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I was playing XCOM:Enemy Unknown, and now I'm playing Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year edition.
hide the salami
![]() Lately I have been consumed with University, but I'm finding what little time I have, to enjoy a really amazing game. |
Have you seen egoraptor's sequelitis episode with megaman x? He talks about the genius design behind it. I'd link it, but I'm on my phone... Anyways...he's completely right and today's mainstream games are dumbed down with ridiculous gamelong tutorials... |
MMX is fantastic. One of my favorite MM games by far.
![]() Finally getting around to learning Elena in SF3..... I've always wanted to learn to play her well...but I've been too lazy. I'm awful at learning characters whose LP, MP, HP/LK, MK, HK don't correspond correctly(Balrog, Elena, Makoto etc) |
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Washing Machine
Wrong thread i am so out of practice.
:D It's ok.
HI! |
lulz. What are you playing it on? A CD player? |
yep. Looks like an old fashioned radio with a record player an tape deck built in. It looks nice in the kitchenxo
How is my favorite SUG asshole doing?
supercool :D
Not gonna lie....I seriously want to go home and play FF7.
I'm not going to....yet....because I have other 'NEW' games to play...BUT DAMN HAVE I EVER FELT AN URGE TO PLAY A GAME SO FUCKING BAD. It doesn't help, that some sounds remind me of the ST and that I was watching a dood play it on twitch.tv -_- fuuuckkk. |
Playin' dat ELENA. I like her.
Is it me, or are JRPG's mainly a handheld thing nowadays...
well. Consoles have stuff like Final Fantasy and all. And y'know Wii had those 3 Project Rainfall games. But yeah, a lot of JRPG's are religated to portables. I mean. That's cool I guess. I kind of think RPG's in general fit well on portables myself. But at the same time, I barely ever touch portables these days, so it kind of sucks at the same time. That said, I don't thikn I've touched 360/PS3/Wii for about 3 months now. Just been so so so into Dreamcast. And then started collecting Sega CD and Saturn stuff too. Such a wealth of games in those libraries for me to dig thru that I've lost a lot of interest in checking out newer games lately. Shrug. |
lulz....not like yer missing out on much.
But seriously...this portable exclusivity is pissing me off. Why can't they make like a "virtual console" for PS3 at least. I mean...a lot of PSP games are playable via ps3 and PSN games are playable on the PSP/Vita... I WANT TO PLAY VALKYRIE CHRONICLES 2 DAMMIT! -_- |
yeah it always bugged me that PSP games can't be played on PS3. And you know it's possible cuz Peace Walker and those God of War games were on the HD collections...
Don't get me wrong though -- I AM missing out on stuff. There's plenty of amazing current gen games out there. But I'm just way too obsessed with collectig this Sega stuff lately. There's only so much time/money to spent on games y'knoow. |
yeah it always bugged me that PSP games can't be played on PS3. And you know it's possible cuz Peace Walker and those God of War games were on the HD collections...
Don't get me wrong though -- I AM missing out on stuff. There's plenty of amazing current gen games out there. But I'm just way too obsessed with collectig this Sega stuff lately. There's only so much time/money to spent on games y'knoow. |
I need a new game for my xbox360
I played LA Noir, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion I need another long sandbox game... I gotte save up for skyrim. |
sandboxy isn't really my thing. Did you play the Castlevania 360 game? I've heard it borrows heavily from Shadow of the Colossus (which I know you are a big fan of) and it is apparently a really long game. |
I am the biggest fan of Shadow of The Colossus. That shit moved my soulless heart.
I like sandbox games more than RPG's because after a while I really get sick of working to level up a character. fuck leveling up. I just wanna live in the virtual world for a while. Remember how awsome Mario 64 was? Man that game changed shit. |
Rob I. Maybe check out Dark Souls? It's fairly open world and It's fantasy like Oblivion and Skyrim....
