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Rob Instigator 02.05.2014 10:46 PM dunno if this works for anyone. I can't seem to on this bullshit iPod I am using

MellySingsDoom 02.05.2014 10:49 PM

I have posted this elsewhere, but thought it worthwhile posting it here too:


...I have had friends who have battled with substance abuse issues before - including one friend heavily into smack and cocaine, and another into smack and crack cocaine (and another into cocaine who went so far as dealing it too). This is the first time I've had to face the fact of someone I knew actually dying of a drugs overdose. How does anyone even begin to deal with something like this? I don't fucking know - all I know is that someone I considered an online friend has died needlessly and wastefully, and he'll never get to live a fulfilling a creative life, never get to fall in love again, never get to raise a family, never get to feel truly appreciated for who he was - even though everyone who knew him loved him to pieces.

God bless you Adam, and may the angels guide you into the light of eternity. And I hope the total scum who sold him the fucking morphine choke on themselves. Permanently.

Rob Instigator 02.05.2014 10:56 PM

Dunno if anyone saw this last year but it is kick-ass. He was someone I really wish I had gotten to meet and know in person. I like people whose every super-string is vibrating at Odd angles to the normal around us. He was like that.

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
it really meant a lot to me cause I never figured myself as someone cool enough to be singled out from all the people on here.

I'd love to help you dispel this, but I truly hope that by now, you've managed to take care of that poison thought on your own.

be the coolest person you know; others be damned.

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 10:59 PM

who else here worries about Lilly?

Derek 02.05.2014 11:02 PM

We had planned to meet for so long. He was supposed to play a show in England and I was going to take the train down to hang out with him. When I told him I'm in the running to move to Japan I told him I was going to pay for him to come out and visit if I ended up living there because he would have loved the country.

It's going to kill me when a new Takeshi Kitano film comes out and he'll never get to see it. It'll be hard watching it and wanting to discuss it with him and never being able to.

terriblecanyons 02.05.2014 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
who else here worries about Lilly?

Melly said the same, I hope she's okay

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 11:04 PM

^^^ PS: ILU

MellySingsDoom 02.05.2014 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
who else here worries about Lilly?

I've been trying to figure out how to get in touch with her tonight. I haven't got a clue where to start. And yes, given her own past issues on this front, I just hope that she's clean and living a happy anf fulfilling life.

Derek 02.05.2014 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
who else here worries about Lilly?

I'd like to think that she married a hot guy, fell ass backwards into a pile of money and is on top of the world. She was a really strong, charismatic person who was a total bitch in just the right way. She seemed like someone who would make it out of the dreck okay.

!@#$%! 02.05.2014 11:15 PM

i just wanted to throw in some thoughts about adam. i don't know this is the time or the place but anyway, i'm thinking about him.

i read above that people should remember adam as happy, among other things, but i don't remember him that way. fuck no. adam suffered, and suffered hard. i remember him talking about his dad who was i think a convicted rapist. please correct me if i'm wrong, i'll erase it if i'm wrong, but he couldn't stand the guy. he had some shitty girlfriends too, in his day. some treated him like shit, took advantage of him, shit like that. and then he was sick-- he had some esophagus reflux shit, and i think it was giving him cancer and it was incurable-- i mean, GERD is incurable, and causes cancer. and adam, i remember talking about it, he was often in pain from it. a lot. which is probably why the morphine, i guess.

but see, the great thing about him was that in spite of all that pain he did stuff--- a lot of stuff. and he was a kind person, and generous, and forgiving of everyone-- except maybe for kathleen hanna and courtney love.


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
SY are just mad because Courtney never returned Kim's thongs.

Before Courtney punched Kathleen Hanna, did she say, "Someday you will ache like I ache... and that day is today!!" *bam*

ha ha ha ha. fucker was hilarious.

but anyway, i almost forgot, shit, what was it, yeah, he wasn't "happy" like that, i think, "la la la, i'm happy", no, fuck no, he had pain, and he had a dark humor to cope with all that, and he didn't have it easy, but he loved art, and liked things intensely, and he would throw himself into his work like nobody i've ever seen. i remember one time, was like over 9 years ago, i mailed him a copy of "diy or die", and i never heard if he received it or watched it or anything, ha ha, but i think in the end he went beyond what those people were doing.

i'm sad to hear he was homeless or something as of late. i remember he had inherited a house (a tiny house, all shitty, worth maybe $20K) and he'd talk here about what he'd do with it, etc. also he had saved some money. so i don't know what happened with him, and maybe it will be a mystery to all of us in the end, but i think he was sick, and in pain, and he self-medicated, and lasted as long as he could. don't know how much to blame the fucked health care system in this country. but esophageal cancer, if that's what he had (i think that's what he had) is a son of a bitch.

and yeah, even if 27 is only 27, i think he did and felt a lot more than most of us could do and feel in 200 years. so i'm not going to look at him with pity or think he was pathetic but instead i'll remember him with a lot of admiration. he had it tough but he coped and lived as best he could and burned fucking bright.

i remember when he put satana in his movie, one day here they are talking and he calls her "a star."

well they same to you, mr adam cooley. you're a star. we'll fucking miss you, but you're not going to be forgotten or disappear.

