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Oh fuck yeah! This game was the shit. You could pull the limbs off of other cyborgs and attach them to your own guy to make him even more badass. I loved the buzzsaw arm. |
I guess I forgot to mention that I've played nothing but Catherine obsessively since release day. By far my game of the year.
Catherine is the reason I'm going to buy a PS3. It looks amazing! Also interested in 3D Game Heroes, Little Big pLanet, Street Fighter 4, Child of Eden, Dead Rising, Dead Space, Shadows of the Damned, Heavy Rain, and Lollipop Chainsaw
An 80gb would be an acceptable size... correct? I mean, I have an external if anything.... hmmm. I feel like such a dweeb when it comes to current gen gaming.
Time to start saving my pennies. My dweeby pennies. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I traded a spare NES of mine online, for an original XBOX (to replace my broken console) in July. The post office lost it, but promised it'll show up eventually... Fed up, I searched for a console locally and managed to snag a replacement off some friends for only $20. My love for Gunvalkyrie and Deus Ex: Invisible War knows no bounds. Backyard Wrestling 2, and DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball are moreso novelties than anything else. Very charming novelties though, very charming. |
Shit I forgot about Catherine. I gotta look for that. ( I don't buy games anymore heh) but an 80 gig would be enough if you don't plan on modding it. and Externals aren't good for storing games....(not new games at least) |
Catherine was the final game that made my "I should buy a PS3 someday" list too heavy. So yeah. It's amazing, dude. Seriously. |
What exactly can be accomplished through modding it? The ability to play burned games/emulators? Nah, I have no use for any of that. I just want one with enough space for me to own/save at least like 15 games or so. |
dont mod yr PS3 Joe. Yr getting one so you can play games with me online. If you mod it, you can't do that.
What size do you have NR?
not yet..... EDIT: Supposedly there's a way around it....but.....They've stopped talking about it so I don't trust it yet. I want to show you whats up in SF. |
then nevermind. I'm too cheap to buy new games. 60 bucks....no thanks. |
damn LIMBO.
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I have two of them. A 40GB and 60GB. ps, don't worry about size. You can EASILY upgrade a PS3 HDD as it's just a laptop HDD. |
Oh, I'm definitely buying Used... I always do. Except I may have to pull the trigger on Catherine - that special edition is tempting. :p But okay, one last question. I'm one of those rare fucks who still doesn't own an HD TV... PS3's still offer a standard AV output - correct? |
lol yeah. I didn't use an HDTV for a long time...and well, the only reason why I am now is because I'm back at home.
PS. used games are still kind of expensive around here. |
you can already get lots of amazing games for under $20, so yr golden. PS3's come with standard composite AV (yellow/white/red) out of the box. So yeah. Eventually you'll want something better. Even component if possible. But yeah you can us composite. |
this game is fantastic. i haven't been addicted to a game like that in a long time |
now that it's on PSN I gotta pick it up. |
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Invisible War always destroys my computer. I've installed that game three times in all the years I've owned it, made it about ten minutes each time before quitting due to just not liking it very much, and then the next day having to reformat my harddrive because it just goes berserk. I'm just glad I don't like it very much, reduced customization, dumbed down dialogue, hard drive killer? No thank you.
I'm not a PC gamer, so I haven't played the original Deus Ex. But I own, and love Invisible War on the original XBOX. I generally hate FPS titles, but the RPG elements and the concept of being able to truly choose my own destiny in the game is awfully appealing.
You should really dig up the original sometime. There's a console port of it on some system, don't know if it's the XBox or PS2 or what. But the RPG elements and diversity of choice is magnified at least 10 fold more than the sequel.
I was immediately turned off from the beginning when it loads up and I see that I can't choose what weapons to specialize in, investing in hacking or lock picking, etc. Though I think Invisible War still has the augmentations though, I seem to recall getting far enough that they talk about that. Glad you enjoy the sequel though, I wanted to play through it, even though I didn't really like it. ![]() I find myself playing quite alot of this again lately. I took a pretty long break from it a year or two ago, just lost interest halfway through Nightmare. Now I'm playing again I guess as a change of pace from the usual high story driven games I tend to play. Also, there's the anticipation of Diablo III, so that has a part to play I suppose. |
Went to the arcade again on Friday. Actually played some REALLY good players at SSF4. And I hate FADC. Made me feel like a nub. I didn't do THAT bad...but I was still pretty terrible. OH! AND I FINALLY PLAYED AGAINST SOMEONE GOOD AT CAPCOM VS SNK 2. It was so much fun. The took abuot 5 of the 8 games we played. but still....My first time against a good human player....and man that was fun. My team is Iori, Akuma, and Ken.
