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i think that book is or should be required reading for any conspiracy/occult/satan/religion buff in the world. |
My sister and our mom once saw a UFO.
I just interviewed my mom about this. Partially during a reconstruction. I sat next to her in the car, with her driving, where my sister sat when they saw the UFO. The sighting happened in our street in Rotselaar, Belgium, around a decade ago. It should be noted that this was during the time when The X-Files was on Belgian television, a show my sister and I watched avidly, not so our mother. My mom and sister had just left our drive-way, dusk was falling. It was at around 17.30 to 18.00 h (now she says 18.30) and my mom thinks it was during fall. They were only a couple of hundred meters from home, when they noticed - my mom can't recall who saw it first - a "weird airplane" that slowly and silently flew to the right of and in the same direction as the car. She describes it as big, triangular with bright lights. After some questions, she said the triangle was equilateral and the lights big. She answered that the lights were yellow although they could have been blue or white, but not green or red. I asked about the size and the flying height; very low flying, the size of a small plane. My mom said "what is that?" and wanted to follow the thing. My sister got "hysterical" and screemed "no!no!no! they are going to abduct us!" and turned the steering wheel. Mom thinks the they saw the UFO until it swerved to the right away from the car, over trees, but can't say whether it changed speed or not when it did. We estimate the observation dured 10 to 15 seconds. She thinks the UFO was actually "a secret plane, a prototype, like a Tupolev". Over fifteen questions asked, she got annoyed when I asked why she mentioned "prototype" and Tupolev". I think it might just be because Tupolev sounds exotic to her or because it is Russian. My mom was a cold war child that feared attacks with atomic bombs. Below are links to scans of ballpoint drawings she made. The first one in the car, during the reconstruction, the second one back home. Notice she drew light beams in the first one, although she now says there were no beams or columns of light. I will try to interview my sister about what she remembers of the sighting. It should be interesting to compare both versions of events. I also know that friends of my father's once saw a UFO from their home, far from where we live. They didn't speak of this to close-by friends or neighbours, because they feared ridicule. Maybe I can interview them as well. Oh, I forgot again! I once saw a UFO in class, together with classmates and a teacher. I chatted with a niece of mine a couple of hours ago and I replied negatively when she asked if I ever saw one! It's not the first time I forgot about that sighting. This happened in the early afternoon, during a class of economics in the 4th grade of high school (Don Bosco, Haacht, around the year 1996) Our classroom was on the second floor (that's the first floor for you British readers) The sky was brightly blue. The left side of the room, from the pupils' point of view, had windows from wall to wall. Suddenly something very loudly flew over the school building, from left to right. It covered the entire area of windows (estimated at 8 square meter at least) very briefly. I remember seeing a metalic surface shooting by. The thing came like out of nowhere. All was quiet then in the class room. The teacher looked at us and we at her, there may have been some puzzled smiles and then class went on like nothing had happened. During the following break, I think, I approached at least one of my class mates about what they had seen. I only remember getting a smile, some head turning, no words, no more. I don't think any one of us knew what we had seen. It was so close that it didn't even resemble a typical UFO. (is that why I keep forgetting about it?) I just saw this big, uneven - like with weldings - metalic surface. I spoke to my father about this and he suggested it might have been the shadow of a low flying military plane. After all, the military airport in Melsbroek is only about 15 km away. But it didn't look like a shadow, the surface looked shiny and solid and I think I checked where the sun would have been, on the other side of the building, making a shadow of sunlight that moved left to right impossible. And a plane we would have heard or seen coming. It is strange that I keep forgetting about this sighting. anyway, here are the links to the scans my mom made http://i9.tinypic.com/2lo40lj.jpg actual size of the height of the drawn UFO is 4.3 cm approx. http://i11.tinypic.com/29opod4.jpg actual size of the height of the drawn UFO is 6.0 cm approx. I wanted to add scans of the cover and page 143 of "UFOs above Belgium - fifty years of observation, research and explanations" (actual title is in Dutch: "Ufo's boven België - Vijftig jaar waarneming, onderzoek en verklaringen") But I don't want to violate copyrights. Maybe I can get permission to post the scans. Page 143 has "Sketches of the (Belgian) flying triangles by several observers (1989-1993), among them state policemen on 29 Nov. 1989" that are similar to the ones my mom has made. (state policemen or Belgian Gendarmerie, "Rijkswacht" in Dutch) The cover of this book can be seen at the botom of the following web page, together with actual photos of a triangular UFO shot in Belgium, like the one my mom and sister saw: http://www.ufowijzer.nl/tekstpagina/vanWaterschoot.html (text in Dutch) see also http://www.geocities.com/Area51/vault/9054/ufobelg.html and http://www.deepspace4.com/pages/scie...ngle3tr-3b.htm |
weird, eerie and very well documented story. crazy.
