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marleypumpkin 07.14.2008 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
here, okay, i'll break it down for you

basically what libertarian means in the US is "government leave me the fuck alone"

Even a better way of putting it.

Cantankerous 07.14.2008 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
A lot of Libertarians are also closet Radians.

i am a unit of angular measurement?

rock. on.

MellySingsDoom 07.14.2008 12:16 PM

The Wiki thingy on the Libertairian party is v interesting. My gut reactions are: Agree totally w/their views on civil rights, free sexuality, abortion; on the fence on the "drugs for all" policy (a decent idea in theory, but I've seen enough friends mess their lives up on recreational drugs to feel that such a policy in practice wouldn't really work so well); yes to a non-interventionist foreign policy, and quite a few "no's" to their economic policies, especially the "no welfare" one - the UK Welfare Services here have many problems, but I'm still glad it exists, and I'm definitely glad that we still have a health service he that is free (i.e. no compulsory health insurance).

Still, thought-provoking stuff indeed, and I can say for sure that the UK would never have a political party like that.

Cantankerous 07.14.2008 12:22 PM

with the drugs issue, i do believe it should all be legalised. i wrote an entire statement on it at one point and a lot of people thought it was very impressive but i don't have it right now, but there are a lot of reasons that i believe drugs should be legal and i'm not going to get into it and start an argument with someone.

i hate the labour party. you folks really need to do something about your government.

MellySingsDoom 07.14.2008 12:28 PM

Ah, I wouldn't argue w/you about the drugs thing. It's a matter of personal choice. I have plenty of friends who use drugs, and am totally cool with it. I just worry (if that's the word) about people who don't have the physical/mental constitution to deal w/drugs.

Our Labour party sure sucks, and so do the opposition parties. I used to be quite for the Liberal Democrats, but they've pissed me off too many times now to really care about 'em. I think over here there's a lot of apathy, the "it doesn't matter who's in charge, they're all the same" type of attitude, and because of that, people are very reluctant to go out a protest about things. To be honest, I can't see that apathy changing to action anytime soon...

Cantankerous 07.14.2008 12:29 PM

in america everyone knows that it will be between the republicans and democrats forever. no one from any other party stands a fucking chance.

pbradley 07.14.2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i am a unit of angular measurement?

rock. on.

Typo. Needs an "n."

Rob Instigator 07.14.2008 01:54 PM

this "lifting" by Preznit Dubya is meaningless, an empty gesture. Congress has a standing ban that will have to be over-ridden by the congress in order for drilling to take effect.

and as far as goes, nothing lasts forever.
Here are the myriad parties

Federalist Party (c.1789–c.1820)
Democratic-Republican Party (1792–c.1824)
Anti-Masonic Party (1826–1838)
National Republican Party (1829–1833)
Nullifier Party (1830–1839)
Whig Party (1833–1856)
Liberty Party (1840–1848)
Law and Order Party of Rhode Island (1840s)
Free Soil Party (1848–1855)
Anti-Nebraska Party (1854)
American Republican Party (1843-1854)
American Party (“Know-Nothings”) (c.1854–1858)
Opposition Party (1854–1858)
Constitutional Union Party (1860)
National Union Party, (1864–1868)
Readjuster Party (1870-1885)
Liberal Republican Party (1872)
Greenback Party (1874–1884)
Anti-Monopoly Party (1884)
Populist Party (1892–1908)
Silver Party (1892-1902)
National Democratic Party/Gold Democrats (1896–1900)
Silver Republican Party (1896-1900)
Social Democratic Party (1900–1901)
Home Rule Party of Hawaii (created to serve the native Hawaiian agenda in the state legislature and U.S. Congress) (1900–1912)
Socialist Party of America (1901–1973)
Independence Party (or "Independence League") (1906-1914)
Progressive Party 1912 (“Bull Moose Party”) (1912–1914)
National Woman's Party (1913-1930)
Non-Partisan League (Not a party in the technical sense) (1915–1956)
Farmer-Labor Party (1918–1944)
Progressive Party 1924 (1924)
Communist League of America (1928–1934)
American Workers Party (1933–1934)
Workers Party of the United States (1934–1938)
Union Party (1936)
American Labor Party (1936–1956)
America First Party (1944) (1944–1996)
States' Rights Democratic Party (“Dixiecrats”) (1948)
Progressive Party 1948 (1948–1955)
Vegetarian Party (1948–1964)
Constitution Party (United States 50s) (1952–1968?)
American Nazi Party (1959-1967)
Puerto Rican Socialist Party (1959–1993)
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (1964)
Black Panther Party (1966-1970s)
Communist Workers Party (1969–1985)
People's Party (1971–1976)
U.S. Labor Party (1975–1979)
Concerned Citizens Party (1975-1992) Become the Connecticut affiliate of the Constitution Party (then known as U.S. Taxpayers Party) with party founding
Citizens Party (1979–1984)
New Alliance Party (1979–1992)
Populist Party of 1980s-1990s (1984–1994)
Looking Back Party (1984–1996)
Grassroots Party (1986–2004)
Independent Party of Utah (1988–1996)
Greens/Green Party USA (1991–2005)
New Party (1992 – 1998)
Natural Law Party (1992–2004)
Mountain Party (2000-2007) Become the West Virginia affiliate of the Green Party July 16, 2007 [1]
Christian Freedom Party (2004)

acousticrock87 07.14.2008 01:56 PM

Obama is still better than McCain on social issues, and at the very least claims to be getting out of Iraq sooner. Just because they're both lying sacks of shit doesn't mean it's okay to treat them as identical.

✌➬ 07.14.2008 01:56 PM

About time we stopped depending on other countries for oil.

Rob Instigator 07.14.2008 01:59 PM

even with all the oil the US has not yet dug out of it's own soil, we would still have to import 75% of our petroelum from somewhere else, which is why we will soon be invading Iran, and Guatemala and any other place we can fabricate a "war" and allow our multinational corporations to make record profits quarter after quarter

if the cost of making gasoline and other chemicals was truly that high then Exxon would not be breaking profict records every fucking three months. their expenditures would negate the profits, at least somewhat, but NO, them asslicker assholes make 14 BILLION dollars in PROFIT in 3 months, and ever rising.

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