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SpaceCadetHayden 01.21.2011 12:00 AM


fuck mafucka

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.22.2011 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by SpaceCadetHayden

fuck mafucka

"..fuck it I'll go up against a tank with a shank for what I believe in.."

by the way, for the haterz to take note, this has had an immeasurable ripple effect across the Arab and Muslim world, there are revolutions brewing in Jordan, Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Lebanon, and even Albania, all directly influenced by the recent developments in Tunisia. Get up Stand up, stand up for your rights, do ya hear?

fugazifan 01.28.2011 11:48 AM

so.... the people in Eygpt have taken to the steets. the governments tried to cut them off from internet, but to no avail. the last things that i heard were thatmubarak has declared a curfew in cairo, that the people have taken of some square, and that some of the police people dont want to fight the people but would rather like to join them.
yesterday the people of yemen also started to riot.

tesla69 01.28.2011 01:01 PM

I don't think its going to turn out well for the Egyptian people. Their miliatary and security services were trained by actual Nazi's after WW2 with of course US backup. The Tunisian revolts were backed by western powers, and that is not going to happen in Egypt. Jordan will just give some tokens to their citizens that the US will probably fund. As bad as these governments are, I don't see the inevitable muslim brotherhood successors to be any improvement. But from what I hear, we in the west can't even fathom the poverty in Cairo. But its great to hear how the govt cut off the internet once things got crazy, you know they'll do the same here in the US if any similar situation arose.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.28.2011 01:07 PM

with what happened in Jordan and Egypt I hope (bet) KeepingItSimple is feeling a bit naive or even stupid ;)

Keeping It Simple 01.29.2011 08:15 AM

I heard the C.I.A are behind the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt. No doubt to replace whoever has been forced out with a puppet of theirs. Which country is next, I wonder? Libya? Morocco?

tesla69 02.01.2011 09:36 AM

"Skorzeny had also been spending time in Egypt. In 1952 the country had been taken over by the CIA-backed General Mohammed Naguib, who was effectively a puppet of Egyptian Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser. Skorzeny was sent to Egypt the following year by former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, who was now working for the CIA, to act as Naguib's military advisor. Skorzeny recruited a staff made up of former SS officers to train the Egyptian army. Among these die-hard Nazis were General Oskar Dirlewanger, the "Butcher of Warsaw," and Adolf Eichmann, the man who engineered the Final Solution.
Many other Nazis joined Skorzeny in Egypt, attracted to the Naguib/Nasser government's tolerance for fascism and their shared hatred for the newly created state of Israel. The Nazis further fueled Arab antisemitism with translated copies of Mein Kampf and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
In addition to training the army, Skorzeny also trained Arab volunteers in commando tactics for possible use against British troops stationed in the Suez Canal zone. Several Palestinian refugees also received commando training, and Skorzeny planned their initial strikes into Israel via the Gaza Strip in 1953-1954. One of these Palestinians was a young Yasser Arafat, who formed a long-lasting friendship with the Nazi commando."

fugazifan 02.01.2011 10:10 AM

there were demonstrations in syria against assad and today king abdullah of jordan fired his government in an attempt to initiate some reforms.
quite the exciting times

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.01.2011 03:37 PM

this is a new revolution, I never expected it, but its like 1960 in Africa all over again, lets just hope we get better results this time around.

tesla69 02.01.2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
this is a new revolution, I never expected it, but its like 1960 in Africa all over again, lets just hope we get better results this time around.

sadly I have to expect these will be reactionary religious "revolutions" - the Muslim Brotherhood is not a group you want to see taking power. Such mass movements are exciting though! I'm sure the secret police in the US use the same tactic below in bold.

"Afterwards, security forces evacuated from all the cities. Chaos and confusion ensued. ... The secret police opened all police stations and prisons releasing all criminals in a scorched-earth attempt to spread fear and chaos. The regime hoped to regain the upper hand by proving its worth to the people as their source of security."

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.01.2011 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
sadly I have to expect these will be reactionary religious "revolutions" - the Muslim Brotherhood is not a group you want to see taking power. Such mass movements are exciting though! I'm sure the secret police in the US use the same tactic below in bold.

"Afterwards, security forces evacuated from all the cities. Chaos and confusion ensued. ... The secret police opened all police stations and prisons releasing all criminals in a scorched-earth attempt to spread fear and chaos. The regime hoped to regain the upper hand by proving its worth to the people as their source of security."

All of this is political theater, be it here in the US or there. In watching the movie, we are not the writers, so we can only hope for the best, and roll with the punches. In regards the the religious extremists, they will never succeed in taking over anything, that kind of mentality is for dinosaurs, and dinosaurs are either extinct or at the least evolved into chickens, which common people alike eat for dinner.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.01.2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
sadly I have to expect these will be reactionary religious "revolutions" - the Muslim Brotherhood is not a group you want to see taking power. Such mass movements are exciting though! I'm sure the secret police in the US use the same tactic below in bold.

"Afterwards, security forces evacuated from all the cities. Chaos and confusion ensued. ... The secret police opened all police stations and prisons releasing all criminals in a scorched-earth attempt to spread fear and chaos. The regime hoped to regain the upper hand by proving its worth to the people as their source of security."

