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The Soup Nazi 12.02.2020 09:09 PM

I propose that after Biden's inauguration we create "The Political Thread", a catch-all place to discuss, well, political shit. In the meantime, this goes here:


!@#$%! 12.03.2020 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
The 74 million: a sample (click on the link; too many images to post here).

Witnesses at the Michigan Oversight Committee on voter fraud

Laugh? Cry? Move to Denmark real fuckin' quick?


what an unmitigated bunch of morons...

The Soup Nazi 12.03.2020 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

what an unmitigated bunch of morons...

It's really quite impressive. You'd expect a couple of idiots, but the thing is fuckin' endless.

Bytor Peltor 12.04.2020 04:43 PM


2506 felons illegally voted
66,248 underage votes
2423 votes that were not registered
1043 registered with a PO Box (not allowed)
4926 registered and voted AFTER registration deadline passed
10315 who were deceased by Election Day
395 voted in Georgia and another State (illegal in both States)
15700 filed a change of address w/ USPS before November 3rd
40279 moved across county lines prior to Election Day, failed to properly reregister to vote.

143,835+ illegal votes in Georgia

Bytor Peltor 12.04.2020 04:51 PM

BREAKING HUGE: Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden

REPORT: Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden

choc e-Claire 12.04.2020 05:38 PM

Most of those are demonstrably false, and most of the rest are features of normal democracy, which the Republicans have tried to subvert to make them electable. And even if you do claim Georgia, you're still a good twenty votes behind.

Make it like Frozen, let it go.

!@#$%! 12.04.2020 05:46 PM

Poor Addled Beauregard


Comic Sans No More!

Georgia county recertifies election results, rejecting fraud claims tied to viral video


Severian 12.04.2020 06:36 PM


The Soup Nazi 12.04.2020 08:51 PM

Orange Dildo lost and was too incompetent to pull off a coup, and there's plenty in it to laugh about, but let this be a lesson for 2024, which is both a couple of centuries away and just around the corner:


The Soup Nazi 12.04.2020 09:46 PM

From The Washington Post:

Trump raises $495 million since mid-October, including a massive haul fueled by misleading appeals about election fraud

By far the most common theme in the hundreds of donation requests sent in November was an appeal for contributions to the “Election Defense Fund,” a nonexistent fundraising account that the president’s campaign has been touting in hyperbolic language about voter fraud and election integrity.

choc e-Claire 12.04.2020 11:06 PM

California certifies US election results, Joe Biden officially secures enough electors to become president - ABC News (Australia)

The Soup Nazi 12.05.2020 12:24 AM


Skuj 12.05.2020 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
US attorney general William Barr said the Justice department has not uncovered widespread voting fraud in an interview with the Associated Press.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the AP.

Barr’s statement confirms what election experts, including those in the federal government, have been saying all along. It also shrinks the pool of Trump supporters continuing to standby the president’s erroneous and dangerous claims that the presidential election was fraudulent. Barr is one of the president’s most ardent supporters.

Now we just need our resident Trump supporters to carry on quoting the pariah that is Sidney Powell. It's over guys.

Wow. Barr finally did something right.

Skuj 12.05.2020 03:53 PM

I hear that Apocalypse Fuckface recently posted a 45min video on youtube, describing it as his most important speech ever. I have no intention of looking at it, but I'm glad to see it has largely slipped under the radar of most news media, and the quality posters in this thread. Fuckface seems to be howling into the wind now.

"If Lincoln were alive today to witness this Republican Party, he'd grab the derringer from Booth's hand and shoot himself in shame and embarrassment." (A stolen quote.)

Skuj 12.05.2020 07:41 PM

"I expected the worst, and it was worse than I expected" is a quote that came to my mind twice in recent years:

When Trump was elected, after I picked myself up off the floor, I assumed that he might try to learn things, be Presidential, surround himself with competent people, etc etc. We all know how that worked out.

After Biden won, I assumed the "transition" would be a shitshow. But this is actually even worse....much worse than I thought it would be. Trump has hit new lows (even for him!) and the GOP still doesn't have any balls.

There has got to be a good column/op-ed out there somewhere that lays out the case for why Trump should be in jail for what he has done since the election. I'm no lawyer. But how can a sitting POTUS get away with this shit?

Skuj 12.05.2020 08:33 PM

Last post today, I promise.

The more I delve into this, the more I am convinced that Trump is guilty of treason.

If you google "Trump treason" there are some well written articles.

I won't bother linking/pasting these, or definitions of treason.

But this is what I think. And I'm wondering if those in power quietly think this also?

The Soup Nazi 12.05.2020 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
And I'm wondering if those in power quietly think this also?

