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Thanks toilet and bowels. I actually re-downloaed the game because of your response and I am enjoying it much more than I did originally. I guess we're even now (since you love DRAGON QUEST VIII so much now; I recall you didn't get into it at first but I urged you to try it some more). You'd really consider Majora's Mask one of the best rpg's ever though (I wouldn't even call it an rpg, but you know...)? I think that's one of the worst zeldas; it feels rushed, and the 3 day system is downright annoying. |
Out of this World/Another World rules so much. It is one of my alltime favorite games, and one of the first games I ever got for the computer (along with MYST). It is the guy who made Killer7 (Suda)'s favorite game, and you can tell why. I guess you should get Flashback, too then. There are a few games like this on the Genesis and Sega CD, surprisingly. I love them. They need to make a new game like this (the newest ones I can think of are Heart of Darkness -- which kinda sucked -- and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exodus which both rule... also, can't forget the first Neverhood game... if they make a new atmospheric adventure game like these, with a much faster pace and more reliable control, it'd be the most badass game ever) Oh, get BLACKTHORNE, also. The Genesis is my favorite 16-bit system, because it had so many gems that people STILL haven't discovered (Ranger X, anyone?). Also, the music was always better (Genesis soundchip produced some of the most fucked up music ever; listen to Chakan Forever Man... genuinely scary! Listen to Biohazard Battle; insaaaaaaaaane bass), and any game that appeared on both systems was always better on the Genesis (Mega Bomberman's better than Super Bomberman. Mega Turrican's better than Super Turrican. Castlevania Bloodlines is better than both SNES Casltevanias. Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3. ETC.). Also, the Genesis had some of the best shooters ever, like Lightening Force and MERCS. Finally, the Genesis has cheaper games, one of the rarest games on the system is Streets of Rage 3 and I got it for $10. Hah. The SNES, though, does have better RPG's. I am going to list 50 of my favorite SNES games. I've decided not to look at Joe's list, so as to not be influenced in any way. One thing I've noticed is that most lists list the exact same games in the top 10 or whatever (rest assured you won't find a single DONKEY KONG COUNTRY game in my list -- no Rare games at all, actually). I hope my list is a little different than all the others you read, since I've played every single SNES game ever made (thanks to emulation), most quite thoroughly. So, you can really trust me here -- I have put comments next to a few of the choices. Enjoy. ![]() 1. Super Metroid (my favorite game ever made, PERIOD. Only game that comes close in any way is all 80 hours of Xenogears for the PS1, which has a rat crucified. Nothing beats this game's atmosphere, music, graphics, nonobtrusive storyline and gameplay... playing OTHER M the other day almost made me cry because it was so horrible. This game makes me cry because it's genuinely FAULTLESS. I have bought many copies of this game for other people. I am a good friend. I have enhabced my friend's lives through this game.) BTW, this is fucking badass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFMsrHCFXj0 SUPER METROID GAMES DONE THROUGH THE GENESIS SOUND CHIP. Sounds awesome! 2. Tetris Attack (the best puzzle game ever made; Lumines is a better game for single player, Puzzle Fighter and maybe Puyo Puyo are better games multiplayer. Tetris Attack is fun in single, multi, WHATEVER. Just an amazing game... though, if you have an N64, you should get pokemon puzzle league -- it's actually usually cheaper -- and if you have a DS, get the definitive version, PLANET PUZZLE LEAGUE. Actually, if you can import Gamecube games, get the nintendo puzzle collection one -- which is usually really cheap. Nothing beats 4 player Tetris Attack. I know people who have never had any interest in puzzle games who have played this game for days on end.) 3. Yoshi's Island (brilliant. MASSIVE. Beautiful. The best platforming game ever made, period. Fun as hell. Almost feels effortless in its beautiful design and control. A real sense of inertia.) ![]() 4. Super Turrican II (ever wanted to play a game where every single moment of every single level makes you go, "holy fucking shit -- this is the coolest game ever?" Well, besides Contra Hard Corps and Ikaruga and Rez... this is about the only game I can say that about. This motherfucker NEVER lets up. You HAVE TO have this game.) 5. Super Mario RPG (so fucking fun! The battle with axe'em rangers is one of the best battles ever! I don't care what anyone says -- this is the best RPG on the system, and what got me into RPG's back in the day. Sure, it gets obscenely easy if you get a certain armor 75% through the game, but man... Bowser and Mario teaming up = genius) 6. Actraiser (part strategy game, part side scrolling sword swinging epic. Best soundtrack ever, possibly. What more could you want? Enix are geniuses... and, actually, I didn't realize this when first compiling the list before writing these little comments here and there -- but the next few games are enix games) 7. Ogre Battle (a hardcore strategy game for hardcore strategy buffs. That doesn't include most people. But I LOVE it) ![]() 8. Terranigma (more fun -- and epic -- than Zelda: Link to the Past, this has more in common with the Ys games. Which is to say, this game is fucking awesome.) 