MellySingsDoom 02.05.2014 11:17 PM

Can't pos rep symbolguy enough.

Bytor Peltor 02.05.2014 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator dunno if this works for anyone. I can't seem to on this bullshit iPod I am using

I just attempted playing Scissor Shock radio and it wound't work.

dead_battery 02.05.2014 11:20 PM

i had to rewrite this post after symbols which is totally on the mark.


adam had health problems which i dont think are known by very many people here. he had health problems that would necessitate the use of opiates. he had health problems that would make most people just GIVE UP.

the last time i talked to him was i think around 2010. if he was doing drugs towards the end of his life it was because of the legitimate physical and obviously psychic pain.

he seemed a bit burnt out, but not because he was lazy or didn't bother to make things happen in his life, he was burnt out FROM giving SO MUCH to the world and not getting what he deserved back from it. it was always gonna be hard for the rest of us to keep up with someone like that.

anyway, i say all this like i knew the guy better than i did. i dont even think he liked me in the end because i was posting a load of bullshit here and being a mean asshole a lot of the time. not to him but just in general and i know he didnt agree with that because he was a better person than i am.

also, lets not forget that adam was a working class guy like most of the rest of us and we exist only to work and the rest of the time we are surplus to requirements and in this society, we are gonna be preyed upon by the circulators of addiction for the sake of profit. we face lives of such isolation and lack of opportunity that drugs are often the only thing happening. the myth of individual will that can overpower the world and causally determine reality is not exactly accurate. drugs are a part of the nature of our environments and they prey on us unfortunately.

but the things he managed to accomplish! he made everything happen for himself. the energy he had was one in a million.

and as symbol said he was a hilarious guy who always laughed and even when he was sad and suffering, had a way of making you feel good by just talking to him.

terriblecanyons 02.05.2014 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
^^^ PS: ILU

Is that to me? I love you too buddy

Fuck I've changed. Death has taken a serious toll on me and this will too. I probably sound sappy and sentimental as shit but I've had a hell of a time on this board with you crazy fucks and I really do love and care about each of you

Fuck I'm crying again

SONIC GAIL 02.05.2014 11:24 PM

Yes yes symbols and dead battery

SONIC GAIL 02.05.2014 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
Is that to me? I love you too buddy

Fuck I've changed. Death has taken a serious toll on me and this will too. I probably sound sappy and sentimental as shit but I've had a hell of a time on this board with you crazy fucks and I really do love and care about each of you

Fuck I'm crying again


dead_battery 02.05.2014 11:28 PM

i remember we talked about coming up with a fake band, and writing fake reviews and fake hype and seeing how far we could push it.

do any of you know about how pitchfork REFUSED to review scissor shock because it wasnt on a major label and they only cover bands that payola their hack asses and deliberately exclude independent music to appease their corporate paymasters?

"sunno started out as 2 guys trying to make the brown noise from south park."

MellySingsDoom 02.05.2014 11:30 PM

I think I may have found Lilly online - have sent her a PM telling her about Adam's death.

Derek 02.05.2014 11:30 PM

Symbol guy, I can probably address some of the stuff in your post.

His dad wasn't a rapist, though he did do fucked up things because he was a fucked up redneck. It was his stepmom who he claims molested him and abused him.

He had a tumultuous relationship with his girlfriends and I think his separation with his girlfriend Hannah is what started his decline. He loved her even till his death and always secretly wished that she would get together with him again.

He had money saved but he lost his savings through a lawsuit and bail money. He was arrested for driving while drugged up and I think he hit into another car and was arrested? It was something like that. He didn't really go into it with me.

I should also mention, though not to put him down, that Adam embellished a lot of facts about his life. Either to use as humour or as an exaggerated talking point. He's said things to me that contradicted things he's said to me previously. So, you know, take everything he's posted or said in private with a grain of salt. No one really knows how things went down for him.

Derek 02.05.2014 11:34 PM

Also, nik, Adam has expressed lots of negative opinions about people here to me nearer the end of his posting but he has never said anything negative about you. He always thought you were a creative genius thinker.

dead_battery 02.05.2014 11:34 PM

thanks derek, that makes me feel happy and sad at the same time.

im glad you kept in touch with him and i know he thought very highly of you because he told me so on more than one occasion.

Rob Instigator 02.05.2014 11:35 PM

Goddamn sucks. It always sucks. I am up too late goodnight and everyone be glad when you wake up tomorrow.

