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Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.26.2006 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by golden child
and i hate how all the feminists turn it around and make it an issue of their rights. give them an inch, they take a mile.

more like give them an inch and they'll bitch for another until they get a mile.

jennthebenn 03.26.2006 09:47 PM

*shakes head*

if this is sarcasm, do better.

if you are being sincere, please try and understand that abortion is not the
exclusive option of "sluts" and that rather than being branded a "feminist" i
personally would rather be looked upon as a human being who gets frankly
very scared when people tell me that my body should not be my own. in
essence, that is exactly what this is. you dont' need to be weaned on a
steady diet of feminist tract to feel what i feel.

and if life begins at conception, i hereby recommend that all sonograms confirming pregnancy be followed by a birth certificate. and even then you'd
be a couple months or so off. pfft.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.26.2006 09:52 PM

Wouldn't masterbation be considered abortion? Every gazillions are killed. No discrimination here.

jennthebenn 03.26.2006 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
Wouldn't masterbation be considered abortion? Every gazillions are killed. No discrimination here.

blowjobs as well. any expulsion of sperm that didn't result in a pregnancy
could be considered such, heh.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.26.2006 09:56 PM

Im going to start a "Sperm's right" Movement!

Alex's Trip 03.26.2006 10:49 PM

It all really depends on the situation. Personally, I would rather have a baby aborted as opposed to being raised in a family that isn't suited to raise it. Whether that situation be rape, or young people getting pregnant on accident. But it depends on the situatuion.

noumenal 03.26.2006 10:57 PM

Abort all of the retarded babies.

static-harmony 03.26.2006 11:04 PM

I think abortion is up to the woman, if married to both her and her husband,if she is raped she should have that option of having one. Adoption is not a good choice, because many kids get lost in it.

golden child 03.26.2006 11:10 PM


Adoption is not a good choice, because many kids get lost in it.

yeah! so lets kill the fuckers!

and all that bullshit about a womans body, its just that... ITS NOT YOUR BODY. your child is no more your body than i am part of my mothers body.

chabib 03.26.2006 11:11 PM

i'm pro-abortion and anti-breeding. i'm also pro vasectomy. humans should no longer be permitted to breed and anything that terminates the life of a future-human is peachy keen in my book.


Savage Clone 03.26.2006 11:18 PM

I love my vasectomy.

sellouteater 03.27.2006 12:20 AM

SPERM RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have feelings, too.

jon boy 03.27.2006 05:23 AM

this is quite an emotive issue. i suppose that i am pro choice, a woman should be allowed to have an abortion if she wants. my sister worked in an abortion clinic and she feels the same way despite the things she witnessed.

i think its starnge when pro life! people blow up the buildings.

Radioactive Poltergeist 03.27.2006 05:26 AM

I'm pro choice, but I do think people are becoming to blase with abortions. I don't believe in abortions that a life is being taken, but I have run into people who are pro choice who couldn't give a fuck either way, which I find kind of worrying.

khchris(original) 03.27.2006 05:34 AM

I think people need to move past the "right to choose" and "right to live" debate and accept what is happening now and move forward. Too many people are stuck in the past, insisting "right to choose" as their basis of their argument the same way people are stuck in the past and use "right to live" as the basis of their arguments as well.

Fact is this: abortions will happen regardless of RIGHT TO CHOOSE and RIGHT TO LIVE laws.

Solution: make abortion procedures as safe as possible.

Fuck the "RIGHT TO CHOOSE" debate. That's going nowhere, especially with some of the "questionable" justices appointed to the Supreme Court.

What people should be emphasizing is "clean and safe abortion procedure" because abortions were there since the beginning of procreation.

I'm not saying "right to choose" is not "right"...what I'm saying is that as long as people are so insistent on using that as the basis of their argument, people won't look at the real solution...keeping it safe and clean and limiting deaths from unsafe procedures.

I approach the abortion issue like I've approached CLEAN NEEDLE DISTRIBUTION. People can argue the morality of drugs(PRO-DRUGS vs ANTI-DRUGS), but that's not stopping junkies from sharing needles and the spread of HIV in American Society. People just need to accept what's going on and move together to a solution that will work regardless of moral beliefs. What's good is good.

Radioactive Poltergeist 03.27.2006 08:25 AM

I think it is important for morals not to be completely forgotten. If the approach of "let's just get it over with quickly and safely" is followed, then I think that is sad because discussion and questions are very important. I don't think it's right to stop debate over abortion just because it's always going to be there.

On the other hand, some of the "debate" surrounding the issue should realy be stopped when it turns violent.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.27.2006 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Has this been beat into the ground?


chabib 03.27.2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
Haha nice. Are those your own creations?

yeah. they're for a little project...

Inhuman 03.27.2006 11:47 AM

I contiplated with myself about this topic for quite some time now, and had numerous discussions about it with friends. I don't know whether I think it should be legal or not, because the premesis are too strong for both sides.

First of all, if somebody is born and is considered an accident, I don't believe they will recieve the love that an intentional baby would get. They would be born and raised without recieving as much love. Secondly, it would impact the mother's life immensely in a negative way, so both the mother and the child would most likely not get along and result in a terrible relationship between one another.

On the other hand, I'm always for free will. If the fetus is unable to make a decision, does that mean that it wouldn't have the choice to live or not? Maybe it would want to live, and maybe it wouldn't, we'll never be able to tell.

!@#$%! 03.27.2006 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by noumenal
I thought it'd be nice to start a thread on a light topic - there's been too much seriousness on the board lately.

Ok, really, anybody want to discuss how they feel about abortion?

hah hah. brilliant move. :D

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