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5% of all hospital admissions are attributed to smoking. 13% of cancer cases are smoking related. 18% of deaths (35 years+) are smoking related. 29% of cancer deaths are attributable to smoking. Figures from the latest research by ONS. FYI |
Some say it can cause brain tumors. I don't know.
There are many theories about how it makes you hungry, and it certainly does. |
Why does it make me want to shit ?
But from let's say from the 80's to 2007 I'm pretty sure it decreased a lot. Because that's when the harshest policies against smoking came about, if I'm not mistaken. Especially the increases in price, which seem to be quite effective. But I guess you're talking about older people who smoked most of their lives? I did this huge assignment on smoking the other day (worldwide data) and it said that less and less people are taking up smoking. It makes a lot of sense that 29% of cancer deaths are related to smoking, but sometimes I have the impression that people think that not smoking means no cancer. I'm actually surprised only 13% of cancer cases are smoking related, I thought it'd be a lot more. |
Because it wants you to eat more. |
"Impact of the smokefree legislation:
On the 1st July 2007, smokefree legislation was introduced in England, banning smoking in enclosed public places.
I should just eat cigarettes and convert all meals to tobacco. Until thats not satisfying enough and I start eating the money instead. When the money runs out and I'm in emergency I'll move on to digest my brain and my organs, like what sea anemones do when they have found their place and dont need to move anymore.
the point of non smoking in enclosed spaces is to enable those who dont want to be exposed to reduce how much smoke they need to inhale.
well, in that case I don't know which report is more bias. Where did you get that from? Perhaps I shouldn't have believed what I read. Although there's a significant difference there, from 1980 to 2007. I don't think banning smoking in enclosed places is a policy to make people smoke less.??? They claim that the governments increase tax on cigarettes to use that money for health care, which kind of makes sense. |
This is something I've HEARD, but I cant remember the last time anyone bothered to inject some funds into heathcare...here, anyway. |
yeah but now they want to complain about us standing outside the shopping centre! It's never enough.
how long until the concentration camps? |
Hehheh. The cigarettes in cuba are wonderful tasting. And there are no chemicals, they cant afford to use em :o |
Well, smokers AND communists are equally bad so why not?
xbumgoose676 has sent you a message:
About your Nickelback videos... 209643216 To:sevendeadlycinema,xbanditwolfx,popsiclepete,fra ctions1234567890,ehaqable,nickelbackfreak101,digit almafia918,cahbenvenuti,rubberduckynn9,woltemade,t elanza1,yerh012,bullorton,musicmenish,18xenia18,th eshape188,14catz,listentoothemusic,corndogandfrenc hfrys Hеy! I'll just gеt tο tհe рoіոt. I'm а biց fan οf Nіckelbaсk аոd I'd lіke to see mοre people ցet iոto tհеіr mսsiϲ. So I thοuցհt іt ԝoսld be nіce if yοս сoսld рut a lіոk to tհеіr itսոеѕ раge рaցe on yοur vіdeοѕ, it ϲoսld make at leаst а bit οf а differеոce. Evеո іf you dοո't gеt a lot of vіеԝs yοu never kոοԝ. So yеаհ, herе'ѕ the ituոeѕ lіnk, sհοrtened fοr yοur cοnveniеոce aոd evеrytհinց. http://bit.ly/iITQrm Jսѕt рaѕte іt iոto the vіdеo dеscriptіοո аnd say ѕοmеthіng lіkе 'Niсkеlbаck οո iTսnеs' οr 'Heаr mοrе from Nіckelback here--->'. Yοu cаn use tհе lοոg lіnk bսt it doеsn't reаlly lοok аll thаt ցreat. Maybe yoս сοսld еveո аdd οnе οf thosе aոոotatіοns tհіnցs ... more You can reply to this message by visiting your inbox. © 2011 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
quick question. The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury is a collection of short stories right or not?
The Martian Chronicles is a 1950 science fiction short story collection by Ray Bradbury ..... |
Yes, one of my all-time favorites. I love that book to death. :p |
awesome. Now does anyone know where I can find The Million year Picnic (the last short story)online? I'm trying to look for it and can't seem to find it.
yay I found it, now time for a whole day full of homework.
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