Quietly, sure. For "publicly", there's his niece:

The Soup Nazi 12.05.2020 10:37 PM


Bytor Peltor 12.06.2020 01:31 AM

Post While You May!

Bytor Peltor 12.06.2020 02:57 PM

BREAKING: Justice Alito Moves Deadline for PA Emergency Application to Have SCOTUS Declare PA Main-in Ballot Unconstitutional from Wed to Tues 9 AM Deadline

“Justice Alito has now moved the response deadline from Wednesday at 4pm to Tuesday at 9am on the emergency application to have the Supreme Court of the United States declare that the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot system violated the states constitutional laws.”

(IF) SCOTUS declares yes, will Pennsylvania set the precedent for Michigan, Georgia and other states where questionable activities occurred?

h8kurdt 12.06.2020 03:37 PM


Just over a week to go

Skuj 12.06.2020 03:38 PM

I'd like to think that Trump's 1hr40min spew from yesterday will cause Magabillies not to vote, but I fear that I live in a world where Mitch Fucking McConnel will continue as Senate Majority Leader.

Bytor Peltor 12.06.2020 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt

Just over a week to go

The current election fraud allegations don’t really matter when compared to the lack of transparency of ballot counting. SCOTUS won’t be looking to flip election results, rather, they’ll be looking to see if a State violated its own election laws. More importantly, were those actions Constitutional?

It only takes one domino!

!@#$%! 12.06.2020 06:28 PM

please go eat your own vomit and stop sharing it with us

Skuj 12.06.2020 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
please go eat your own vomit and stop sharing it with us

What "sources" are Byteme and Skunk using these days? :)

_tunic_ 12.06.2020 07:37 PM


TheDom 12.06.2020 08:00 PM

Skuj 12.06.2020 08:04 PM

This spineless Magabitch is going to win on Jan 5th, isn't she?

The Soup Nazi 12.06.2020 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

For the 81,284,158th (heh) time, does that mean YOU will stop posting when the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden's victory - yes or no, motherfucker.

Skuj 12.06.2020 08:30 PM

Dude, The Electoral College is part of The Deep State.

tw2113 12.06.2020 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_

For what it's worth, the backwards pizza eating was a whole marketing campaign from Pizza Hut for their stuffed crust pizza in the mid 90s

They sadly paid Trump to join in the ads

The Soup Nazi 12.07.2020 10:22 AM

From The Washington Post:


A miserable end to a miserable presidency

Opinion by Jennifer Rubin
Dec. 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. EST

President-elect Joe Biden, merely by speaking about two national crises of historic magnitude (the economy and the pandemic), reminded us that even in his final weeks in office, President Trump prefers to focus on insane conspiracies meant to overturn a democratic election rather than on imminent threats to Americans’ lives and livelihoods.

At a Friday news conference, the relaxed and calm incoming president spoke to the country. “Earlier today, the November jobs report was released,” he said. “It’s a grim report. It shows an economy that is stalling.” The current president did not bother to address it. Biden recognized that “it’s deeply troubling that last month’s drop in overall unemployment [to 6.7 percent] was driven by people who were dropping out of the labor market altogether. … Over the last three months, 2.3 million more people are in long-term unemployment — by far the largest increase on record.” The economy fell about 224,000 jobs short of expectations.

Biden encouraged lawmakers to pass a compromise stimulus bill and promised that more help is on the way. (“Americans need help, and they need it now, and they’ll need more come early next year.”) The current president was nowhere to be seen. While clinging to office and to his delusions, Trump has abdicated responsibility and declined to keep up the pretense he is governing.

As for the covid-19 vaccine, Biden let on that the Trump administration has no plan to get Americans vaccinated. “There is no detailed plan that we’ve seen, anyway, as to how you get the vaccine out of a container, into an injection syringe, into somebody’s arm,” Biden told the media. “It’s going to be very difficult for that to be done, and it’s a very expensive proposition. … There’s a lot more that has to be done.”

What has the current administration been doing to facilitate vaccinations? Next to nothing, apparently. Biden’s prediction of 200,000-plus more deaths by the end of the year may be horrifyingly accurate.

Trump has been consumed not with the dual threats of a worsening economic recession and the pandemic but with denying his defeat. Court after court in more than 40 cases rejected his baseless accusations of fraud. In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court delivered a brutal verdict on the attempt to overthrow the election:


Trump lost cases in Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Arizona and Georgia, as well. That was just on Friday. The losses stretch as far as the eye can see. (On a different topic, a federal court eviscerated his attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and ordered the Department of Homeland Security to continue receiving first-time applications.)

Trump, AWOL from the disasters he helped bring about through denial and incompetence, now receives regular denunciations from federal and state judges, appointed by both parties (and, in one case, Trump-appointed.) By any standard, he is facing repeated humiliation in the courts.