ANd question for SF4 players. Do any of you know how to FADC(Focus Attack Dash Cancel)? |
...no. But I'm just an OK SF4 player. |
![]() i love this game. i don't care what anyone says |
^ I've heard nothing but awful things, but have never actually played it. Isn't the platforming horrifically sloppy? That's what I hear people bitch about most often.
![]() I've been beasting NeoGeo Battle Coliseum lately. Terry is my main man. The fact that I can play as Marco from Metal Slug in a fighting game is nothing short of extraordinary to me. Kudos SNK. I'm not exactly sure why this one is dirt cheap everywhere I look (I picked mine up for less than $3, and saw a copy at GameStop yesterday for only $3.99) because it's a fucking blast! Maybe it has something to do with being able to d/l it for your 360, I wouldn't know.... either way - this game is righteous. |
oh yeah, it's really sloppy. but it's not unplayable. the music, and the fact that it's a Castlevania game is the only redeeming quality about this game. I consider myself a huge fan and had a lot of fun memories with this game so I'm definitely letting it slide. |
Fuck. Sounds like a good time. I haven't even been able to play SSF4 yet. :( |
A lot of Castlevania games have frustrating platforming though. Even the otherwise amazing NES classics. So I guess it's fitting. I don't remember too much of that in Super Castlevania IV though, or Dawn of Sorrow (the only others I've played). Those games rule hard. I've never even played a 3D Castlevania game. Hmm |
I See Iori on the top right. He's on my team for Capcom vs snk 2. I'm starting to get into SNK fighting games. Unfortunately my King of Fighters are arcade games so it can be a bit hard to practice with people but I'm gettin' there. |
Haha and Marco is riht under iori.
really? i highly recommend Lament of Innocence. it seems you might enjoy that one. it's got great music and pretty cool bosses and enemies. there's always a slew of CV fans that are either anti-3D or pro |
I prefer SNK fighters to Capcom ones, honestly. Whenever I play Capcom vs SNK on my DC, I always pick the SNK groove. You really should pick up NeoGeo Battle Coliseum though. GameStop has it listed for just 3.99! That's gotta be just a fraction of what you spend at the arcade. Between this, Cool Cool Toon (DC), and the jaw-droppingly spectacular SNK Arcade Classics Vol 1 (Wii .... also available for PS2 - albeit with some Metal Slug lag not found on Wii) they definitely get a grand portion of my gaming time, as a company. |
I'll check into it for sure. I've always been curious about what the series would be like in the 3rd dimension. Hopefully it's more or less of an Ocarina of Time, rather than an Earthworm Jim 3D |
I'm definitely a much bigger Capcom fan than SNK. But I will say that NeoGeo Battle is probably my favorite SNK fighter out there. Don't get me wrong -- Samurai Shodown, Fatal Fury, certain KOF's are great. But I just don't click with them as easily.
![]() Apparently this one pales majorly in comparison to the Saturn original. Having never played a SEGA Saturn in my life (I know, I know) - I can't necessarily comment on that. What I DO KNOW though is that it would be absolutely foolish to dismiss this as a bad game, as some have. The cut-scenes can get awfully boring, and the inability to skip most of 'em hinders my happiness greatly because the story is absolutely worthless. NiGHTS' voice is like nails on a chalkboard. It makes him/her eerie, honestly, and not necessarily in a good way. BUT the gameplay is a blast! That's what really counts in the long run. The game can even get pretty difficult if you try and get the best grades on each mission. For only $5 @ GameStop, I don't think you could really go wrong with picking this up. Samba De Amigo, which is an easy 10/10 (especially if played with a friend/lover/etc.) is also available used for the same price. Do yourself a favor (yes you, reading this) and SEGAfy your Wii a bit. You won't regret it. ![]() The last Starfox game to truly "get it right", if you ask me*. What an awesome shooter this truly is, and it deserves every bit of infamy that surrounds it. Probably my favorite title on the N64 to be honest. * ok, i enjoyed Starfox Adventures as well... but that's completely different |
That Nights looks cool....don't have a Wii though. Sega needs to sell all their old shit on Xbox live ASAP.
rocket launcha
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30 credits later......metal Slug 5 beat.
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