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gast30 12.05.2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
simple life forms do not know how to use, much less construct, and create, the internet, computers, language.

all animals wage war of some sort, especially primates. we need to go BEYOND that, and thinking we are all just animals will never get us there.

i think we disagree on the importance of knowing the lifeform

as i explained in the universal theory of animal 'there is no there'
like you say 'get us there'
animals don't need to get anywhere

animals are minimized in activity and that is eating

animals don't need to go to another planet if they have found food on this planet

if animals do explore other planets then that is a luxury
an animal/lifeform don't need to do things

there is no book that explains animals what to do and how to live their life
it is universal freedom
in evolution we are nothing more then part of the foodchain

if we have todays modern technology that give proof to us that we are DNA related to ape species


this is the modern day

and the question goes why did the population never had the word to say and speak out it is an animal?

why because religious leaders found it easy if the population just follows without questioning

from there that for a long time evolution theory was forbidden to teach for a really long time

evolution theory was THE thing to censor out of the public information

and now for the first time in human history we have internet, we have modern technology and we gonna live underground with the idea of evolution theory ?????

no way rob
the modern worlds begins when the information is corrected
modern = bright information about life

i know what you mean with we have to go beyond that
the modern world is the information age
with the correct information

the information age that is now is not changing a thing in the universe or in the lifeform

the lifeform stays what it is
the universe stay what it is

nothing changes in the information age
it only helps to understand the lifeform we live in

information age gives us bright information about were we as lifeform evolved from

the line of evolution
earth -> water -> bacteria -> water lifeform -> amfibic lifeform -> land animal lifeform -> YOU

^^ that is what information age does for the lifeform
it explains what is is where it camefrom and how it adaped during evolution
to the shape of what sapians have now today

gast30 12.05.2012 01:45 AM

information don't change anything
it is just knowing what you are as lifeform

today with modern technology we have a better vieuw on all what we wanted to know

the question then is what is the animal sapian going to do when he/she know the modern information/information age ?

then again the universal theory of the animal sez that an animal has nothing to do

it don't need to do anything
even if the animal knows all information the information age it will not give the animal any order or command to do a thing

to do even 1 thing

why do i say this?

because i know that humans are looking for something
someone to tell them what to do

gast30 12.05.2012 02:32 AM

the thing of all this, and i want to say this to tesla69, rob flupluto, slowflow and danger as friends

the list is too long to write all the problems that humans had while they wanted to live together since they are the ruling dominant specie on earth

lets start simple

let's start with the sapian that spread from africa
there is an african woman who is the grand mother of ALL HUMANS WALKING AROUND TODAY

information age: DNA ^^ this message is TRUE
[OK computer]

that begin spread was the last time the sapians were together as 1 group
cavepeople stone age

so the stone age was the last time that the humans lived in 1 group

what happend after that humans didn't to live as 1 group?

there were too many people and not enough food
and at that moment the wars for land break loose
because land was suitable for food
as agriculture started to feed a group of humans

when there was a bad season then the human group was out of luck

on other places where groups of humans lived close with nature
you see how they have found intelligent ways to deal with food

-aboriginals: they only take the food they need for the day and nothing more
-eskimo's: use all the food they can to surive in the artic, clothes are from animals, nothing is wasted

conclusion: the history of humans show us that the humans found difficulties to live as 1 group after they food they hunted ran out
it is too difficult to form a group that functions and lives as 1 group

even till today
it is extreem difficult to explain to every human that they are all family with all other humans on the planet

also geografic distance of humans living on other location, on other continent

when animals eat a prey they still fight for it
it is not that animal share everthing nicely with the pack

well hopefully this information age can give humans to possibility to live back as 1 group of humans

can organise as 1 group to help eachother in their basic needs food

and if that happens then humans can speak of a succes of the good use of information

ofcourse we can do this, we have modern technology
and we have internet all over planet earth

the information age can help us in many many ways
the information age is not gonna change evolution
the information age is not gonna change the universe

if that is what you are thinking then you are thinking wrong
you stay an mortal vulnarable animal lifeform

gast30 12.05.2012 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
A sophisticated new generation of Israeli bombs and rockets, used against Gaza over the past five years are leaving behind environmental contamination that is extremely threatening to public heath. According to Gaza hospitals, Palestinian victims are showing severe symptoms of heavy metal poisoning along with indications of radiation exposure. Depleted uranium, used for armor-piercing penetrator heads, is suspected – as it was in Iraq – of causing radiation-related disorders after it becomes vaporized on impact and ingested as dust.

seen childeren in iraque who were victims of these plutonium enriched rockets

it looked terrible

people suffer alot of wars
it is really sad

what can i do?

i don't know

now i'm 35 years and i have seen many wars in my life
not lived in a warzone


it is soo insaine

EVOLghost 12.05.2012 05:16 AM


gast30 12.05.2012 12:33 PM

yep better have a break with humour, multi functional michelle

these wars of the last years and all the wars of the past are soo insaine
you wouldn't believe it

going to stop talking about it
has no use

the sapian is an animal that doesn't learn from war
the sapian is an animal that don't have the iq to know that if you give animals weapons that they will kill eachother

i leave the behaviour of the sapian animal to itself

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