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
Is that to me? I love you too buddy

Fuck I've changed. Death has taken a serious toll on me and this will too. I probably sound sappy and sentimental as shit but I've had a hell of a time on this board with you crazy fucks and I really do love and care about each of you

Fuck I'm crying again

yes'm, and although not a great Facebook participant, I've kept up with you and know that it's been hard losing your friend. I hope that scattering his ashes brought you closure. I think you are a wonderfully talented young lady and it gladdens me to read that you are doing better within your own personal life these days. keep at the piano, and take it places.

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
thanks derek, that makes me feel happy and sad at the same time.

would it help if I called you "cunt"? :)


Dead-Air 02.05.2014 11:55 PM

I fucking hate death. I feel bad that I hadn't stayed in better touch with him. He was such a sweet guy and really inspiringly creative. Always fun to chat with, a seemingly infinite well of interesting music to share. I like Robe. a lot more than Scissor Shock, but from the way he described their live shows, I'm sure that's where the SS action was.

Cheers everyone. Many cool people have shared their lives here. I appreciate this group immensely.

floatingslowly 02.05.2014 11:55 PM

I think the thing that strikes me most about this (as a parent) is how hard it must have been for his mother to have a child who is both intelligent and creative. I don't think I need to explain the hard path (of drugs) that boredom can lead to.

as Herr Doom mentioned, I've lost a fair amount of old friends to opiates and hope to never see it happen to any else, especially you pricks.

!@#$%! 02.06.2014 12:04 AM

derek, yeah, i'm like a sponge-- so i was remembering some of the things he wrote here (i never discuss pms.)

and stuff like

and yes, i'm sure he embellished, ha ha…. all artists do that, or they aren't artists. novelists straight up make up shit though!


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, all those were copy and paste.

Derek 02.06.2014 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
I fucking hate death. I feel bad that I hadn't stayed in better touch with him. He was such a sweet guy and really inspiringly creative. Always fun to chat with, a seemingly infinite well of interesting music to share. I like Robe. a lot more than Scissor Shock, but from the way he described their live shows, I'm sure that's where the SS action was.

Cheers everyone. Many cool people have shared their lives here. I appreciate this group immensely.

You shouldn't feel bad that you never kept in better touch with him. He made it incredibly difficult for everyone to speak to him because of his circumstances. I would just have to wait for a soulseek message or a random email from him to have some sort of dialogue. He told me I was the only person he wanted to keep in contact with and even I struggled for awhile to know how he was.

Also Bytor, I'd love to hear the mix he made you. Would you care to upload it at some point?

dead_battery 02.06.2014 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
would it help if I called you "cunt"? :)


i luv u too, robit.

Derek 02.06.2014 12:10 AM

Also, his band mate has been speaking to Adam's mum and he told me that he choked to death on his own vomit. It was not a suicide.

hipster_bebop_junkie 02.06.2014 12:17 AM

I didn't get to interact that much with Adam in a very direct way, but I am so saddened to know he's passed away.

My deepest condolences to all his family and friends. And hugs to all of you.

Everyneurotic 02.06.2014 12:19 AM


This is the artwork for The Mars Travolta / You're All Slime he made me a while back. In the back it says "Hi Marcos, thanks for the support! If you ever need anything, just ask! <3 AC".

Listening to it as I type.

ann ashtray 02.06.2014 01:07 AM

Haven't posted here in a while, but this whole thing was brought to my attention and felt I should say something.

Me and Adam didn't always get along so well. Ultimately, I think that's despite the point. Beyond all the bullshit I think he was an extremely talented kid that could have potentially went on to do a lot of great things in the way of art. Super smart. I realize some of you were really close to him and for you guys I am sorry. Hope all is well all things considered. Love and shit.


floatingslowly 02.06.2014 01:17 AM

all of these apparitions are making me feel wistful.

it's a shame it's taken something like this.

SONIC GAIL 02.06.2014 01:30 AM

Death brings old friends together

yall mean more to me than most ppl i physically know

love u all

Moshe 02.06.2014 01:34 AM

this is so sad. rip adam.

stu666 02.06.2014 01:48 AM

Very sad to hear this. RIP Adam.

fugazifan 02.06.2014 02:21 AM

I also haven't been here in at least a year, but wow, so shocked and saddened by this. He was really an inspirational person in that he could really just create whatever he wanted to, whether it be music or films or whatever, he would just do it, budget and technical skill be damned.

I remember we used to have good chats here about a lot of different things, especially our mutual love for the Sun City Girls. It is a bit comforting being back here and seeing the amount of love being poured out to the really incredible person that was Adam Cooley.

Even though I haven't heard from him in years he will really be missed and in my thoughts for a while.

Genteel Death 02.06.2014 02:28 AM

Man, this is so sad. RIP Adam.

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