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u dont like adventure games? Monkey Island, etc? |
never played it. heh.
Alright. Here goes nothin'. Poppin' it in for the first time. Will report back to base later tonight/tomorrow.
Godspeed. |
don't pee yer pants.
coolest fucking arcade stick ever! not really but it's still pretty fucking awesome.
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mmmmm vice~
nice job Evol.
King of Fighters XI and Clock Tower
Clock Tower is incredible Brad, I've never played a game that so accurately made me feel as if I were playing the role of a survivor in one of my favorite horror films. |
glad yr enjoying it. I knew you would. And you nailed it. It's not like "OMG I ONLY HAVE A FEW BULLETS LEFT" it's like "OMG I HOPE SOMEBODY DOESNT FUCKING FIND ME HIDINGAND KILL ME" == it seriously gets yr heart rate going. So awesome. Scissorman is so creepy. Love it. |
I remember playing a small bit of Clock Tower back in the day. I don't know why I never finished it, because I thought the concept felt pretty fresh. Like a true survival horror game based on it's mechanics of near defenselessness and wild improvisation to save yourself as opposed to the developer relying on clunky controls (ie. Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark) to supply the terror.
I don't even remember having a weapon for what portion I played, then again I only played about a half-hour/hour's worth. Might now look up the game again having been reminded of it. Been playing Path of Exile, which is this free to play Diablo clone. Great morbid atmosphere and sense of dread. The skill system is kind of funny due to being mainly a hybrid between FFVII's materia system and FFX's sphere grid, thankfully though the latter isn't so linear (lots of paths to choose from). It's still in beta so that interesting to watch, just seeing the game only like half finished. When I had first downloaded it a new interface had just been patched in, the new one is still missing stuff so I wonder what the old one was like. They only just now got an actual mouse pointer for the game as opposed to just a normal one. Alot of game features are missing still and becomes quite funny when one gets into Act II, where they haven't finished writing the quests yet and the characters names are 'randomquestguy'. All of which is surprising since it's still pretty fun. |
lol randomquestguy. hahah.
Yeah, I thought it was hilarious when I first saw him. And all his dialogue is really basic and boils mostly down to "Look, we haven't finished writing this part of the game yet, so just go kill this guy." and then when you do and come back, all he says is "Gratz on killing Aliria" or whoever it was you killed. It's pretty funny.
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![]() After finally figuring out how to play the damn thing, it actually is a great deal of fun. Oh yeah, and... ![]() Currently in love w/ my PS1, to say the least. |
^Jack is so fun.
I just got: ![]() (Dux, for Dreamcast) |
Not even just that, but the way it makes you play through some of the dialogue events, and the way the story is written, it feels as if I'm literally playing through a slasher film. I wonder if the point-and-click gameplay has anything to do with it, seeing as I didn't get the same vibe from my brief play of Clock Tower 3. Hmph. Oh, and nice score w/ Dux. I've always thought that looked like a fun R-Type clone. |
That boxart is really cool.
Anyways. While waiting for a new game, I decided to play MGS4 again. It's been a while. |
I'm playing id's new FPS Rage. It's very much like a cross between Borderlands and a very stripped-down Fallout 3. Plus it plays like it was designed to be played in the arcades. It's a disappointing game. I definitely will be trading it in for Batman: Arkham City.
Ars Technica gave that a horrible review.
I'm playing Fallout New Vegas. |
yeah, I never understood the hype behind it. Then I hear it's a shitty game. |
Fucking lame! They still haven't posted SF3:Online edition yet for Ps3 but they have it for X360. WTF! I have the arcade version on my ps3, but the emulator begins to slow down after running it for a while. Just compare the databases!
http://www.abgx.net/index.php |
those were the days... id (and John Carmack) were awesome, and yr mama's tits...well, they were spectacular. times change. |
id used to be so amazing. But now they haven't made a good game since what, 1997? And I don't even like Quake II that much. I definitely think it's a company that's shifted away from designing games with interesting game play as opposed to giving them lots of bells and whistles and making them look really pretty.
Although honestly, if you look at their catalog, they haven't really made that many good games to begin with. The first two Dooms, Quake, Wolfenstein, and the Commander Keen games. And as for Commander Keen, while those games are fine, they're really only passively interesting in a historical kind of way. |
I bought an Atari Jaguar for the sole purpose of console-controller Doom.
wow. what an idiot I was....back then. |
now that's cool. You guys got a great version of Tempest, which was eventually ported to PlayStation and Saturn. So actually you guys got... um... Zoop? |
About to start my first game of pokemon, I never play any of these....now I will...GO SQUIRTLE!
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^Red's ok. Of the first gen, I think Yellow is the best though. It's like a streamlined Red/Blue.
I'm by on means a fan of the series. But I can appreciate a game now and again. |
Yeah...I'm not a fan of the series...the only pokemon game I played before this was pokemon snap...which is hilariously bad.
