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pbradley 10.28.2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I shit hard on your unicorn.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Glice again.

I don't even know the context. I think it's probably better without.

pbradley 10.28.2009 11:10 PM

1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?

I think everyone operates on some level of a black and white dichotomy (right/wrong, correct/incorrect, something/nothing). Abstractly, it may seem gray but that's just a complex combination of black and whites like a ben-day dot painting. I don't think other people think in periwinkle or any other colors... unless they're insane? Irregardless, I strive not to.

2. Do you dream in black and white or color?

This is probably the last thing I notice of a dream.

3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color?

I think black and white photography is a bit of a cop out.

4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color?

Quality of the writing above all, acting second, cinematography third... color will come up eventually.

5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color?

I don't know anything about what I like in visual art.

6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser?

Probably a mediocre blend of both.

7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure?


8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...???

Jesus is outside of color.

girl! 10.28.2009 11:11 PM

1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?
2. Do you dream in black and white or color?
3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color?
Both. depends on the subject.
4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color?
5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color?
Mostly color
6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser?
7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure?
8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...???

breligion 10.28.2009 11:36 PM

1. I feel that if someone chooses to think mainly in black and white then they are choosing to think less. It seems like intentional ignorance.

2. Neither. At times I dream of things that are in color, but I've rarely, if ever, had color stick out at me. I don't remember ever noticing that a dream was black & white.

3. I appreciate some black and white photography, but I haven't personally used it.

4. color tv and movies

5. I don't prefer one over the other. I have three black & white pictures around my room. An Escher print, a Rudimentary Peni poster, and a Zen calender. Color-wise I have a melting Dali clock and a few concert posters.

6. I wore black and gray today. Purple shirt tomorrow. I alternate.. not too splashyyy

7. *avoids question* I associate black and darker colors with earthy, comfortable things. White makes me think of wakefulness.. and.. hm... the white devil!! jk.
pale...lifeless.. cold.. fluffy.. umm.. whatever=P

actually, nah, i don't have any strong associations with either.

8. well his bones are probably brown at the moment..

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 11:48 AM

1. no
2. Always color..lots a grays
3. both
4. color
5. I'm an Interior designer so color
6. Color
7. Society definitly classifies it this way
8. He looked like a Jew, not white or black, more tannish i guess

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Glice

8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...???

The fact you said 'is' makes me think you believe in Jesus in the present tense; I was always raised that it's impolite to give an opinion that might impinge upon a person's particular belief system.


I'm sure that you have impinged on the belief system of others as well so who cares.

Lurker 10.29.2009 11:52 AM

Everyone just stop impinging!!!

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? Jesus is most likely a fictional character, so he's whatever people want him to be. If he did exist, he was probably white-ish.

There is no scientific proof to deny or prove his existance. However the Muslims, the Jewish, and the Buhdists ALL Acknowledge his place in history as a prophet. So either these religions actually did communicate a great deal of the same information about the same fictional character 2000 yrs ago OR he was real.

Lurker 10.29.2009 11:58 AM

Current Buddhists may do. Buddha definitely didn't. And it isn't saying much to say the muslims do as well because their religion is a continuation of the judaeo-christian tradition anyway. But yeah, some guy Jesus probably did exist.

Glice 10.29.2009 11:59 AM

Which Buddha?

Lurker 10.29.2009 12:01 PM

Mr Buddha The Original ie Gautama

Lurker 10.29.2009 12:03 PM

His sexual organs are concealed in a sheath and exudes a pleasant odor similar to vanilla

Lurker 10.29.2009 12:05 PM

He can touch his knees with the palms of his hands without bending.

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lurker
Current Buddhists may do. Buddha definitely didn't. And it isn't saying much to say the muslims do as well because their religion is a continuation of the judaeo-christian tradition anyway. But yeah, some guy Jesus probably did exist.

Yes Jesus of Nazareth.

Glice 10.29.2009 12:06 PM

I don't know if he's the 'original' Buddha and I'm pretty sure there's a fairly large body of work over how many Buddhas there are, or have been. First Buddha of this epoch is difficult to say.

It's all to do with, y'know, all that fuss over 'Buddha-nature', Bodhisattva and all that.

Also, to sonic gail: I think fundamentally the point ASP is making is not entirely dissimilar to yours - the notion of a fictional Jesus being opposed to a Historically 'real' Jesus is a false objection; neither are necessary for the edifying effect that Christ has on believers, or the resistance of apostates, athiests and other religious believers. Plus, anyone who's offended by me taking the piss really should re-address precisely how strong their belief system is.

Rob Instigator 10.29.2009 12:13 PM

Jesus was in nazareth?

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Glice

Also, to sonic gail: I think fundamentally the point ASP is making is not entirely dissimilar to yours - the notion of a fictional Jesus being opposed to a Historically 'real' Jesus is a false objection; neither are necessary for the edifying effect that Christ has on believers, or the resistance of apostates, athiests and other religious believers. Plus, anyone who's offended by me taking the piss really should re-address precisely how strong their belief system is.

Takes quite a bit to actually offend me.

And as a christian who does read the bible I do not believe that most of it should be taken word for word. It was written as a guide to living a good life not a history lesson. Also, after years of being transfered from generation to generation it is just not possible for everything in there to be more than fiction. IE the garden of Eden. No I do not think that this guy Adam & his bitch Eve lived in some beatifull garden and a snake told them to eat fruit. I Belive that this is a metaphor for man's progress with evolution and how we made the step from animals that eat and fuck anything to concious human beings that have the emotional and mental capabilities we continue to develop.

Jesus spoke in parables so the poor and dumb could understand. Much of the old testiment is just a big parable. It is the only way to reach everyone (they did not have a public education system)

And I don't need proof to belive that defeats the point.

Rob Instigator 10.29.2009 12:25 PM

best way to look at it sonic gail.

there is wisdom to be gained from all religious texts, just as their is ludicrous insanities to be avoided at all cost.

SONIC GAIL 10.29.2009 12:29 PM

^howd you fuck up the unicorn so fast

Lurker 10.29.2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
No I do not think that this guy Adam & his bitch Eve lived in some beatifull garden and a snake told them to eat fruit. I Belive that this is a metaphor for man's progress with evolution and how we made the step from animals that eat and fuck anything to concious human beings that have the emotional and mental capabilities we continue to develop.

Yes you're saying the Fall was a fall from being animal? Wasn't the Fall the introduction of sin to humans (sexual awareness etc)? So if anything isn't it the reverse of evolution in that in the Fall man became more animalistic?


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Jesus spoke in parables so the poor and dumb could understand. Much of the old testiment is just a big parable. It is the only way to reach everyone (they did not have a public education system)

And I don't need proof to belive that defeats the point.

I think parables if anything would make it harder for people to understand. It's the ancient equivalent of nowadays assuming stupid people are capable literary critics.

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