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!@#$%! 04.01.2006 04:19 PM

as much as he's been dismissed as a "dead white male" etc etc---

i think hemingway's short stories are awesome

sure, once you read them all they get a little repetitive (wounded penises everywhere), but some are such masterpieces! among my favorite

-a clean, well lighted place
-the killers
-the snows of kilimanjaro
-cat in the rain
-the nun & the radio... something like that, damn i cnat remember

so many. really great.

krastian 04.01.2006 04:51 PM

Hemingway is pretty much the best short story writer of the 20th Century. His "minimal" approach to story writing has influenced just about every writer that came after him.......I read a ton of short stories in college and his influence can really be seen.

dietzer123 04.01.2006 05:48 PM

Chuck Palahniuk is fucking spectacular. obviously fight club and choke are both incredible novels. for salinger the one where the veteran is on a vacation with his wife and he ends up killing himself after the lady is staring at his feet (or he thinks she is) in the elevator is incredible. i don't remember the name though

nomadicfollower 04.01.2006 05:56 PM

I plan on checking out Hemingway's Complete Short Stories from my school library. I like the novels of his that I've read.

Can't believe no one mentioned Edgar Allen Poe!

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 04.01.2006 07:53 PM

Young Goodman Brown is my favorite of all time

krastian 04.01.2006 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
I plan on checking out Hemingway's Complete Short Stories from my school library. I like the novels of his that I've read.

Yeah man do it! They are great to read maybe one or two a night because they are so short.

blots 04.02.2006 11:59 AM

"Emergency" by Denis Johnson, and his whole Jesus' Son collection (all of the stories involve the same character, so it is somewhat cohesive). A big influence on Chuck Palahniuk.

atari 2600 04.02.2006 01:52 PM

The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka (novella) my favortie short work

The Gold-Bug - Edgar Allan Poe (tale)...of course he has so many other classic tales, but this one, The Murders of Rue Morgue, & The Purloined Letter featuring his C. Auguste Dupin character are my favorites. The Black Cat is a masterpiece & The Imp Of the Perverse is also very noteworthy.

The Cossacks, The Devil, Master & Man, & Alyosha The Pot from my Tolstoy Short Stories book impressed me greatly.

The Double, The Christmas Tree & a Wedding, Notes From Underground (novella), White Nights, The Crocodile are probably my picks by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Lazarus - Leonid Andreyev

Misery, A Dead Body, The Duel - Anton Chekhov

The Queen of Spades - Alexandr Pushkin

The Cloak - Nikolai Gogol

An Anarchist - Joseph Conrad

Yeah, Ernest Hemingway is masterful at crafting short stories:
The Killers, The Big Two-Hearted River, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber are probably my favorites. I had read too much about A Clean Well-Lighted Place before I read it, I think. I wonder if Hemingway ever read Turgenev's A Sportsman's Sketches. His writing definitely owes something to Anton Chekov & Honore de Balzac.

Magister Ludi or The Glass Bead Game, Siddhartha (novella) - Herman Hesse

From high school & college I especially remember Bret Harte's The Luck of Roaring Camp, Twain's The Celebrated Jumping Frog Of Calaveras County & of course, Shirley Jackson's The Lottery.

William S. Burroughs' autobographical Junky is a short novel, about the same length as a short story.

blots, I liked the movie Jesus' Son; I should probably check out some Denis Johnson. That sounded weird. Penis Johnson? I should probably read some D. Johnson.

Пятхъдесят Шест 04.02.2006 03:12 PM

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge - Ambrose Bierce

Always been a favorite.

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