9. EVO (Sold this puppy for $80. And I miss it. Another Enix game that's all over the fucking map, seems like an inspiration for SEAMAN of all things. Truly a work of art, the likes of which is all to rare in games) ![]() 10. Demon's Crest (Damn 4 picture per post limit. Well, that's the final beautiful SNES screenshot! Oh well. Reason # 232r552 why Genesis was a better system: Look at this screen. Games like this were a dime a dozen on the Genesis.. Kid Chameleon, the Monster World games, Chakan, Ranger X, etc... you're some crazy looking hero exploring evil catacombs, with a foreboding atmosphere... unfortunately, the Genesis never got one of the ultimate games in this "genre" -- not really a platformer, not really anything else -- and this game rockS. i LOVE how there's no little energy display. So unobtrusive! Capcom made a very innovative, brilliant game here. People who gave a fuck = almost none) 11. The Adventures of Batman and Robin (GENIUS. Absolutely genius! The graphics, the music, the levels.. gives me chills.. if you love Batman... this game is unbelievable! Fuck! Fighting Joker on a moving rollercoaster while he throws bombs at you.. brilliant! The only good Batman game besides the original NES Batman and Arkham Asylum.) 12. Illusion of Gaia 13. Mega Man X3 14. DoReMi Fantasy 15. Treasure Hunter G 16. Chrono Trigger 17. Kirby Superstar 18. Final Fantasy III (really VI) (this is one game where you'll feel compelled to do EVERYTHING in) 19. Link to the Past 20. Kirby's Avalanche 21. Super Mario All-Stars + World (5 great games on one cartridge!) 22. Contra III (though Hard Corps for the Genesis is a TRILLION times better) 23. Secret of Mana 24. Rendering Ranger: R2 (see my post way above) 25. Earthbound (as much as I LOVE this game, people have a tendency to overrate it, I think, because they feel like they're part of a secret club, haha. Look, it's a modern day Dragon Quest that feels a bit awkward and even dull in places, but its wackinesss -- especially the music -- makes it compelling.) 26. Breath of Fire II (ah, the BReath of Fire games... I think 3 is the crowning achievement, but this game is really really fun. Another difficult, fun Capcom game, basically. colorful, too!) 27. Umihara Kawase (this is one of the most brilliant sidescrolling/platforming games ever, all you do is swing around and shit... yep, that's it. And it's fun!) 28. Super Street Fighter II Turbo 29. SUper Turrican 30. Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu 31. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (which is better on Genesis, only with a 6 button; AVOID Ghoul Patrol) 32. Castlevania IV (AVOID Dracula X) 33. Final Fantasy II (IV!) 34. The Firemen 35. The King of Demons 36. Gradius III 37. Skyblazer (this game is so fucking fun! It's hard, though.. jumping around EVERYWHERE... if you enjoy jumping really really high, swinging around, sticking to walls, etc.. youll dig this one!) 38. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (sold, like, 2 copies.. despite being 3 of the best fucking games EVER MADE, with a really beautiful graphical update... go figure) 39. Run Sabre (like a Strider for the SNES, but better. Yep, better.) 40. Cybernator 41. Pocky and Rocky 42. Space Megaforce (one of the most overlooked shoot em ups ever) 43. Lufia II 44. Soul Blazer (don't mix this up with Skyblazer!) 45. Wario's Woods 46. Super Bomberman 4 (only came out in Japan, so just get 2) 47. Metal Warriors 48. Dragon View 49. Tales of Phantasia 50. Blackthorne ...whoo! If you need any games in a specific genre, lemme know. |
Finally, I am playing SLAPP HAPPY! RHYTHM BUSTERS (I think I only got it because the name is SLAPP HAPPY!, like that awesome band that Henry Cow did some albums with...) (no, seriously, the game fucking rules too) THIS IS THE MOST FIGHTING GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. My absolute favorite fighting games are, like, Bushido Blade 1-2 and Street Fighter III and Guilty Gear and whatnot.. but if you just want fun, this is fun! You get to swing around and fly around and shoot things with guns and one character rips his own head off and throws it at you... the special attacks are timed punches/kicks, like PaRappa the Rapper as a fighting game or something. Just AMAZING. Fuck!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Insanely fun 2D fighting game for the PS1, fast and colorful and great. Up there with DarkStalkers 3, Guilty Gear, and SF Alpha 3 as far as great PS1 games go. I seriously discover a new awesome PS1 game every day. What a fucking system. ps: cel shading on the ps1! (even though Sega claims they invented it) pps: one of the best techno soundtracks ever. |
As for the beat-em-up discussion earlier on this page, the best beat-em-up game ever is STREETS OF RAGE 3...
