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marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 03:26 AM

Speaking of a Fender bass, I was noticing the Jaguar bass, & I fell in love.
I like the Mustang bass as well, but there's something about that Jaguar look that goes well w/ a bass.

jon boy 03.31.2006 03:32 AM

i dont know why anyone would want a jagstang unless they are just rabidly into nirvana.

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 03:37 AM

I think the Jag-Stang is a unique guitar. It shows all the changes that Kurt's custom Jaguars & Mustangs went through. I've played the Jag-Stang only a few times, but I liked the way it played, in my opinion.

Go here to learn more on Kurt's guitar history:

A Thousand Threads 03.31.2006 03:44 AM

the Jag-Stang sucks

the drummer of my band owns one and i sometimes play it

SugarLips 03.31.2006 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by connie kreski
i have a stratocaster and a jazzmaster so i choose the jaguar
but honestly i want a fender bass VI (serie L of course 1965 ?)

great taste on the bass connie likin the vintage myself

... I wouldn't mind owning a jaguar either :D

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 04:41 AM

Are any of you upset that I didn't list the rest of the Fender catalouge. You know, Telecaster, Cyclone, etc.? I would have, I just thought these were the main ones that most people wanted.

A Thousand Threads 03.31.2006 04:48 AM

you forgot that was it called

that´s a cool axe

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 04:53 AM

That's actually not a bad looking guitar. I still prefer Mustangs or Jaguars though.

jon boy 03.31.2006 04:53 AM

subsonic, 12 strings, there are plenty of other guitars that fender have done.

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 04:57 AM

That's why I was asking if you were upset. I knew I should have listed more.
My fault.

RIPfrey05 03.31.2006 11:31 PM

I've already got a jaguar.. which i love to death even though it buzzes at the goddam ill put in my vote for jazzmaster!!

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 11:36 PM

My Mustang is old, so it buzzes alot to. & if I change chords from E to C, the tuning changes. It just needs alot of restoration.

Inhuman 03.31.2006 11:42 PM

I'd want a jazzmaster or a telecaster

marleypumpkin 03.31.2006 11:46 PM

Yeah, I forgot Telecaster. The only reason I didn't list the rest of the Fender catalouge is because these guitars were very imbedded in SY's collection.
I have seen Thurston play a Mustang a few times, but he's usually playing Jazzmasters, or Jaguars. I love Lee's competition Mustang in the picture that shows up on the SY home page.

Inhuman 04.01.2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Yeah, I forgot Telecaster. The only reason I didn't list the rest of the Fender catalouge is because these guitars were very imbedded in SY's collection.
I have seen Thurston play a Mustang a few times, but he's usually playing Jazzmasters, or Jaguars. I love Lee's competition Mustang in the picture that shows up on the SY home page.

Does Fender even make Jazzmasters anymore? I'm looking for a new guitar myself and it would be neat to use the same type that Sonic Youth uses since I plan to play a similar style

marleypumpkin 04.01.2006 12:35 AM

Oh yeah. It's one of the original designed guitars that Fender made. First came the strat, then came the Jazzmaster, I'm pretty sure. & we all know that Jazzmaster was designed before the Jaguar, so they'd have to keep making that guitar.

Flen flyys 04.01.2006 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
What year is your Jaguar?

I don't know, not an original. I bought it off my friend about 6 years ago so, late 90's.

marleypumpkin 04.01.2006 03:11 AM

My Mustang has the original Vibrato, pick-ups, switches, & nobs. The only thing not original on my Mustang are the tuners. I think I need the cyclon tuners to replace them. Or maybe the F tuners. But everything else is original.

Magublafix 04.01.2006 03:15 AM


marleypumpkin 04.01.2006 03:22 AM

Nice to see someone other than me & Krastian pick Mustang. I'm seriously thinking the only reason Jazzmaster & Jaguar are winning is because it's the 2 main guitars that SY uses. I'd rather have a Mustang anyday, which I do.
So now the only the things left are Jazzmaster, Jaguar, & Jag-Stang.
(I don't care what people think about the Jag-Stang, I want one)

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