Dark Souls? coool. thnx
BTW, that pic of your sister on your sig is gonna get one of us arrested one of these days.
yeah I fuckin hate Mario 64. But I'm with you on SOTC. I was borderline tears several times in that game. Did you like Ico? I thought it was damn close to as good as Shadow.
Lol ico. I have completely forgotten about that game...my ps3 hasn't been hooked up in a little over a month... I WILL finish that game within a week...Id put it in now, but I have to practice sf3 for tonight...
Also rob I. Id suggest doing a little homework on dark souls. Tht game is tediously difficult...just a heads up in case you hate super hard games... |
Ico is so short man
never got ICO.
here's what I wrote about Ico after beating it in January: wow. Just wow. I played through Shadow of the Colossus about this time last year. Seemed fitting to get sucked into Ico now. So my thoughts... uh. Let me gather them as best I can. First off, I'm glad I played this on PS3. I think that there is a big difference in appearance from videos I saw. But let me tell you, Ico ran amazingly in HD. It's impossible to talk about Ico (now) without comparing it to SotC of course. And that's a tall order, as SotC is easily one of my favorite games of all time now. First let me start by saying I loved Ico. I really did. It's a very different game, so comparing them is almost pointless. Ico had a lot more focus on puzzles. In that sense, it was often a very relaxing game. And for the most part the puzzles were well thought out. I was able to play mostly FAQ-less, finding myself really only stumped a couple of times (mostly during the waterfall section). But mostly the puzzles would get me thinking for a while, but weren't usually too obscure so as to feel unfair. I personally found the controls very easy to pick up after playing SotC as well. I think my only complaint would be with the combat. Personally, I almost feel like until the end of the game, the combat was almost unnecessary and in a sense felt like a jarring interjection to the puzzle solving segments. Perhaps that was the point? I will admit that the last battle took me a WHILE to figure out. But felt great once I knew what to do. And now the obvious stuff: Ico is beautiful. Just a gorgeous game to look at and listen to. I also found myself very attached to Yorda in a protective way. Funny, as I normally am not into escort-missions. But some Ueda scripted it all in such a way that it felt very emotionally-taxing for me. And some scenes toward the end really brought on a sense of high melancholy. The bit after the credits, where Ico is free to explore the beach -- and eventually see the words "the end" were another genius touch to the cinematic-gameplay experience. One that only makes me hope that Last Guardian is really going to happen soon. I can see myself playing through this one again -- maybe even soon. It only took me a little over seven hours. But they were seven hours well spent. And I feel like the world the Ueda built offered plenty to explore that I may have missed the first time. |
Seven US Navy Seals disclosed classified data to makers of video game |
xbox or ps3?? ehhhhh????
i already have a bluray player. i'm asking just for the better games (i like strategy mostly, and some FPS, and maybe an RPG every now and then). i don't play a lot but i'm tired of keeping a PC just for games. or should i just keep the pc and forget the consoles? anywebos, please recommend. |
I like the many things my xbox360 does, and I do not give as flip for blu-ray. No need for it. (Until The Blind Eye Sees All comes out remastered for Blu-Ray! never!)
as far as game availability I don't know. |
i have a plasma (for work! tax deductible!) and bluray makes a difference in that screen cuz it's fucking gorgeous. when the tv is too bright (some LCDs) bluray actually looks weird like, too realistic, not movie-like. but panny plasma is fucking sweet, gorgeous color + everything, makes it easy to avoid the theatre with the stupid people in it. ANYhuevos, i have no money right now for a console, actually, ha ha ha, but just thinking about it for "one of these days" |
got 3rd in another local. Hoping for first next week :)
awesome vulva. Yr kicking ass.
by all accounts the new xcom game is supposed to be very good |
Anyone getting the Mass Effect Trilogy pack? PS3 owners come out on top in the deal. They're getting to finally play the first iteration (same graphics engine or the updated one used for ME2 and ME3?) plus all the downloadable content.
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