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Derek 09.26.2009 07:09 PM

My favourite one is 'Dive'.

Toilet & Bowels 09.26.2009 08:20 PM

i've been listening to them this week for the first time in a long time because of the favourite nirvana song thread on the non sonic sounds board.
nirvana got me into rock music when nevermind came out. i became totally obsessed with them, when kurt cobain killed himself i was so distraught i could barely talk to anyone for about a week.
when i listen to their music now it still bums me out that he killed himself, i just wonder about what the music he would have made were he still around would be like, probably great.

GeneticKiss 09.26.2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
Why is this in Non-Sonics? I entered this thread expecting karmic enlightenment, you sick fucks.

"Nirvana" hasn't meant that in 18 years.

Genteel Death 09.27.2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by DemonBox
I am greatful to Nirvana for opening my eyes for good music. I remeber being a little kid in 6th grade, having no taste or interest in music. Then a older mate borrowed me Nirvana - Nevermind, and I got fucking obssesed with their music, I bougth everthing I could find by Nirvana, and it was the only band I ever listened to for a whole year. After reading the KC bio and countless interviews I checked out some of the bands Nirvana had mentioned, or covered (SY being one of them). And with every new band, I found out about some other band, and it just dominoed from there. They were also the reason for me picking up a guitar, because the music got me so fucking stoked that I wanted to rawk out myself. Sad to say I dont listen to Nirvana so much these days, but every once in a while when I'm down for some dirty pop, I crank out one of their records, they have my lifetime respect..

And that's my personal excperince with the band.

I had forgotten what a cool kid demonbox is. Well i hope he didnt top himself like kurdt. NIRVANA ROCKED!

keep poppin pimples 12.04.2010 07:33 AM

does anyone know where i can download the book from with the lights out? scored the set at the pawnshop but without the book, the torrents i've found don't include it

gast30 12.04.2010 10:03 AM

my thoughts about nirvana
i can't believe how it ended
alot of people angry about this an that

on the other hand
nirvana as what the word means
has nothing to do with a deathdrag

in life there is only continue

i explain this with my words
and i'm not responsible for how it got translated in your mind

kinn 12.04.2010 10:17 AM

its shite even without a mind to translate it.

gast30 12.04.2010 12:17 PM

listening to music and enjoying it
that's what music is about
and having a good time

pbradley 12.04.2010 12:41 PM

gast30 and kinn are trolls

at least half are floatingsorely

gast30 12.04.2010 02:49 PM

you're in a sensitive mood phradley

for the rest i don't have much to say about nirvana or sonic youth
that's why i always post in the non sonics

i buy a vinyl and listen to music that is my spending money
for the rest i live alone like a hermit
what i have to tell, nothing much

krastian 12.05.2010 02:31 AM

Drain You came on my Zune the other day driving to work, so that was pretty sweet.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.05.2010 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
i are troll

at least half of me is floatingsorely


kinn 12.05.2010 05:06 AM

pbard is torl.

he nuek corhea.

segrit ajint of jim bong jil.

ann ashtray 12.05.2010 05:10 AM

Pulled from my blog. Pretty much covers the most important aspects of my love for Nirvana:

Fifth grade will forever be burned/scorched/branded somewhere directly in the center of my skull. That year marked some significant changes...changes that without any shadow of doubt would forever alter the person I would become. Personal circumstances that took place before that year, + a sudden change of pace from utter chaos (in the RED!) to something a bit more stable left me, well, slightly pissed and confused about virtually everything around and within me. Puberty probably didn't help matters much either, but certain details shall be spared. I'll just say that despite the anger + confusion, there was also a great deal of frustration...+ that will be left @ that.

I began some sort of "voyage" that year in hopes of something/anything that would make sense to me + I found it via the most intense (! ! !) drug I've ever An Uncle began letting me borrow CD's (and sometimes even cassettes...this was '93-'94) by artists w/ names like Soundgarden/Nirvana/+ White Zombie. I dug them all, but Nirvana hit a very specific nerve. I felt as if I understood this music, and the strange part was, I felt it understood me, too. I vividly remember looking forward to going to bed. Bedtime meant laying under bundles of blankets, ears sore from earphones blasting Nevermind.

Kurt also died that year. How convenient. I think this fact led to me taking his music much more seriously...I mean, clearly at least some of the emotions he was displaying weren't just theater. Somewhere along the line...maybe 8th or 9th grade, I became obsessed w/ Kurt C., the individual. Reading/saving/collecting any scrap interview/book I could find. Seeing names like "Sonic Youth", "Black Flag", + "Butthole Surfers" being dropped. I had to check out these other artists...not long after everything was full blown punk rock...AND...something else....

If I loved those Nirvana guys because I COULD understand, over the course of time I began to love Sonic Youth because I COULD NOT! They were an open invitation to all things weird. Cheap speakers spitting mystery all over my walls, covering everything in sonic goo(p). They began to open doors (that in turn would occasionally open other doors) to ideas + forms of art/music I may not have considered otherwise. Fucked up French cinema + free jazz. Walt Whitman + Phillip K. Dick. Noise and a sense of freedom to create anything I want, anyway I want. INSTANT COMPOSITION! Something about the Youth made it easy for me to accept anything as being art, even if it happened to be art I couldn't dig.

If Nirvana was me searching for answers, Sonic Youth was me growing up a bit + accepting the fact that answers aren't always there. There is a very specific strand of beauty that can come with "NOT knowing". Just leaving one's mind open to all things (im)possible.


To quote a friend: "Nirvana taught me about passion, Sonic Youth taught me about freedom". < Couldn't have said it better myself.

It's 5:03 am, and to be quite honest I can't remember where I intended to go with any of this...just a rant for rant's sake. I've grown bored with it. My audits running + my thoughts have shifted towards going home, drinking a beer, and crawling in bed w/ my GF.

Again, whatever....

Stay Free,


kinn 12.05.2010 05:55 AM

fucking puke.

krut curbone is burning in a pit in hell for eternity, and there is a needle filled with a delicious dose of heroin dangled in front of him constantly, but as soon as he grabs it it turns into a laptop with nothing but swa's posts about him on the display. no matter how hard he types he can't remove swa's posts from the screen, eventually he throws the laptop away in disgust, and it turns into a needle again. ad infinitum.

kinn 12.05.2010 10:00 AM

*crit corboune

kinn 12.05.2010 10:05 AM

*birt creerbin

kinn 12.05.2010 10:05 AM

*krubrt jardine

kinn 12.05.2010 10:06 AM

*turk tarpalin

flashlight69 12.05.2010 12:35 PM

nirvana is pure brilliance and they were still in the "growing" process in the point of songwriting.if kurt had not killed himself this would not have been even the start of it

and their song catalogue includes the best riffs ever
( in bloom, anyreusm,polly,drain you ..)

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