All of this is political theater, be it here in the US or there. In watching the movie, we are not the writers, so we can only hope for the best, and roll with the punches. In regards the the religious extremists, they will never succeed in taking over anything, that kind of mentality is for dinosaurs, and dinosaurs are either extinct or at the least evolved into chickens, which common people alike eat for dinner.


tesla69 02.02.2011 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
In regards the the religious extremists, they will never succeed in taking over anything,

I dunno man, they're doing a pretty good job here in the States of making their agenda happen.

I'm watching the Al Jazeera feed of Cairo, its incredible to see this live. The eye of God available to all of us. The counter revolution is now in effect.

EDIT: powerful photos, I'm not seeing in us media

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.04.2011 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I dunno man, they're doing a pretty good job here in the States of making their agenda happen.

Religion by its very definitions is contrary to politics, when pseudo-religious movements become political parties or worse yet acting governments, they tend to abandon their religious sincerity for a raw power trip. Religion is a spiritual movement which causes people to look internally where as politics by definition make you look outward so fundamentalist/militant religious groups are only using religion as a pretext, a subterfuge even, but the reality is it is a grab for power having little to do with religion. The truly religious leaders tend to resign in the long run, and those who grip power tend not to be very sincerely religious. That being said, I highly doubt sharia will be coming to Egypt, but the Brotherhood just may rekindle their beef with Israel, after all, the Israelis have been punking Mubarek for decades now, most Egyptians feel utterly humiliated by the circumstances..

again, I wonder how stupid KeepingItSimple is feeling..

tesla69 02.08.2011 03:34 PM

"Al Jazeera's Cairo bureau chief Ayman Mohyeldin said Monday that he was blindfolded, handcuffed and taken in to custody by Egyptian military police the previous day.
He was released after nine hours in detention.
Mohyeldin told the network Monday that he and other detainees were treated like "prisoners of war.""

Well what do they expect, it is a war, primarily being fought in the international media. It is Information War. The corruptocrats will never give up power, IT MUST BE TAKEN BY FORCE.

And a good point is that the US elite doesn't treat its dissidents any better. I personally have walked the pig gaunlet for no reason other than intimidation.

tesla69 02.09.2011 02:25 PM

hadn't heard this story from today's goes on the US too

On June 6, 2010, soft-spoken businessman Khaled Said, 28, had his dinner before retreating to his room and embarking on his daily routine of surfing the Internet, blogging, and chatting with his friends on different social websites. Several days earlier, he had posted a seven-minute online video of Alexandria police officers dividing up confiscated drugs among themselves.
When his Internet service suddenly was disrupted that evening, he left his middle class apartment in the coastal city of Alexandria and headed to his neighborhood Internet café. As he resumed blogging, two plain-clothes secret police officers demanded that he be searched. When he inquired as to why or on whose authority, they scoffed at him while blurting out: emergency law. He refused to be touched and demanded to see a uniformed officer or be taken to a police station.
According to eyewitnesses, within minutes they dragged him to a nearby vacant building and began to severely beat up his tiny body, eventually smashing his head on a marble tabletop. His body was subsequently dumped in the street to be retrieved later by an ambulance that declared him dead. According to his mother, Leila Marzouq, his body was totally bruised, teeth broken, and skull fractured.
Immediately, the Interior Ministry started the cover-up campaign. The official report claimed that Said was a drug dealer who tried to escape arrest. They claimed that when he was busted he died by asphyxia as he tried to swallow the narcotics. The authorities backed up this incredible account with two medical reports from the state’s medical examiner. The government print and TV media recycled the official version by painting the reclusive and shy blogger as a reckless drug addict and dealer.
However, when graphic images of Said’s body began to circulate online, other political bloggers and human rights activists were enraged and the nascent youth movement to rescind the 29-year old emergency law started to transform itself from online group discussions to popular protests in the streets of Alexandria, which were predictably met with more police repression and brutality.

tesla69 02.09.2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
this goes on the US too.

Days before Mayor Nutter's ethics reform announcement, the City of Philadelphia also settled a wrongful police shooting lawsuit for $500,000. A policeman had fatally shot the female victim twice in the back and in three other places, claiming he feared the woman was going to stab him.
An attorney for the victim's family, called that shooting "an assassination." The Philadelphia DA's Office and Police Internal Affairs, however, had called the murderous action "justified," and took neither criminal nor disciplinary actions against the officer involved.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.11.2011 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by President Obama
The people of Egypt have spoken, their voices have been heard," Mr Obama said. "Egypt will never be the same again." "They have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day."

and yet I can't help wondering what would be the US government reaction if we Americans took the streets of the Capitol and besieged it for three weeks, burning down several government buildings in the process? Shit we couldn't even pull of the UK student fees protests ;)


Bertrand 02.14.2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
EDIT: powerful photos, I'm not seeing in us media

Thanks a lot for the link, powerful indeed!

the ikara cult 02.14.2011 04:00 PM

Roll on Tehran

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