Aside from the courts that he amply stocked with right-wing judges, Republicans can point to no benefit derived from his four years in office but plenty of damage. Trump leaves behind a dumpster fire: a net loss of more than 3 million jobs and hundreds of thousands of dead Americans. (Next up: Abuse of his pardon powers as he considers get-of-jail-for-whatever-we-did cards for himself, his family and his cronies.)

Republicans’ political fortunes have fared no better. They began 2017 with the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress; they leave with only the possibility of a narrow majority in the Senate. Their base is more crazed and alienated than ever before. To the very end, most Republican members of Congress adhered to their reputations as spineless enablers of a destructive, racist and utterly incompetent president. A Post survey of Republicans in Congress found that a mere 27 of 249 acknowledged Biden’s victory. The vast majority were too cowardly to give a definitive answer.

No longer animated by a positive vision or policy ideas, the GOP is now simply a cauldron of writhing resentment and paranoia — a party that survives by spinning a web of lies and terrifying its own voters.

Our only hope is that the Republicans who remain in Congress will be as ineffectual in obstructing progress as they and their defeated president were in governing.

The Soup Nazi 12.07.2020 12:32 PM

Also from The Washington Post:

Armed protesters alleging voter fraud surrounded the home of Michigan’s secretary of state

I wonder if you guys in the United States can imagine what a craphole the U.S. looks like from the outside nowadays. It's painful to me. And I'll be the first to tell you my country can be a serious craphole too, but armed zombies following their Führer's blatant stupidity? Not in AGES around here.

!@#$%! 12.07.2020 02:20 PM

Georgia recertifies its results after third count shows Biden the winner over Trump

Bytor Peltor 12.07.2020 06:00 PM

Justice Alito moved Pennsylvania’s response time up to 9:00 AM Tuesday morning because at noon Tuesday, Pennsylvania electors are seated. Justice Alito wants a response before anyone is seated so he can determine how he is going to deal with this issue since it’s coming out of the 3rd Circuit which he is responsible. In the three hour window between 9:00 AM and noon, it’s possible Justice Alito could grant a stay before the Electors are seated. A stay would prevent the Electors of Pennsylvania from voting to accept the certification of the candidate, Joe Biden.

December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline
The U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §5) provides that if election results are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to electionday,hasenactedprocedurestosettlecontrovers ies or contestsoverelectorsandelectoralvotes,andifthese procedureshavebeenapplied,and theresultshavebeen determined sixdays before the electors’ meetings, then theseresultsareconsideredtobeconclusive,andwillapp ly in the counting of the electoral votes. This date, known as the “Safe Harbor” deadline, falls on December 8 in 2020. The governor of any state where there was a contest, and in whichthecontestwasdecidedaccordingtoestablished stateprocedures,isrequired(3U.S.C. §6)tosenda certificatedescribingtheformandmannerbywhichthe determination was made to the Archivist as soon as practicable.

A granted stay will be an indication that the State of Pennsylvania violated the United States Constitution by changing the rules for electing Electors without the consent of the state legislature.

It’s important to understand that the change in the voting process in the State of Pennsylvania was not in acted by statutory changes through the state legislature, who is the sole body empowered by the United States Constitution to change the rules. However, the Governor and Secretary of State of Pennsylvania took it upon themselves to change the rules.

If SCOTUS grants certiorari, Senator Ted Cruz will present the oral argument.

Ted Cruz: “the bitterness and acrimony we see across the Nation needs resolution. I believe the Supreme Court has the responsibility to the American People to ensure, within its powers, that we are following the law and following the Constitution.”

It only takes one domino!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
BREAKING: Justice Alito Moves Deadline for PA Emergency Application to Have SCOTUS Declare PA Main-in Ballot Unconstitutional from Wed to Tues 9 AM Deadline

“Justice Alito has now moved the response deadline from Wednesday at 4pm to Tuesday at 9am on the emergency application to have the Supreme Court of the United States declare that the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot system violated the states constitutional laws.”

(IF) SCOTUS declares yes, will Pennsylvania set the precedent for Michigan, Georgia and other states where questionable activities occurred?

Bytor Peltor 12.07.2020 06:10 PM

December 7, 2020 2:45 PM

BREAKING: Arizona Supreme Court will hear GOP mail-in ballot challenge

Savage Clone 12.07.2020 06:26 PM

Breaking: it’s over

The Soup Nazi 12.07.2020 06:43 PM

I must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Savage Clone again.

The Soup Nazi 12.07.2020 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor /

I don't care. Look, let's say you're right - all the more reason for you to answer the fucking question.

!@#$%! 12.08.2020 12:09 AM

you know he'd be less of a (disgusting) presence if you stopped linking and promoting his posts ;P

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