Originally Posted by !@#$%!
there's no preexisting reason to exist, we simply do, and then we make up reasons as we go cuz our little brains require meaning to run. i'd like to support this project but please reassure me & tell me this is not a nihilist flick that promotes suicide cuz that is against my political beliefs. what i mean is that a lot of people say "boohoo life has no meaning i wanna die" and that basic idea i will kill.
In the first 7 minutes of the film, my characters kills himself and the movie ends, then I rewind the movie and say "Okay, look, I know there's no reason to exist but killing myself isn't going to solve anything." Of course, it's a lot more absurd and surreal and ridiculous than the way I just described it and not serious in the least.
The actual reason the title is called that -- NO REASON TO EXIST -- is because the film kinda plays with the conventions of experimental/art films and I'm basically saying that the film itself is meaningless, that the film itself has no reason to exist... I am making it because I feel compelled to moreso as a stylistic exercise for myself, and not because I actually have something meaningful to say right now. I spent 2 months on my last film, drawing thousands of frames of animation and stuff, and I really had something that, I felt, was "important" to express. This one is more just.. I'm doing it to do it. Does that mean it's a worthless film? I dunno. I think it's actually really cool, I'm somewhat proud of it, it's 80% done, I think a lot of people will like it -- but again, there's lots of cool things out there. I almost feel bad contributing yet ANOTHER grainy black and white art film. I want to do some things COMPLETELY different but how can I without just COMPLETELY alienating people, something I'm not totally commited to...
Really, the only film I've seen in the past 10 years that has really tried something new is REFLECTIONS OF EVIL (and possibly GLORY TO THE FILMMAKER.. I'd say INLAND EMPIRE, but half of it is a summary of everything Lynch has done before). So, until I can do something beyond that, I am going to keep saying my films have no reason to exist. But, in the end, if people get some enjoyment out of them, maybe they do have a reason to exist.
The film keeps ending, rewinding itself, actors get replaced abruptly, there are lots of jarring and bizarre repetitions, but the film is actually extremely straightforward. It's basically a comedy. It's basically me making fun of the stuff I like and making fun of myself.
But yeah there is suicide in it but the suicide is meaningless.
Also, funny that your signature is Kitano's suicide dream sequence from Sonatine.