people I vaguely knew just standing around and talking.

!@#$%! 04.17.2019 03:45 PM

haaa haa haaaa

i have an interpretation. you wanna hear it?

here or as pm, your choice

Peterpuff 04.17.2019 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
haaa haa haaaa

i have an interpretation. you wanna hear it?

here or as pm, your choice

Well, it is his choice, but the more entertaining option would be to share it here, obviously!!

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