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Better than me, I'm eternally a dozen steps behind.
Mine should be somewhat similar. Hoping to get my new roommate's name in the mail so I can secretly Facebook stalk him to decide if I want him as my roommate. |
thank god for facebook, i swear. so many crazies i know to avoid through one little site.
i have to get all of my stuff packed/unpacked and quite honestly, i don't want ot. my bed's covered in cds. vodka + pineapple banana isn't as good as the cranbrey. |
Oh yeah, Facebook is a god-send sometimes and a curse.
Packing/unpacking sucks horribly. I've gotten to the point where I won't unpack, I'll just live out of a bag until everything is gone. Packing cds is the worst. Last time I packed them up I dropped a whole stack and lost several under my bed for weeks. It doesn't sound as good. Cranberry is the pinnacle, I feel. |
that's my plan, just hang up the good stuff and live out of it until it all alcummulates on the floor.
i bought something like ten cds and osme vinyl in utah and packing it was a bitch. it's called "Cranenergrye" so it's like a chilled out red bull in cranberry juice form, i geuss. |
Hmm...sounds interesting, might have to try that.
I always experience remorse because I don't buy cds, vinyl, or other cool shit when I'm flying home, too much trouble to pack it all. |
a lot of crap i got was form wraped tour and i should have shipped it off instead of packing. there was a ton of stuff from the receord store in salt lake that i wanted but i knew i'd be too lazy to ship so i didnt buy/
in hindsidght i'm glad i went to warped tour. for being 1000 degress and full of teeny emo kids it was fun. |
Yeah, I've never thought about having stuff shipped. I'm paranoid about vinyl though. I don't even like transporting it in my car.
my vinyl went at the bototm of my suitcase to make sure it wouldnt get manhandled and messed up like it did last year on the way back from califoria.
so much of my crap i had to leave qith my dad and stepmom. that i couldn't find my phone in the car when i was getting my stuff out at the airport sitll pisses me off. |
I can't imagine leaving my cell phone in a far off place. I have an out-of-body when I can't find it in my general area.
when i got on the plane and took a look at the strip from my seat, i wanted to call my friend and pissed off the guy next to me byu goung "fuck!!" when i remembered my phone was in the car.
I'm fingers are burning from making bracelets.
Speaking of burning fingers, the other day I was cutting up some hot peppers to put into my omelette. When I was done I didn't wash my hands, so I spent the rest of the day with my fingers feeling like they were in fire. I couldn't have them close to anything even semi-hot, because it would make their temperature rise. By night time, I was sick of the pull shit so I put my fingers on ice. It worked for a while but as soon as I took them off they would be even worse than before I iced them. I also soaked the fuckers in milk haha. In the end, I fell asleep with my hands hanging off the edge of the bed while trying to keep my mind off the subject. So, warning WARNING warning, wash your mother fucking hands after cutting hot peppers! Save yourself a day of grief! |
once my mom was cutting up jalapenos and she didn't wash her hands and then she touched her eye and she thought she was going to have to go to the hospital. |
People always get angry when someone utters an obscenity on an airplane, I've never understood it.
See, I was lucky in that case. I didn't touch my eye. Fuck man, that would really hurt though. In the fucking eye. My fingers were throbbing. |
oh, i know what you maen! after making a mole sacua with habaneros, i rubbed my eye becayse it was twitching and it burned for two stiraight days.
yeah, thsi guy was sixty something and reading star wars novels. i said fuck again because my purse fell out of my carryon bag and stuff went everywhere and i thought he was gounbg to chocke me. |
My eyes are watering from just thinking about habaneros to the eye. I'm always afraid of rubbing my eyes so I'm super careful when cutting up spicy things.
Star Wars? On a plane? Wow. My most pleasant plane ride was next to an elderly (75+) Italian woman that didn't speak one word of English and apparently couldn't understand English either, so my obscenities (14 hour flight, no sleep, so there were quite a few) went unnoticed. |
wetwipes are a godsens for cutting up spicy things- i use them all the time.
I shouldn't laugh, but that sounds just like me in action! |
hey melly!
that night was awful! i was dressed really nice and looked great and boom beruised my nose. |
Hello again schizogirl!
I walked into a tree once many years ago, and ended up with a big bump on my nose and a scratched face. No-one at work quite believed my half-assed story about falling over at home. In Brazil last December, I walked bang into a plate glass door, and shut my hand in a van. My middle name realy should be Clumsy, I think. |
Low-hanging flower pots are my eternal nemesis.
i hit my head against the window when i basically passed out going to sleep and i can sfeelll tghe knot on my head still.
my middle name is clumsy. |
this brabucecue in my hometown has 58454 of thoser. ouch. |
I always find walking into stuff to be pretty funny.
In Tobago I was walking down the side walk watching a guy hack away at some coconuts. Obviously, I smacked into a pole that happened to be in the middle of the sidewalk. I busted out laughing and announced my smooth move, and the coconut guy yelled over at me, "You was looking at me haha!" Strange because, he didn't look like he'd seen me watching him, he was just doing his thing at the time. Man, I need to go to bed or something. I am just typing out my ass haha. |
They double suck because most of the time you not only end up with a rather nice mark on your head but also a ton of dirt/potting soil in your hair. |
quoite literally, thoset hings are half the reason i clored my hair blkack. you can't see the dirt. emmah- haha. |
I have a scar on my forehead from falling onto a glass coffee table when I was 2. I also have a big scar on my left hand from pushing my hand into a window when I was ten.
Man, we should do a clumsy thread - it'd be awesome. |
And I thought I walked into them a lot...
my very firast memory is being 2 and falling off a chaair face first to the ground abd shateering a tooth. |
Other than running eye first into a coffee table at 2 or 3, I don't recall being clumsy or accident prone as a child. It's only as I've became older that I've got more clumsy.
^^^Ouch! At ATP Nightmare Before Xmas in Dec 2006, I tripped over this raised walking, and went flying onto concrete right on my left arm. I was very lucky to come away with just a sprain.
i don't remember any bad accidents when i was little
other than when i broke my collarbone when i was 8 i decided to climb up a slide in the rain and i slipped and whacked my collar bone on the slide. but i didn't cry, i was just like "shit, i can't move my arm" |
^^^ Ouch no 2. I fell off my bike when I was 6 (attempting to ride it no-hands style), and broke my arm. It was in plaster for months, because the doctors hadn't set my arm up properly when they first put it in plaster. :(
i have s ascar on my leg from 2nd grade where i fell off a balance beam and hit my leg. it refuses to fade.
oh i do remember dropping a tape dispenser on my big toe and my entire toenail falling off when i was 7 or 8. blood everywhere, crying, etc... |
once i lost a toenail from running
oh god |
^^^ I have the toes of an 80-year old because I've stubbed them and dropped guitar/other heavy bits on them so many times. It's gotten to the point I can set boxes on stuff on my feet and not feel it. Stubbing them so bad that blood shoots out of the end sucks for sure.
I had horrible scars on my legs for months on end in the late 1990's after I'd fallen off my bike in Trafalgar Square (I'm not proud to admit that I was pissed at the time).
me too. my toes endure way too much. a weird habit of mine is walking on my tip toes everywhere, even in public. it puts a bad strain when i'm already in heels.
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