I haven't investigated or even thought about what I saw in remotely as much detail as what's been posted above, but myself and my old man saw some very... odd... things going on above us a few years ago.
We were in the car just driving down the main road in our town in the late afternoon (daylight) when we came to the lights, which were on red. We stopped and talked trash as you do, until I noticed some incredibly weird goings on above us. There were a fair number of metallic tins or cans floating above us. They were probably less than a metre in diamater and about a metre or a metre-and-a-half tall. Maybe even less. They were vertical and dotted all over; differing altitudes and positions. Some distant. Anyway, what was more bizarre is that, as the lights changed and we drove down the road, some seemed to move at exactly the same pace as the car. Not all, but some. Then as we neared the next town the number "trailing" us was down to no more than one or two. They seemed to slow down... and that was that. We kept driving, checked the sky again... they'd gone. These weird things had no evident form of propulsion or anything like that, they certainly weren't weather balloons... honestly I'd like someone to explain it, because I sure as hell couldn't. I said at the time, in total belief, that there'd be something on the news about it later that evening, but... nothing. I'd forgotten about it entirely until now too! I WISH I'd had a camera with me, but... anyway, that was that. My dad fully acknowledged what he'd seen was highly unusual, and he's about as no-nonsense, straight-laced as they come. UFOs = bullshit as far as he's concerned, but that... he couldn't explain. |
WOW! That's some great stuff guys, I'm glad you're comfortable enough to share such stuff.
Kanamori- It'd be great if you could ever interview your sister about it, especially since she was so hysterical about the incident. Also, was there any frame of reference (I know this was over 10 years ag) that your mom and sister had when they were viewing the flying triangle? Such as passing behind trees or in relation to other buildings in close proximity? Flying triangles are not an uncommon type of UFO at all, and there's been some serious Belgian waves of sightings during the 1990s. I also think it's interesting that you keep "forgetting" about the UFO you saw in class. That incident sounds very peculiar, but the fact that the object made a loud noise leads me to believe it was likely a domestic aircraft, especially due to your close proximity to military bases. But who knows??? Thanks for sharing your story, do you know if there's an english translation of that Belgian UFO book? JT- I also think it's strange that you've forgotten about your incident, but thanks for making your #2 post here at SY.com! Your story sounds very peculiar, what did your father make of it? Again I ask if you had any frame of reference to determine actual size, speed, etc of those objects? Fascinating stuff guys, this is a great thread! I just watched, via YouTube, Whitley Strieber on Larry King Live circa 1989. It was a surprisingly civil interview given the subject matter. While I've never been convinced that Whitley is in contact with actual aliens (and I've read most of his books), the fact that he allowed mainstream exposure in sort of a "spokesperson" role is interesting and scary to me. He also suggested, in responce to Larry asking the time-worn "Why don't they just land on the Whitehouse lawn?" question, that the reason "ET" doesn't come right out and expose itself is to give all of humanity free choice whether to believe, acknowledge, deny, ignore, etc. Since at the moment there's no definitive proof of ET interaction on earth, we are forced to work with conjecture and circumstantial evidence and hearsay and third-hand reports. Of course, that all begs the question of an MJ-12-esque group, and what do THEY know? here's some websites I think are very informative, especially if you're unfamiliar with the subject:: www.majesticdocuments.com www.ufoevidence.com www.ufowatchdog.com www.presidentialufo.com www.checktheevidence.com |
My sister's version of the UFO sighting.