I had Red version growing up. I liked owning a Charmander.
Yellow version was the most annoying sack of piss. You know what game was worse than Poke'mon Snap? Hey You! Pikachu... worst birthday gift ever. Haven't played any of the main games post-Yellow. |
Ah...I don't know the difference between original red and Fire red(GBA) besides the handheld. I mean...it's still just the 150 right? not the 32847298379287489723948 pokemon they have now?
According to Wikipediea, FireRed and LeafGreen are enhanced remakes of Red and Blue, but support the GBA Wireless Adapter for wireless Poke'mon trading.
I know the later games added an assload of Poke'mon to the roster. I'd like to eventually give one of the DS versions a shot, maybe. The original games were fun though because they had all sorts of weird glitches, like being able to get 100x an item in your inventory, or the infamous Missing No. Poke'mon ![]() I'm sure these glitches didn't carry over to the remake, as there was a possibility of deleting your save data by using either one of them (although I never encountered such a problem, and did both tricks multiple times). |
Haha oh Pokemon, I rocked the hell out of red back in 4th grade. A couple of my friends are big Pokemon connoisseurs, they quizzed themselves a while back on all the pokemon that appear in red/blue, and who evolved into what. Kind of crazy even at 150, can't imagine what it'd be like for the later ones.
Out of curiosity I played my version of red back in march or somewhere around there. It was pretty hard to take really. But anyone would have to admit how interestingly diverse it was. I mean, 150 possible characters? Wow, and you had all the options in the world. You could have a team full of just Geodudes if you wanted, if you were THAT big of a fan of him anyway. But I've been playing the first Lufia game lately and that's been kind of hard to get through too. It kind of makes me glad that I played through all of the console RPG's that I did when I was younger. I just don't seem to have the patience to play through them like I used to. Though I could probably play through Earthbound and Chrono Trigger again if I wanted to enough, those games are still fantastic in memory. But given that I wish I had played through Secret of Mana when I was younger, don't know if I could get through it now. |
Secret of Mana holds up especially well today, due to its real-time battle system.
why you don't like Yellow Joe?
First of all, instead of being able to choose between 3 wonderful starter Poke'mon (which evolve through 3 separate stages - giving the game a strong feeling of a story arc) and your arch nemesis selecting a Poke'mon of the opposing type, powered with your Poke'mon's elemental weakness who evolves at the same rate your starter Poke'mon does, you get stuck w/ this asshole...
![]() Who only evolves once, and who you would find EXTREMELY EARLY ON in both Red or Blue version anyhow. So having him as a starter is completely useless. Secondly, he's gotta waddle behind you around on the screen the whole fucking time, completely eliminating the 'lone warrior' atmosphere of the game. ![]() If you were a kid who grew up during the Poke'mon craze, you really put a lot of emotional investment to your party, and when you'd battle up against someone at the playground, you really felt like those were your POKE'MON. This vibe is totally ruined with the reminder of 'Hey this is supposed to be Ash from the cartoon who's Pikachu follows him around... not actually you.' And if that's not bad enough he has to annoyingly bitch the whole adventure! What a pansy. ![]() WEREN'T YOU ALSO RESTRICTED FROM REMOVING HIM FROM YOUR PARTY!?!? Sack of crap game, I tell ya. |
I guess I liked it because it was kind of Pokemon for Dummies. And since I don't like Pokemon enough to get serious about it, it made for a nice easy experience.
It's especially insulting knowing you have to play as Ash, probably the worst pokemon trainer in the universe. Anyone who played the games were better trainers than him. That show is still going right? He's probably only caught like 20 pokemon. Can't keep his Charizard under control, hell I don't think he could even keep him in line when he was Charmeleon. I didn't watch the show that much, but it seemed like he used Pikachu for EVERYTHING! Electric type pokemon aren't even that good. Ash could be fighting a fucking Sandshrew and would probably use Pikachu. Idiot. And how come he never evolved? You'd imagine he would he fights so much. |
well all pokemon after 150 are terrible. and....Geodude...lol that name is funny. |
I traded in my copy of Rage for Dark Souls. I thought I'd try out Dark Souls due to the critical accolades that's been showered on it. I haven't played it long enough to make a fair judgement but on first impressions it doesn't stand up to the glowing reviews. It's pretty much Diablo in 3D.
lol. it gets good reviews cause it's a hardass game. And also the gameplay, which is a reason why it's so hard, since you don't run around mashing onek button to attack without negative consequences. Dark Souls makes you think more and be cautious. Most games you can die and restart from a check point or sometimes even at the same spot you died, but not this game. This game teaches you a lesson by making you repeat hte WHOLE level over and over again. Enemies are relentless in their attacks, they want you dead and you can sense it. I think that is why it gets good reviews. I have yet own a copy of the game, but I played at a friends hosue on his 360 and it plays almost the same as Demon's Souls. |
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