![]() Followed by GUARDIAN HEROES.. ![]() Followed by X-MEN (arcade): ![]() Followed by ODIN SPHERE (yeah, it counts).. ![]() Other favs: - Panzer Bandits - God Hand - Final Fight 3 - Streets of Rage 2 - Mystical Fighter - Simpsons Arcade Game - Turtles in Time - River City Ransom - SPLATTERHOUSE 3! - Battletoads/Double Dragon - VIEWTFIUL JOE! - Sengoku 3 - various Capcom brawlers ( Alien vs Predator, Punisher, Battle Circuit, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Armored Warriros, various Dungeons and Dragons beat em ups) - Comix Zone - 3 Dirty Dwarves - Castle Crashers are all fucking awesome. I have the Capcom Classics Collections volume 1 and 2 and there are seriously a good 10 or so beat em up games on there that are just badass, between the two of them. Can't beat the 4 player action of CAPtain COMmando (if you have a multitap, which I do). Beat em ups are the best game to play 2 player besides puzzle games imo. |
I just added a blog post about the Konami Hyper Boy.
Big thanks to atsonicpark(must spread etc) and dr. eugene (repped). awesome people like you keep me hanging around this board.
i'm definitely gonna take a couple things you guys suggested and seek 'em out. i'd give a more thoughtful response but i'm at work. blech. |
![]() go read my blog! |
Ha, I was wondering what the hell that thing was! How much did you drop on that beast, NR?
Oh, and thanks Chairman! |
![]() R-Type (GB) ![]() Puyo-Pop Fever (GC) |
FUCKING YES! I have R-Type (GB), R-Type DX (GBC) (which is basically R-Type I & II), and R-Type III (GBA) fuckers! Yeah! |
Anyone else pumped for Marvel VS. Capcom 3? Comes out in Feb.....gonna be sick.
Buuuuut you're missing Delta and Final -- those are the best two!! I have all the ones you mentioned, and R-Types for the PS1, which is R-Type DX, but for the PS1/PS2. FINAL is mindblowing, but Delta has to be the best. There's a new PSP strategy one too. |
BTW, thanks to all the people who repped me for this post. Glad it was appreciated. It got buried pretty quickly so I'm going to go ahead and bump it, but remove some of the text...
^ I was looking at that a few days back. Looks pretty fresh. I've never played a game in the series before.
And yes, yes, YES, R-TYPE FINAL RULES! |
But yeah...
![]() Downloaded the Chrono Trigger OST, and I couldn't help but get sucked in all over again. I love how legendary this game is. This is one of those games where you can legitimize the quality of a human being, soley based on whether or not they've played this. Oh yeah, and it's sweet that you like Metal Warriors too, AC! Aside from my cousin and I, I've never met anyone else who has even heard of it! CHAIRMAN GET METAL WARRIORS. IT'S REALLY FUN, AND WILL SCORE YOU MAD INDIE NERD POINTZ. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
why is it so hard to understand collecting for a specific platform? |
![]() I will be playing this later today. I'm thinking Golden Axe or SoR. |
How much didyou drop on that Konami Hyper Boy NR, and where from? That thing is sick! Was it a staggering amount? I see one on ebay for $100.
Here's a sealeD NM copy of Chrono Trigger going for $7,500!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/1995-SNES-Chrono...em336227e a37 |
I was purposely ignoring the question, as I've done a dozen or so times elsewhere as well. haha. but if you must know I think it was like $45 for the Hyper Boy itself, but int'l shipping ended up almost doubling that. |
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