My sister's version of the UFO sighting. On Friday 27 April, I finally got to interview my sister about the UFO she and our mom saw in - she thinks - 1999. We also did a reconstruction with a car. My sister thinks it was at around 16.30 h. when she and our mom arrived at our street in the car. It was dark already, it was winter, probably January or February. The sky was clear. My mom had picked her up from school, after a school play rehearsal. My sis must have been 16, close to 17 at the time, mom 44. They were chatting in the car. When they turned the corner of our street, my sister immediately noticed that "something was not right". "What is that?" she said. To the right of the road, above some trees, at 10 meter height or so, she saw three bright yellow lights, seemingly about 30 cm in diameter, that formed a scalene triangle. (see drawing) The distance between the lights she estimates at 10m. She didn't see solid material between the lights. Interestingly, the lights were in a vertical plane to the ground, or that is how she saw them. Tension came "like whoof", when they knew these lights were extraordinary, that what they were seeing was probably a UFO. She had a bad feeling about this. She remembered episodes of the X-files. Someone lowered a car window. No sound came from the lights and this scared my sister. She can't remember for sure whether they hung still or moved very slowly. She thinks they started moving in the same direction as the car as they approached them. Our mom was "mesmerized" by them and she wanted to follow them. The UFO, we can say, appeared to distance itself from the car. Fear got the better of my sis and she tried to stop the car by pulling the wheel. My mom stopped the car. The lights went away fairly rapidly. The car travelled an estimated 600 m during the sighting and passed our house. Our mom and sister came home and told us about what they had seen. I don't remember them being very excited, a bit perplex, perhaps. The next day, my sister also told her friends in school. She got ridiculed. "do you believe in aliens, or what" Her class mates had little interest in her story. I asked her what she thinks they had seen, about 8 years ago. "An American spy plane", she guessed. Even years after the sighting, she still feared that something similar would show up in the skies again, when she was in open space. -------
I asked my sister to make a drawing of the UFO. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/231/4...d4351c.jpg?v=0 larger size: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne...6164839&size=o For what it's worth, here's a picture of our street. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/200/4...102899.jpg?v=0 larger size: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne...5848972&size=o On a side note. In Leuven in the late 1980s I saw a very unusual looking airplane flying over our Neighbourhoud. I had sort of an Aha-Erlebnis some years later when I saw television footage of F-117 Nighthawks during the Gulf War. |
Coming up with this again. Brett, did you end up reading Strieber's new book, THE GRAYS? I just picked it up when I visited Chicago last month. Read it on the plane back to Italy. Awesum read - but what the hell?
Fiction and truth get confused once more. How not to mention the recent CARET drones sightings? http://isaaccaret.fortunecity.com/ This all very much reminds me of the John Titor story from around 4 years ago. BTW - I was with my girl tuesday, got out of the car 9.36 pm and I spotted a very bright meteor coming down. Trippy. |
I suppose you guys (aka mental midgets...yeah, that's a cut-down) don't regard Einstein too highly. haha.
