stu666 |
06.26.2012 12:56 AM |
Originally Posted by floatingslowly
what's the deal with THE DIVORCE? is it true that Thirston had "wiener problems"?
The truth is that Thurston caught me and Kim together after the London New Years Eve show. So you can blame me for the split... :( sorry guys.
Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Will you be my bf at ATP?
Maybe, I'd have to wait and see when I meet you though...
Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
what are the responsibilities / perks of being a Super Moderator?
My main responsibility is to delete/ban all the new spam threads/bots. I'm not sure they're perks but I can edit/delete any post/thread/member, I can see what all of you are doing (even when you use invisible mode) and there's a fifth forum on the front page only for Admin + Mods.
Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Stu do u think I will age as well as Kim?
Yes dear, you and all of us who post here hold the secret to eternal youth..