How the fuck do you figure flying craft are coming to Earth? Is it that you believe alien beings have lifespans of millions of years or that they freeze themselves cryogenically during their epic voyages? Or is it that you hold they can travel through time? Really, now. Excuse my apparent incredulousness, but I find this is a rather remarkable and interesting fairy tale you've chosen to believe in. It should be plain as the clear blue sky to anyone that even has a rudimentary knowledge of astrophysics that there is just no way that beings could build a craft and get it all the way here to our planet. Therefore, all these unidentified flying objects that people claim to see have to be terrestrial in origin. Certain militaries and governments may seem like they are "covering up" UFO evidence, but it's actually only because these are secret government projects. And, if governmental control can succeed in dividing people's belief systems further, that only assists certain political agendas as an added bonus. The infamous Roswell, NM crash began all the wild specualtions concerning UFOs. The corpses were chimps, and not alien cadavers as UFO-ologists doggedly to this day proclaim. This is a fact. It was a top secret project on unmanned flight. You know, that's where the military test experimental aircraft...out in the motherfucking desert. __________________ ![]() The illustrator found it easier to render a gray alien's face instead of the girl's, leading to the subsequent design. |
I'm one hundred percent sure their are aleins and alot of scentist people agree with that but i dont think a ufo has ever come to earth its just not possible
But what about all the crashes then? What about the numbers of people that allegedly eyewitness unidentified flying objects in the sky (all things considered) fairly fucking regularly? As for William Cooper, his first pamphlet of any noteriety that launched his career as an author claimed the following: Quote: William Cooper UFOs have been crashing on Earth by the dozens since the mid-1940s*, and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal threatened to publicize the fact and was killed to prevent him from doing so; in 1954 "His Omnipotent Highness Krlll"—leader of a species living on a planet orbiting Betelgeuse—appeared on earth and suggested a treaty: The aliens would abduct humans and wipe their memories of the event in exchange for sharing their technology. U.S. officials feared the aliens' superior technology, and felt they had no choice but to accept the conditions offered by the aliens. Yeah right, trades with aliens are responsible for advanced technology, and yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the advances of quantum physics that flow directly from Einstein's work. :rolleyes: And I suppose it also doesn't have anything to do with the fact that The Manhattan Project effectively historically turned over science to more government funding. :rolleyes: And our increased technology during the latter 20th century doesn't have anything to do with advanced space exploration which also flows directly from Einstein, among others, or from a booming WWII and post-war economy and an abundance of energy resources at the time. :rolleyes: Give me a fucking break. Yeah, Cooper is a real prophet by clueing us in that our current technology is all from fucking aliens from the fucking Betelgeuse "Beetlejuice" haha system, no less. What a fucking redneck schizophrenic. __________________ ![]() The illustrator found it easier to render a gray alien's face instead of the girl's, leading to the subsequent design. |
I did not spend a single bit talking about the Roswell crash. Actually a well educated poster should understand that the meaning of UFO is Unidentified Flying Object.
What we are talking about is not the actual existence of alien life forms. I honestly am curious about that but this is totally different. We're sharing thoughts and discussing the very weird dimension in which paranoia, conspiracy, treason and the mainstream approach to the matter seem to blend into one stream of ...weirdness. It's a strange world - just that. I find your post to be seriously cliche-y. |
And I find your rebuttal rather feeble and telling. And I'm discussing the phenomenon as well, just in a rather more informed way and in a much less regurgitative (cliche) way. And yes, I find it irritating when people subscribe to ridiculous belief systems that undermine the truth. Fucking sue me. |
Just wondering, how much formal enducation do you have atari
a Higgs boson drive would allow for apparent FTL velocities without violating Einsteinian principals.
an Einstein-Rosen Bridge would also do the trick (assuming you can generate a wormhole), but I suspect there would be no way to actually navigate accurately. not sayin' this means aliens are amongst us, just sayin'. :D |
Yes, it's a rather remarkable and interesting fairy tale. It seems that "The Power of Myth" has met science-fiction. Quote:
I'm not a proctologist per se, although I am the DOCTOR OF YR ASS! __________________ ![]() The illustrator found it easier to render a gray alien's face instead of the girl's, leading to the subsequent design. |
what can I say? you obviously had a bad day. two or three things has to be asked tho: 1) rebuttal of what? you wrote about roswell implying all that stuff about alien life forms and the way they could get here or not. 2) I did not subscribe to nothing but the SY mailing list in my whole life. 3) I'm having a nice chat with somebody up and down here. why don't you go digging up some other posts to lay down your irritating mood? ciao. EDIT - doctor of yr ass? ah damn - now my kind reply really was a waste of time. you're totally inconsistent. |
I didnt mean to offend you atari i was just curious. you say a lot of things that would make someone wonder |
Bullshit. You're confused. You were offended by my mention of "mental midgets," and you made some lame post (which I jokingly referred to as a rebuttal) because you hadn't mentioned Roswell, whereas I did. The whole thread up to the point I posted was very pro-alien and Rob even mentioned (with great approval) the schizo-who-just-also-happens-to-have-a-Naval-Intelligence-background charlatan William Cooper. |
did he really do that? neg repped ya for that? for making his posts look silly? dammit! the guy has plenty of time to waste.
Stop trying to start shit. Is that why you neg rep people, dude? Not to start shit? |
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